Using the Site

Main Navigation

Select the video below to see how to use all the website controls (this video does not include sound).


Interface tour.


A right-side flyout menu is provided for mobile users.



Mobile navigation.




Representing the toolbar area at screen top.


The top portion of your screen (PC and mobile) contains multiple controls and a full-width Search box.

Use the arrows on the toolbar at the top right to browse related topics in sequence.

Selecting Cooper’s signature at upper left returns you to the Home page. The breadcrumb trail at upper right shows your path to the current page.

You can also hide and show the Contents pane, print a page, and email feedback using the toolbar icons on both PC and mobile devices.


Toolbar Icon    Meaning
Hide the Table of Contents. The icon changes shape. (PC only)
Show the Table of Contents. The icon changes shape. (PC only)
Found search items are highlighted in chrome yellow. Select this icon to remove the yellow highlights (e.g., before printing).
Send feedback on this site. An email pops up, partially filled in.
Print the current page.
Back up to the previous page within this site only.
Advance to the next page or PDF within this site only.


Hover the mouse over an icon to display a tooltip describing the icon’s function.


Icons and tooltip detail.


The video in Main Navigation above demonstrates how to use all the website controls.



Search Basics

  • Use the categorized side menu to “drill down” by section.
  • Use the Search box for targeted finds.

Enter keywords or phrases in the Search bar near the top of the screen to search the full contents of this site.

You can use AND, OR, NOT, quotation marks and other selectors when creating search phrases.

A Google®-style results page presents a list of found topics.

Our example searches for the word “Dresden.”


Search results page with descriptive text and linked titles.


Selecting one of our found titles above (Forward by Prof. Thomas Philbrick) yields the highlighted page shown below.

  • To turn off the yellow highlights, select the yellow highlighter icon at the upper right of your screen.




Finding Information




Indexes and Other Resources


Resources section detail.

Be sure to visit the Resources section of the menu for comprehensive, cross-referenced article indexes, a complete list of downloadable PDFs stored at this site, and curated links to yet more Cooper materials worldwide.



Finding Information