Where Was James?: A James Fenimore Cooper Chronology from 1789 to 1851

Compiled by Hugh C. MacDougall, Secretary/Treasurer, James Fenimore Cooper Society

Originally published as James Fenimore Cooper Society Miscellaneous Papers, No. 3, May 1993, revised January 1998.

© 1993 by James Fenimore Cooper Society.

[May be reproduced for instructional use by individuals or institutions; commercial use prohibited.]


Where Was James? records the whereabouts of James Fenimore Cooper from his birth in 1789 until his death in 1851. Locations are where Cooper slept on the date indicated. The record is based primarily on Cooper’s own letters, journals, and travel books. Where necessary, dates have been estimated [c.], and gaps have been filled by inference. Days of the week have been entered at intervals, for specific well-established dates.

To put Cooper’s travels in context, this chronology also notes major family events (births, deaths, marriages) during Cooper’s lifetime, the first publication of his novels and other major works (in Europe for 1827-1833; otherwise in America), periods when Cooper appears to have been writing, revising, or proofreading particular books, and the known reasons for other specific trips.

Cooper’s travel habits vacillated. Even during his years in Europe, he would engage in bursts of exhausting travel and tourism, followed by long periods of inactivity [see January 19, 1832]. Following Cooper’s return to America in 1833, and despite his extensive sightseeing in Europe, he seems hardly ever to have travelled for pleasure, and, except for a few business trips to Detroit, rarely strayed from the Albany-New York-Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington corridor.

This chronology is not complete. Some trips have certainly been missed entirely, and dates and itineraries need to be refined and amplified. The period before Cooper’s departure for Europe in 1826 is largely based on sparse and often imprecise recollections, often recorded long after the events chronicled. Visits to relatives in Westchester County are especially poorly documented. A search of 19ᵗʰ Century memoirs and journals would certainly turn up meetings with Cooper that would amplify and refine the record.

A second printing of Where was James?, in January 1998, revised the text to show that Cooper ran away to sea in August, not April, 1806; this version is available in hard copy from the Cooper Society.

The web version now presented has been further corrected and updated from time to time, most recently in April 2000 — it is intended to represent the most up-to-date information available; suggestions for further revisions or corrections should be sent to the James Fenimore Cooper Society, so that they can be incorporated into this text.

The original typography and arrangement of Where was James? has been substantially modified for web presentation. Sources for information, enclosed in [square brackets], are identified at the end of the document.

Family members accompanying Cooper on particular trips are recorded as follows:

  • Whole family (entire family party)
  • F only - all family members except JFC
  • JFC - James Fenimore Cooper (b. 1789)
  • SFC - Susan Augusta Fenimore Cooper, his wife (b. 1792>
  • S - Susan Augusta Fenimore Cooper (Susy), daughter (b. 1813)
  • C - Caroline Martha Cooper (Cally), daughter (b. 1815)
  • A - Anne Charlotte Fenimore Cooper (Charley), daughter (b. 1817)
  • Friday - Maria Frances Fenimore Cooper (Fanny), daughter (b. 1819)
  • P - Paul Fenimore Cooper, son (b. 1824)
  • W - William Yeardley Cooper, nephew (b. 1809, d. Paris, October 1, 1831)

Where Was James?

  • I — Childhood and Education (1789-l806)
    • Burlington (1789-1790)
    • Cooperstown (1790-1801)
    • Albany (Ellison’s School) (1801-1803)
    • New Haven (Yale College) <1803-1806>
  • II — Sailor (1806-1810)
    • Cruise of the Stirling (1806-1807)
    • Naval Service (1808-1810)
  • III — Gentleman Farmer (1811-1820)
    • Mamaroneck (1811)
    • New Rochelle (1812-1813)
    • Cooperstown (1813-1817)
    • Mamaroneck (1817-1818)
    • Scarsdale (1818-1829)
  • IV — Novelist (1820-1826)
    • Scarsdale (1820-1822)
    • New York (1822-1826)
  • V — Living in Europe (1826-1833)
    • Voyage to Europe (June-July 1826)
    • Paris (July 1826-July 1828)
    • Switzerland (July-October 1828)
    • Italy (October 1828-May 1830)
    • Paris (September 1830-August 1833)
    • Voyage Home (August-November 1833)
  • VI — Rebel Back Home (1833-1838)
    • New York City (November 1833-May 1836)
    • Cooperstown (May 1836-1838)
  • VII — Novelist Again (1839-1851)
    • Cooperstown (1839-1851)

. — Childhood and Education (1789-1806)

Burlington (1789-1790)


  • — — September 15: Birth of James Fenimore Cooper
  • Tuesday September 15-December — — Burlington, NJ (457 High Street)


  • January-c. September Burlington, NY (High Street)

Cooperstown (1790-1801)

  • c. October 1-December 31 — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Manor House)


  • January-c.September — — Cooperstown (Manor House)
  • c. October-December — — Burlington, New Jersey [B.I-4]


  • January-c. April — — Burlington [B.I-4]
  • c. May-December Cooperstown (Manor House) [B.I-4]


  • January-c. September — — Cooperstown (Manor House) [B.I-4]
  • c. October-December — — Burlington [B.I-4]


  • January-c.April — — Burlington [B.I-4]
  • c. May.-December — — Cooperstown (Otsego Hall) [B.I-4]


  • January-December — — Cooperstown [B:1]
  • — — September 10: death of sister Hannah Cooper

1801 Albany (Ellison’s School) (1801-1803)

  • January-December — — Albany (St. Peter’s Rectory) [B:2; SFM.51]


  • January-c. April — — Albany (Ellison’s school) [B.I-5]
  • c. May-c. December — — New Haven (being tutored) [B.I-5}

1803 New Haven (Yale College) (1803-1806)

  • c. January — — Cooperstown (?)
  • February c.3-December — — New Haven (Yale College) [B.I-5; B:210]


  • January-December — — New Haven (Yale College) [B:3]


  • January-c. June — — New Haven (Yale College) [Tay.341}
  • c. July-December — — Cooperstown (Otsego Hall)


  • January-June c.25 — — Cooperstown (Otsego Hall) [Tay.341; Ec.]

I. — Sailor (1806-1810)

Cruise of the Stirling (1806-1807)

  • June c.25 — — New York [Tay.342]
  • July c.15 — — Philadelphia [Tay.342]
  • c. August — — New York (joined US merchant ship Stirling, Capt. John Johnston, as ordinary sailor) [NM.22; B.I-5]
  • September c.1-October c.15 — — at sea [NM.24]
  • October c.16-17 — — St. Helen’s Roads, off Isle of Wight, England [NM.24]
  • — Via: Straits of Dover [NM.26]
  • October c.18-December 31 — — London [NM.26-27]


  • January 1-c.25 — — London [NM.27]
  • — at sea via Bay of Biscay, Straits of Gibraltar [NM.27-28]
  • “several days” — — Carthagena, Spain (quarantine) [NM.29]
  • loading cargo — — Aguilas, Spain [NM.30]
  • “several weeks” loading — — Almeria, Spain [NM.30]
  • — at sea via Straits of Gibraltar, Bay of Biscay [NM.31-32]
  • May c.1-c.15 — — Falmouth, England (quarentine) [NM.34]
  • May c.15-July c.30 — — London (discharging and loading cargo) [NM.35]
  • July c.31-September c.17 — — at sea [NM.39]
  • September 18 — — Returned Philadelphia [B.I-5]
  • c. October-December 31 — — Cooperstown (?)


  • January 1-February c.15 — — Cooperstown (?)
  • — — January 1: Commissioned as Midshipman in the U.S. Navy
  • February 19-20 — — New York [B:4]

Naval Service (1808-1810)

  • Naval Service, US Bomb-ketch Vesuvius (March-July 1808):
  • March 2-July 4 — — New York Harbor (repairs) [B.I-6]
  • July 9-28 — — New York awaiting orders [B.I-14n]
  • Travel to Oswego (July-August 1808):
  • July 28 — — New York [B.I-14n]
  • — Via: stage [B.I-14n]
  • August 22 — — Oswego (construction of US Brig Oneida, under Lt. Melancthon Woolsey) [B.I-14n]
  • Naval Service, Oswego (August 1808-October 1809):
  • August 22-December 31 — — Oswego [B:5,6; B.I-14n]
  • — Trips: Buffalo, Niagara Falls [P& P.308-309; OO.484]


  • January 1-October c.10 — — Oswego [B:7-9;[B.I-14n,15n]
  • Travel to New York (October-November 1809):
  • October c.11 — — Oswego [B.I-15n]
  • November c.7 — — New York [B:10]
  • November 8-20 — — New York (furlough)[B:10; B.I-15n]
  • Naval Service, US Sloop Wasp (November 1809-May 1810):
  • November 13-December 7 — — New York, under Lt. James Lawrence (recruiting duty) [B.I-6; B.I-15n]
  • December 8-31 — — Cooperstown (furlough) [B.I-16n]
  • — — December 22: Death of father William Cooper


  • c. January-May 16 — — New York (recruiting) [B:11; B.I-6,17n,73n]
  • — — May 17: Left U.S. Navy (one-year furlough) — —
  • May 17-December 31 — — New York (furlough) [B:12; B.I-17n]
  • — Trip: (c. June) Cooperstown

II. — Gentleman Farmer (1811-1820)

1811 Mamaroneck (1811)

  • January 1-c.5 — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [B.I-23]
  • — — January 1: Marriage to Susan Augusta DeLancey — —
  • Wedding Trip to Cooperstown (JFC,SFC) (January 1811):
  • January c.6-c.30 — — Cooperstown [Peck.302]
  • back in Mamaroneck
  • c. February-c. March — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [B.I-23]
  • Excursion to Cooperstown (JFC,SFC) (April-September 1811):
  • c. April-c. July — — Cooperstown [B:13; B.I-23,73n]
  • — Via: gig (driven by JFC) [SFM.23]
  • — — May 6: Resignation from US Navy accepted
  • back in Mamaroneck
  • c. August-c. December — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [B.I-23; SFM.29]
  • ------September 27: Birth of daughter Elizabeth Cooper

1812 New Rochelle (1812-1813) (JFC,SFC)

  • c. January-April c.27 — — New Rochelle (Closet Hall) [SFM.29]
  • Visit to Cooperstown (JFC) (April 1812):
  • April 28-May c.14 — — Cooperstown [B:14]
  • back in New Rochelle
  • May c.15-December 31 — — New Rochelle (Closet Hall) [B:15; SFM.29]
  • — Trips:Shelter Island (?)[P&P.390]


  • January 1-c. March — — New Rochelle (Closet Hall) [B:16; SFS.29]
  • — — March 13: death of brother Richard Fenimore Cooper
  • c. April-c. June — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [SFM.29]
  • — — April 17: Birth of daughter Susan Augusta Fenimore Cooper
  • — — June 13: Death of daughter Elizabeth Cooper

Cooperstown (1813-1817) (whole family)

  • — Via: rasée [SFM.23]
  • July-December — — Cooperstown (Fenimore) [B:17; B.I-23]


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Fenimore) [B:18]
  • — Trips: Albany ? [SFM.15]


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Fenimore)
  • — — June 26: Birth of daughter Caroline Martha Cooper
  • — Trips: Albany ? [SFM.15]


  • January-December — — Cooperstown (Fenimore) [B:19-20]
  • Trips: Albany ? [SFM.15]


  • January-c. September — — Cooperstown (Fenimore) [B:21]
  • — — May 14: Birth of daughter Ann Charlotte Fenimore Cooper
  • Visit to Westchester County (whole family) (c. June 1817):
  • — Via: Carriage (?) to Albany (3 days); steamboat to New York; carriage (?) to Mamaroneck [SFM.23]
  • Winding Up Affairs in Cooperstown (JFC) (c. July-September 1817):
  • c. July- c. September — — Cooperstown [SFM.24]
  • — — September 15: Death of mother Elizabeth Fenimore Cooper

Mamaroneck (1817-1818) (whole family)

  • c. October-December — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [Pick.306; SFM.35]


  • January-c.March — — Mamaroneck (Heathcote Hill) [Pick.306]
  • — — January 1: Death of brother Isaac Cooper

Scarsdale (1818-1820) (whole family)

  • c. April-December — — Scarsdale (Angevine) [B.I-24; SFM.35]


  • January-December — — Scarsdale (Angevine)
  • — — February 15: Death of brother Samuel Cooper
  • — — June 15: Birth of daughter Maria Frances Fenimore Cooper
  • — — October 19: Death of brother William Cooper
  • — Trips: New York City; Sag Harbor (whaling ship Union)

V. — Novelist (1820-1826)

1820 Scarsdale (1820-1822) (whole family)

  • January-December — — Scarsdale (Angevine) [B:22-50]
  • — Writing Precaution (Mar-June) [B:24-26]
  • — Writing The Spy (June - ?) [B:27]
  • — Proofreading Precaution (July-October) [B:28-50]
  • — — November 10: Publication of Precaution (New York)
  • — Trips: New York City [SFM:48]; Sag Harbor (whaling ship Union); Boston (?) (return via Union?) [SFM:38]; Bedford, NY [home of John Jay] [SFM:39; P&P.29]
  • — Writing The Pioneers [Pn.xix]


  • January-December — — Scarsdale (Angevine)
  • — — October 23: Birth of son Fenimore Cooper
  • — — December 22: Publication of The Spy (New York)
  • — Trips: New York City (letters May 23, September 6, November 15) [B:51-53]; Sag Harbor (?) {Whaling ship Union)


  • January-c.September — — Scarsdale (Angevine)
  • — Trips: Washington (January ?) (LM.xix; P&P.130]; New York City (letters sent April 24, July 30) [B:54,55]; Washington (September) [B:56,61]; Catskill [P& P.122; Pn.292-294]; Sag Harbor (?) (whaling ship Union); Newport, R.I. (?) (in Union) [P&P.183]

(1822-1826) (whole family)

  • c. October-December — — New York (554 Broadway) [B:56-60]


  • January-April — — New York (554 Broadway)B.I-84;B:61-64
  • — — February 1: Publication of The Pioneers (New York)
  • — — January 30-February 15: Publication of Tales for Fifteen (New York)
  • — Trips: West Point (April 19-24) [B:65; B.I-97n]
  • May-December — — New York (3 Beach St.) [SFM.50; B.I-84; B:65-69]
  • — Writing The Pilot [Pt.xxv; B:64]
  • Summer in Turtle Bay (June-July 1823) (whole family):
  • June-July — — Turtle Bay [SFM.51]
  • back in New York
  • — — August 5: Death of son Fenimore Cooper


  • January - April — — New York (3 Beach St.) [B.I-84; B:70]
  • — — January 7: Publication of The Pilot (New York)
  • Trip to Boston, Charlestown, Providence (January 1824) (JFC):
  • January c.12-c.16 — — Boston & Charlestown [LL.xvi; B:70; SFM.102]
  • — Research for Lionel Lincoln [LL.xvi]
  • Saturday January 17-19 — — Providence, [RIB:70]
  • — — February 3: Birth of son Paul Fenimore Cooper
  • back in New York
  • May-December — — New York (345 Greenwich St.)[SFM.53; B.I-84; B:71-72]
  • — Writing Lionel Lincoln [LL.xxi]
  • Summer in Bay-Side (June-August 1824) (whole family):
  • c. June- c. August Bay-Side, near Flushing [SFM.55]
  • Excursion to Saratoga and Lake George (August 1824) (JFC, with Edward Stanley, Henry Labouchere, Evelyn Denison, and John Wortley):
  • August — — Albany [P&P.125*; LM.xx]; Cohoes [P&P.125] Saratoga [P&P.125]; Ballston [P&P.125]; Lake George [P&P.125]
  • August c.13 — — Glenn’s Falls [P&P.125]
  • back in New York

* P&P puts the trip in 1825; LM demonstrates that it was in 1824.


  • January-December — — New York (345 Greenwich St.) [B.I-84; B:73-75]
  • — — February 5: Publication of Lionel Lincoln (New York)
  • Summer in Astoria (April-September 1825) (whole family):
  • April c.22-September c.15 — — Sunswick, Astoria (Hallett’s Cove) [LM.xxiv; B:73; SFM.57; B.I-121n]
  • — Writing The Last of the Mohicans [LM.xxiv]
  • back in New York


  • January 1-May 31 — — New York (345 Greenwich St.) [B.I-84; B:76-85]
  • — Writing The Prairie [Pr.xv]
  • — — February 6: publication of The Last of the Mohicans (Philadelphia)
  • Visit to Washington (JFC) (May 1826):
  • May ?-? to meet with Petalasharoo and a delegation of Pawnee and Sioux Indian Chiefs; JFC had previously met them in New York [SFM:59]

. — Living in Europe (1826-1833)

Voyage to Europe (June-July 1826) (whole family)

  • June 1-July 1 — — at sea
  • — Via: steamboat Hudson, Capt. Champlin [B.I-153n; Fr.3; SFM.60]
  • — entered England
  • Stopover in England (July 1826):
  • Wednesday, July 2 — — West Cowes, Isle of Wight (The Fountain) [B:86; Friday.17; SFM.60]
  • — Visit: Carisbrooke Castle [B:86; Fr.22]
  • Thursday, July 3 — — Newport, Isle of Wight [B:86; Fr.26]
  • — Via: steamboat
  • Friday, July 4 — — Southampton (F only)[B:86; Fr.26; SFM.60]
  • — Via: coach, via Winchester (JFC only)
  • July 4-c.13 — — London (JFC only) (Adam St. Hotel) [B:86; Fr.30]
  • — Via: night coach, via Winchester [Fr.41]
  • July c.14 — — en route [Fr.42]
  • July c.14-c.16 — — Southampton (JFC & F) [B:86; Fr.43]
  • — Via: steamboat Camilla [Fr.45; SFM.62]
  • July c.17 — — in the Channel [Fr.46]
  • Arrival in France:
  • Tuesday July 18-20 — — Havre (Hotel d’Angleterre) [B:86; Fr.47,52]
  • — Via: steamboat via Honfleur to Rouen.
  • — Visit: Rouen Cathedral
  • — Via: carriage, via Louviers [SFM.62]
  • Wednesday, July 21 — — Vernon [Fr.61]
  • — Via: carriage, via Rosny, St. Germain-en-Laye
  • July 22-c.31 — — Paris (Hôtel Montmorency) [B:86-87; Fr.63; Jrn (7/22/1832)]

Paris (July 1826-July 1828) (whole family)

  • August c.1-December 31 — — Paris >(Hôtel Jumilhac, 12 Rue St. Maur)[B:86-102; SFM.63]
  • — Continued writing The Prairie [Pr.xv]
  • — Proofreading The Prairie [Pr.xv]
  • — Trips: La Grange (Home of General Lafayette) (October) [B:91; NA.xvi]


  • January 1-May 31 — — Paris (Hôtel Jumilhac) [B:103-112]
  • — Visits: Versailles, La Grange (home of Lafayette)[B.I-146]
  • — Writing The Red Rover [RR.xxi]
  • — — April 21: publication of The Prairie (London)
  • Summer in St. Ouen (June-November 1827) (whole family): June 1-November 16 — — St. Ouen [B:113-122; SFM.67]
  • Visits: St. Denis, Senlis, Compiègne, Soissons, Montmorency [B.I-146]
  • back in Paris
  • November 17-December 31 — — Paris (Hôtel Chatam, 57 Neuve Rue St. Florentin)[B:124]
  • — Writing Notions of the Americans [B.I-146; NA.xxvii]
  • — — November 27: Publication of The Red Rover (Paris)


  • January 1-February 24 — — Paris (Hôtel Chatam) [B:125-126]
  • Travel to England (February-March 1828) (JFC, SFC, P, W):
  • — Via: carriage
  • Monday-Wednesday, February 25-27 — — Calais (Hôtel Dessin) [B.I-253; Eng.5]
  • — Via: steam packet
  • entered England
  • Dover (Wright’s Tavern) [Eng.7,8]
  • — Via: carriage
  • Thursday, February 28 — — Canterbury (Wright’s Tavern)[B.I-253; Eng.14]
  • — Via: Rochester, Sittingbourne, Chatham, Gravesend, Woolwich [Eng.17,18]
  • February 29-March 4 — — London (Mrs. Wright’s Hotel, Adam St
  • March 5-May 27 — — London (33 St. James Place) [B:130-140]
  • — Proofreading Notions of the Americans [NA.xxxii]
  • — Day visits: Windsor, Richmond Hill, Hampstead, Oxford (?), Cambridge (?) [Eng.168; B.I-255]
  • Excursion to Hertfordshire (JFC, SFC, others?) (May 1828):
  • — Via: coach, via Edmonton, Waltham [Eng.251]
  • May ?? (several nights) — — Hoddeston, Hertfordshire, Home of John L. McAdam, SFC’s brother-in-law [Eng.165,251]
  • — Visits: Waltham Cross, Rye-house (Essex), Roydon-house
  • Return via Holland (May-June 1828) (JFC, SFC, P, W):
  • — Via: paddle-wheel steamboat
  • Wednesday, May 28 — — en route to Holland [Eng.305]
  • entered Holland
  • Rotterdam (Hôtel du Pays Bas) [B:140; Jrn; Eng.307]
  • — Via:Delft [Jrn; B.I-268n]
  • Thursday, May 29 — — The Hague [B:140; Jrn; B.I-268n]
  • — Via: Leyden, Catwyk
  • Friday, May 30 — — Harlaem (Goude Lieun Inn) [B.I-268n; Jrn]
  • c. May 31-June 2 — — Amsterdam [B:140; Jrn]
  • Via: Utrecht, Gorcum, Breda [Jrn; B.I-268n]
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, June 3-4 — — Antwerp (Hôtel Grand Laboureur) [B:140; Jrn; B.I-268n;
  • Thursday-Friday. June 5-6 — — Brussels [B:140; Jrn]
  • — Visit: Waterloo [B:140; Jrn]
  • Saturday, June 7 — — Mons [Jrn; B.I-268n]
  • entered France
  • — Via: Valenciennes, Bouchain, Cambray, Peronne [Jrn]
  • Sunday, June 8 — — Roie [Jrn]
  • back in Paris
  • June 9-July 13 — — Paris (Hôtel Jumilhac [again] [Jrn; B.I-269]
  • — — June 20: Publication of Notions of the Americans (London

Switzerland (July-October 1828) (whole family)

  • Through France to Switzerland (July 1828): Start from Paris July 14
  • ------Via: Melun [Jrn]
  • Monday, July 14 — — Fontainebleau [Jrn; Sw.8]
  • — Visit: Palace of Fontainebleau
  • — Via: Sens [Jrn; Sw.8]
  • Tuesday, July 15 — — Auxerre [Jrn; Sw.8]
  • — Via: Nivernais [Jrn]
  • Wednesday, July 16 — — Avallon [Jrn; Sw.9]
  • — Via: Maison Neuve, St. Berthould [Jrn]
  • Thursday, July 17 — — Dijon (Hôtel de Parc) [Jrn; Sw.10]
  • — Via: Genlis, Auxonne, mount Roland, Dole, Mouchard [Jrn]
  • Friday, July 18 — — Salins [Jrn; Sw.14]
  • — Via: Levier, Pontarlier
  • entered Switzerland
  • — Via: Rousseau
  • Saturday-Sunday, July 19-20 — — Neuchatel [Jrn; Sw.21]
  • Berne (July-October 1828) (whole family): July 21-August 3 (La Lorraine) [Jrn; Sw.26; SFM.70]
  • — Visit: Hindelbank [Jrn]
  • Excursion to the Bernese Oberland (August 1828) (JFC,SFC,S,W):
  • Start August 4 from Berne
  • — Via: carriage to Thun, boat to Neuhaus, carriage via Unterseen {Jrn; Sw.47]
  • Monday August 4 — — Lauterbrunnen [Jrn; Sw.48]
  • — Via: horse via Wengern [Sw.53]
  • Tuesday, August 5 — — Grindelwald [Jrn; Sw.56]
  • — Via: horse via Rosenlaui, Reichenbach Falls [Sw.59]
  • Wednesday, August 6 — — Meyringen [Jrn; Sw.63]
  • — Via: carriage to Brienz, boat to Interlaken, carriage to Neuhaus, boat to Thun, carriage to Berne [Sw.63]
  • back in Berne
  • August 7-24 — — Berne (La Lorraine) [B:141; Jrn]
  • — Visits: numerous day trips around Berne
  • Excursion to Northern Cantons (August 1828) (JFC, SFC, S, W):
  • Start August 25 from Berne
  • — Via: Soleure [Solothurn] [Jrn; Sw.71]
  • Monday, August 25 — — Olten [Jrn; Sw.74]
  • — Via: Aarau, Brugg, Baden [Jrn; Sw.75]
  • — Visit: ruined Castle of Habsbourg (nr. Aarau), Roman ruins (Baden)
  • Tuesday, August 26 — — Kaiserstuhl (Inn on German side) [Jrn; Sw.79]
  • — Via: Schaffhausen, Stein, Stekborn
  • — Visit: Falls of the Rhine [Jrn; Sw.80]
  • Wednesday, August 27 — — Constance (L’Aigle d’Or) [Jrn; Sw.83,86]
  • — Via: Rorschach [Jrn; Sw.86]
  • — Visit: across river into Austria (Vorarlburg) (at Rheineck)
  • Thursday, August 28 — — Rheineck [Jrn; Sw.87]
  • — Via: Alstetten, Gais, St. Gall [Jrn; Sw.91]
  • Friday, August 29 — — Herisau (Lin d’Or) [Jrn; Sw.96]
  • — Via: Lichtensteig, Watwyl, Usnach [Jrn; Sw.97]
  • Saturday, August 30 — — Rapperschwyl (The Paon) [Jrn; Sw.99; Rh.149]
  • — Visit: on foot, old wooden bridge across Lake Zurich to Pfafikon (JFC) [Sw.100]
  • — Via: Küznacht [Jrn; Sw.103]
  • Sunday, August 31 — — Zurich [Jrn; Sw.103; Jrn 8/26/32]
  • — Via: carriage to Zug, boat to Arth, horse via New Goldau [Jrn; Sw.106]
  • Monday, September 1 — — The Righi Kulm [Jrn; Sw.117]
  • — Via: foot to Küsnacht, boat to Lucerne [Jrn; Sw.118]
  • Tuesday, September 2 — — Lucerne [Jrn; Sw.120]
  • — Via: carriage
  • Wednesday, September 3 — — Langenthal (Hotel Bären, still operating, though JFC did not mention the name) [Jrn; Sw.122]
  • back in Berne
  • September 4-7 — — Berne (La Lorraine) [Jrn; Sw.127]
  • Walking Tour of the Alps (September 1828) (JFC and guide):
  • Start September 8 from Berne
  • — Via: carriage via left bank of the Aar to Thun (with family); boat to Neuhaus [Jrn; Sw.130]
  • — Visit: The Rügen and Interlachen
  • Monday, September 8 — — Unterseen (JFC) [Jrn; Sw.135]
  • — Via: boat to Brienz, foot via Brienzwyl, the Brünig pass, Sachseln [Jrn;Sw.136]
  • Tuesday, September 9 — — Sarnen [Jrn; Sw.147]
  • — Via: foot to Stanz, carriage to Stanzstad, boat to Brunnen, Fluelen, back to Brunnen, foot via Lowerz
  • Wednesday, September 10 — — New Goldau [Jrn; Sw.161]
  • Visit: site of 1806 avalanch on the Rossburg
  • Via: foot to Rothenthurn, then carriage [Jrn; Sw.161]
  • — Visit: Einsiedeln Abbey (pilgrimage) [Jrn; Sw.167]
  • Thursday, September 11 — — Einsiedeln (The Ox) [Jrn; Sw.167]
  • Via: foot to Lachen, carriage via Naefels, Glarus, back to Naefels [Jrn; Sw.172]
  • Friday, September 12 — — Wesen [Jrn; Sw.179]
  • — Via: boat to Wallenstadt, carriage via Sargans to Ragatz, foot to Tamina Gorge [Jrn; Sw.180]
  • — Visit: Tamina Gorge and Baths of Pfäffers Abbey [Jrn; Sw.183]
  • Saturday, September 13 — — Pfäffers Abbey [Jrn; Sw.185]
  • — Visit: Baths (for a mineral water bath) [Jrn; Sw.188]
  • — Via: foot via Pfäffers to Mayenfeld (?), carriage via Coire [Chur] [Jrn; Sw.193]
  • — Visit: View at Benedictine Abbey of Pfäffers (Pfäffers) [Jrn; Sw.190]
  • Sunday, September 14 — — Reichenau [Jrn; Sw.196]
  • — Via: foot via Trins, Flims, Laax to Ilanz, horse via Trons [Jrn; Sw.197]
  • Monday, September 15 — — Disentis [Jrn; Sw.202]
  • — Via: horse
  • — Visit: on foot to Devil’s bridge [Jrn; Sw.211]
  • Tuesday, September 16 — — Andermatt [Jrn; Sw.215]
  • — Via: foot via Hospital to Realp, horse over Furca Pass, foot to Grimsel Pass [Jrn; Sw.215]
  • Wednesday, September 17 — — Hospice of the Grimsel [Jrn; Sw.220]
  • — Via: foot to Meyringen, carriage to Brienz, boat to Interlachen, foot [Jrn; Sw.221]
  • Thursday, September 18 — — Unterseen [Jrn; Sw.224]
  • — Via: boat to Thun, carriage [Jrn; Sw.230]
  • — Visit: review of troops at Thun
  • back in Berne
  • September 19-23 — — Berne (La Lorraine) [Jrn; Sw.233]
  • Excursion to Lake Geneva (September 1828) (JFC and guide):
  • Start September 24 from Berne
  • — Via: carriage via Morat, Avenches (some family members accompanying him to Payerne, continuing by carriage to Fribourg) [Jrn; Sw.234]
  • Wednesday, September 24 — — Payerne [Jrn; Sw.237]
  • — Via: foot to Lucens, carriage
  • Thursday, September 25 ------. Lausanne [Jrn; Sw.241]
  • — Via: steamboat Leman
  • Friday-Sunday, September 26-28 — — Geneva [Jrn; Sw.249]
  • — Visits (September 28): Cologny, Ferney (founded by Voltaire) [in France] [Jrn; Sw.254]
  • — Via: steamboat Leman [Jrn; Sw.257]
  • Monday, September 29 — — Lausanne [Jrn; Sw.257]
  • — Via: carriage
  • Tuesday, September 30 — — Payerne [Jrn; Sw.258]
  • — Via: carriage
  • back in Berne
  • October 1-7 — — Berne (La Lorraine) [B:142; Jrn; Sw.258]

Italy (October 1828-May 1830) (whole family)

  • Berne to Florence (October 1828): Depart Berne October 8
  • — Via two carriages
  • Wednesday, October 8 — — Payerne [Jrn; Sw.262; SFM.71]
  • — Via: Moudon (The Cerf), Carrouge, Vevay, Montreux, Chillon
  • Thursday, October 9 — — Villeneuve [Jrn; Sw.268]
  • — Via: St. Maurice, Martigny
  • Friday, October 10 — — Sion [Jrn; Sw.275]
  • — Via: Visp
  • Saturday, October 11 — — Brieg [Jrn; Sw.276]
  • — Via: Simplon Pass
  • entered Italy
  • Sunday, October 12 — — Domo D’Ossola [Jrn; Sw.287]
  • — Via: Baveno, Arona
  • — Visit: by boat to Isola Bella in Lake Maggiore
  • Monday, October 13 — — Sesto Calende [Jrn; Sw.294]
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, October 14-15 — — Milan [Jrn; Sw.296]
  • — Via: Lodi
  • Thursday, October 16 — — Piacenza [Jrn; It.6]
  • Friday, October 17 — — Parma [It.8]
  • — Via: Reggio
  • Saturday, October 18 — — Modena [It.9]
  • Sunday, October 19 — — Bologna [It.9; B.I-414n]
  • Monday, October 20 — — Mountain Inn in the Apennines [It.14]
  • October c. 21-November 24 — — Florence (Hotel York) [It.17; B.I-345]
  • Residence in Florence (October 1828-July 1829) (whole family):
  • November 25-December 3 — — Florence (Palazzo Ricasoli, Via del Cocomero) [It.19; B.I-345; SFM.71]
  • — Writing The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish
  • Excursion to Leghorn (JFC & Gouverneur Wilkins) (December 1828):
  • — Via: Mr. Wilkin’s carriage via Pistoja
  • Thursday, December 4 — — Lucca [It.28]
  • Friday, December 5 — — Pisa [It.32]
  • — Visit: Leghorn & tomb of Capt. Gamble [It.33; LTNC.222]
  • Saturday, December 6 — — Pisa [It.34]
  • back in Florence
  • December 7-31 — — Florence (Palazzo Ricasoli) [B.I-345]


  • January 1-February 25 — — Florence (Palazzo Ricasoli) [B.I-346]
  • Business Trip to Marseilles (February-March 1829) (JFC):
  • Thursday, February 26 — — en route through Pisa [B.I-345; It.50; P& P.207]
  • — Via: public carriage via Massa, Spezzia
  • Friday, February 27 — — Genoa (Croix de Malta) [B:145, 148; B.I-362n; It.52]
  • — Via: public carriage via Savona
  • Saturday, February 28 — — en route [It.56]
  • — Via: public carriage via Noli, Ventimiglia, Menton [then part of Monaco]
  • Sunday, March 1 — — Nice [then in Italy] [B:146; It58]
  • entered France
  • Tuesday, March 2 — — Antibes [B:146; It.60]
  • — Via: public carriage via Cannes, Fridayéjus, Draguignan
  • Wednesday, March 3 — — Aix [B:146; It.61]
  • March 4-13 — — Marseilles [B:146; It.62]
  • — Unsuccessful effort to arrange publication of The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish in Marseilles [B:146]
  • — Visit: Nimes or Toulon? [B:146]
  • — Via: an English Brig
  • Saturday, March 14 — — at sea [B:146; It.63]
  • entered Italy
  • March 15 — — Leghorn [B:148; It.66; LTNC.222?]
  • — Via public carriage
  • back in Florence
  • March 16-April 30 — — Florence (Palazzo Ricasoli)[It.66; B.I-346]
  • May 1-July 30 — — Florence (Villa St. Illario, Porto Romano) [It.67; B.I-346]
  • — — May: Printing completed of The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish (Florence)
  • Voyage to Naples (July-August 1829) (whole family): Depart Florence July 31
  • — Via: two carriages
  • Friday, July 31 — — en route [Jrn; It.81]
  • — Via: Pisa
  • Saturday-Monday, August 1-3 — — Leghorn (Locanda San Marco) [Jrn; It.81]
  • — Via: chartered 40-ton felucca Bella Genovese [Jrn; It.84]
  • Tuesday, August 4 — — on board [Jrn; It.84]
  • — Visit: Porto Ferrajo, Island of Elba (Quattro Nazioni Inn) [Jrn; It.86]
  • Wednesday, August 5 — — off Piombino [Jrn; It.88]
  • — Visit: Troia Island [Jrn; It.89]
  • Thursday, August 6 — — off Monte Argentaro peninsula [Jrn; It.90]
  • — Visit: Cività Vecchia [Jrn; It.90]
  • Friday, August 7 — — off the mouth of the Tiber [Jrn; It.92]
  • Saturday, August 8 — — off Naples [Jrn; It.93]
  • August 9-19 — — Naples (Hotel della Crocelle, Chiaja)[B:149; Jrn; It.95]
  • — Visits: Sorrento (August 15); Pompeii & Herculaneum (August 16)
  • Sojourn in Sorrento (August-November 1829) (whole family):
  • August 20-November c.24 — — Sorrento (Palazzo detta del Tasso [today part of the Imperial Hôtel Tramontano]) [B:149-152; Jrn; It.118]
  • — Writing The Water Witch
  • — — September 29: Publication of The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish (London)
  • — Day visits (by boat): Capri (September); Pompeii (September 29)
  • — Day visits (by foot and donkey): including a ruined convent (camaldoli) between Sorrento and Vico [It.141], St. Agata [It.142], camaldoli between St. Agata and Massa [It.142]
  • Expedition to Ischia (September 1829) (whole family): (21-oared rowboat La Divina Providenza)
  • — Via: Pozzuoli (walk to La Solfatara), Lucrine Lake (walk to Lake Averno), Baiae [It.126]
  • September ? — — Ischia
  • — Via: boat to Procida, Miscenum, foot to Baiae, boat to Sorrento
  • back in Sorrento
  • Expedition to Mt. Vesuvius (October 1829) (JFC, W):
  • — Via: boat to Naples
  • October ? — — Naples [It.148]
  • — Via: carriage to Portici, horse to the Hermitage, foot to summit of Mt. Vesuvius and descent, horse to Portici ...
  • October ? — — Naples [It.153]
  • — Via: boat to Sorrento
  • back in Sorrento
  • Expedition to Pæstum (November 1829) (JFC, W and 3 family members):
  • — Via: donkey to Scaricatojo, boat to Amalfi, boat to Salerno, carriage to Eboli
  • November ? — — Eboli (Castle of Eboli) [It.155,158; B:152]
  • — Via: carriage to Pæstum, and return direct to Salerno
  • — Visit: Pæstum [It.161]
  • November ? — — Salerno [It.165]
  • — Via: carriage to Pompeii, Castel-a-mare, Sorrento
  • back in Sorrento
  • Sorrento to Rome (November-December 1829) (whole family): Depart Sorrento November c.25
  • — Via: two carriages
  • November c.25-30 — — Naples (“private lodgings”) [It.147,172]
  • — Via: Caserta palace and aqueduct [It.180]
  • December c.1 — — Capua [It.182; B.I-346]
  • — Via: St. Agata
  • — Visit: on foot to Appian Way at Sessa [It.183]
  • December c.2 — — Mola de Gaeta [Formia] [It.184; B.I-347]
  • — Via: Fondi
  • December c.3 — — Terracina [It.185; B.I-347]
  • — Via: Cisterna
  • December c.4 — — Velletri [It.187; B.I-347]
  • — Via: Albano
  • December c.5-c.14 — — Rome (Hôtel de Paris) [It.190; B.I-347]
  • Residence in Rome (whole family) (December 1829-April 1830):
  • December c.15-31 — — Rome (50 Via Ripetta) [B:154; It.190,201; B.I-347]
  • — Unsuccessful request for authorization to publish The Water Witch in Rome [B:155]


  • January 1-April 14 — — Rome (Via Ripetta) [B:155-161; B.I-347]
  • — Visits: numerous day trips in and around Rome
  • Rome to Venice (April-May 1830) (whole family):
  • Thursday, April 15 — — Cività Castellano [It.258]
  • — Visit: Falls of Terni [It.259]
  • Friday, April 16 — — Terni [It.259]
  • Saturday, April 17 — — Spoleto [It.259]
  • — Visit: Temple of Clitumnus [It.260]
  • Sunday, April 18 — — Foligno [It.260]
  • — Via: Fiorito pass
  • Monday, April 19 — — Tolentino [It.262]
  • Tuesday, April 20 — — Loretto [It.263]
  • Wednesday, April 21 — — Ancona [It.266]
  • — Via: Sinigaglia
  • Thursday, April 22 — — Fano [It.267]
  • Friday, April 23 — — Rimini [It.269]
  • — Via: Faenza, Imola
  • Saturday, April 24 — — Bologna [It.272]
  • Sunday, April 25 — — Ferrara [It.273]
  • — Via: Rovigo
  • Monday, April 26 — — Montselice [It.275]
  • Tuesday, April 27 — — Padua [It.275]
  • — Via: carriage to Mestre, gondola
  • Venice (April-May 1830) (whole family):
  • April 28-c.30 — — Venice (Leone Bianco Inn [probably the Palazzo Corner-Martinengo-Ravà, on the Grand Canal]) [B.I-414n; It.267,281]
  • May c.1-6 — — Venice (lodgings nr. Piazza San Marco) [B:162; It.282]
  • — Gathering background for The Bravo>
  • Venice to Dresden (May 1830) (whole family):
  • — Via: boat to Mestre, carriage via Vicenza
  • Friday, May 7 — — Verona (Hôtel de Ville de Paris) [B.I-414n]
  • entered Germany
  • Saturday, May 8 — — Trent [B.I-414n; It.300]
  • — Via: Botzen
  • Sunday, May 9 — — Brixen [It.301]
  • Monday, May 10-11 — — Innsbruck (Soleil D’Or) [B.I-414n]
  • Wednesday May 12 — — [Kufstein ???]
  • Thursday-Friday, May 13-14 — — Munich (Cerf D’Or) [B.I-414n]
  • Saturday, May 15 — — Landshut (Prince Royal) [B.I-414n]
  • Sunday, May 16 — — Regensburg (Golden Cross) [B.I-414n]
  • Monday, May 17 — — Amburg (Wittelsbach) [B.I-414n]
  • Tuesday, May 18 — — Beyreuth (Soleil D’Or) [B.I-414n]
  • Wednesday, May 19 — — Hof (Maison de Brandenbourg) [B.I-414n]
  • Thursday, May 20 — — Chemnitz [B.I-414n]
  • — Via: Freiberg
  • Sojourn in Dresden (May-August 1830) (whole family):
  • May 21-August 10/24 — — Dresden (Hôtel de Pologne) [B:163-168; B.I-414n,415]
  • — Proofreading The Water Witch [B:163; B.I-415]
  • Return to Paris (August 1830) (JFC):
  • Wednesday, August 11-12 — — Leipzig [B.I-436n]
  • Friday, August 13 — — Weimar [B:170]
  • — Via: Erfurth, Gotha [B.I-436n]
  • Saturday, August 14 — — Eisenach (?) [B:170]
  • — Via: Fulda, Hanau [B.I-436n]
  • Sunday, August 15 — — Francfort (The White Swan) [B:170]
  • Monday, August 16 — — Mayence (?) [B:170]
  • — Via: Château-Thierry [B.I-436n]
  • August 20-31 — — Paris (Hôtel de Mars) [B:171]
  • Return to Paris (rest of family) (August 1830):
  • Wednesday, August 25 — — Leipzig (?) [B:170]
  • Thursday, August 26 — — Weimar (?) [B:170]
  • Saturday, August 28 — — Fulda (?) [B:170]
  • August 29-c.31 — — Francfort (?) (The White Swan) [B:170]

Paris (September 1830-August 1833) (whole family)

  • September 1-November c.30 — — Paris (22 Rue d’Aguesseau) [B:172-178; B.II-4]
  • — — bef. September 18: Publication of The Water Witch (Dresden)
  • December c.1-31 — — Paris (13 Rue St. Florentin) [B:179-180; B.II-4]


  • January 1-March c.31 — — Paris (Rue St. Florentin)
  • April c.1-September 4 — — Paris (Hôtel St. Susanne, 59 Rue St. Dominique) [B.II-47; B:196-229]
  • — Revising The Spy for new English edition [B:195,197,220]
  • — Revising The Pioneers for new English edition [B:208]
  • — Revising The Last of the Mohicans for new English edition B:228]
  • — Writing and proofreading The Bravo [B:220,222,228]
  • Excursion to Belgium and Germany (September 1831) (JFC, SFC, Fr, P):
  • Monday, September 5 — — Rouen [B:238; H.vi]
  • Tuesday, September 6 — — Dieppe [B:229,238; H.vi]
  • September c.7 — — Abbeville [B:229,238]
  • September c.8 — — Arras [B:229,238]
  • entered Belgium
  • Douay — — [B:229;H.vi]
  • — Via: Tournai [B:229,238; B.II-142n; H.vi]
  • Friday, September 9 — — Ath (The Cigne) [B:229,238; B.II-142n; H.vi]
  • September 10-12 — — Brussels [B:229,230,238; B.I-268n; H.vi]
  • — Via: Louvain, Thirlemont, Liege, Jülich [B:229,238; B.II-142n; H.vii]
  • entered Germany
  • Tuesday, September 13 — — Aix-la-Chapelle [B:229,238; B.I-268n; H.viii]
  • Wednesday, September 14 — — Cologne [B:229,238; B.II-142n; H.viii]
  • Thursday, September 15 — — Coblentz [B:229; B.II-143n]
  • Friday, September 16 — — Mayence [B:229,238; H.ix]
  • — Via: St. Goar, Ingelheim [B.II-143n]
  • September 17-18 — — Francfort [B:229,238; B.II-143n]
  • — Via: Darmstadt, Heppenheim [B:229,238; B.II-143n]
  • Monday, September 19 — — Heidelburg [B:229,238; B.II-143n; H.xii]
  • September c.20 — — Manheim [B:229,238; H.xii]
  • — Via: Durkheim (The Ox) [B:238; H.xiv]
  • — Visit: the Heidenmauer and the Teufelstein, background for The Heidenmauer [H.xvii]
  • September c.21 — — Kaiserlautern [B:229,238; B.II-143n; B:238]
  • entered France
  • Forbach [B:238]
  • reentered Germany [to avoid quarentine]
  • September c.22 — — Sarbruk [B:229]
  • September c.23 — — Sarlouis [B:229]
  • September c.24 — — Treves [Trier] [B:229,238]
  • September c.25 — — Luxembourg B:229,238]
  • entered France
  • — Via: Longwy [B:229,238]
  • September c.26 — — Reims [B:229]
  • September c.27 — — Soissons [B:229]
  • back in Paris
  • September c.28-December 31 — — Paris (Rue St. Dominique) [B:231-245]
  • — — October 1: Death in Paris of William Yeardley Cooper, JFC’s nephew and secretary
  • — — October 15: Publication of The Bravo (London)
  • — Writing The Heidenmauer
  • — — December 12: Publication of Letter to General Lafayette (Paris)


  • January 1-July 17 — — Paris (Rue St. Dominique) [B:246-283]
  • — Revising The Prairie and Lionel Lincoln for new English edition [B:249]
  • — Beginning to write The Monikins [B.II-232; B:272,349]
  • [January 19: “{I have not} dined or passed an evening out of my own house in five months.”] [B:248]
  • Visit to Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland (July-October 1832)(whole family):
  • — Via: family carriage via St. Denis, Gonesse [Rh.87]
  • Wednesday, July 18 — — Senlis (Le Grand Cerf) [Jrn; Rh.90]
  • Thursday, July 19 — — Peronne (Hôtel le Petit St. Martin) [Jrn; Rh.91]
  • — Via: Cambray, Valenciennes [Rh.91]
  • entered Belgium
  • — — July 19: Publication of The Heidenmauer (London)
  • Friday, July 20 — — Mons (The Post) [Jrn; B.I-268n]
  • Saturday-Sunday, July 21-22 — — Brussels (Hôtel de l’Europe)[Jrn; Rh.91,92; B:285-286; B.I-268n]
  • — Via: rented coach via Malines
  • Monday, July 23 — — Antwerp [Jrn; Rh.94]
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, July 24-25 — — Brussels (Hôtel de l’Europe) [Jrn; Rh.97]
  • — Via: family carriage via Louvain [Jrn; Rh.101]
  • Thursday, July 26 — — Tirlemont [Jrn; Rh.101]
  • Friday-Sunday, July 27-29 — — Liège (L’Aigle Noir) [Jrn; Rh.102]
  • July 30-August 12 — — Spa (Hôtel d’Irlande) [Jrn; Rh.109; B:287-288]
  • — Via: Verviers [Rh.112]
  • entered Germany
  • Monday, August 13 — — Aix-la-Chapelle (Hôtel d’Hollande) [Jrn; Rh.112]
  • — Via: Juliers, Bergheim
  • Tuesday, August 14 — — Cologne [Jrn; Rh.116]
  • — Via: Bonn
  • Wednesday, August 15 — — Nonnenswerth Island (Abbey hotel) [Jrn; Rh.118; B:289]
  • Via: Andernach
  • Thursday, August 16 — — Coblentz (The Three Swiss) [Jrn; Rh.123]
  • — Via: Ritterstein, Bingen [Jrn; Rh.127]
  • Friday, August 17 — — Rudesheim [Jrn; Rh.127]
  • — Via: Johannisburg, Biberich
  • Saturday, August 18 — — Weisbaden [Jrn; Rh.133]
  • Sunday, August 19 — — Francfort (The White Swan) [Jrn; Rh.133; B:290]
  • — Via: Darmstadt
  • Monday, August 20 — — Heidelburg [Jrn; Rh.137]
  • — Via: Heilbronn
  • Tuesday, August 21 — — Besigheim [Jrn; Rh.139]
  • — Via: Ludwigsburg [Jrn; Rh.139]
  • Wednesday, August 22 — — Stuttgart [Jrn; Rh.140]
  • — Via: Tubingen, Hechingen [Jrn; Rh.142]
  • Thursday, August 23 — — Bahlingen [Jrn; Rh.144]
  • — Via: Tuttlingen
  • entered Switzerland
  • Friday August 24 — — Schaffhausen [Jrn; Rh.147]
  • — Via: Rhein Falls [Jrn]
  • Saturday, August 25 — — Zurich [Jrn; Rh.148; B:291]
  • — Via: Rapperschwyl [Jrn]
  • Sunday, August 26 — — Einsiedein (The Ox) [Jrn; Rh.150]
  • — Via: Goldau, Arth, Lakes of Zug and Lucerne [Jrn]
  • Monday August 27 — — Lucerne [Jrn; Rh.152]
  • — Via: Boat to Alpnach, carts via Sarnen [Jrn; Rh.152]
  • Tuesday, August 28 — — Lake of Lungern (The Drum) [Rh.153; Jrn]
  • — Via: foot and horse to Brientz, boat via the Giesbach [Jrn; Rh.156]
  • Wednesday, August 29 — — Interlachen [Jrn; Rh.156]
  • — Visit: carriage to Lauterbrunnen [Jrn; Rh.156]
  • Thursday, August 30 — — Grindelwald (The Eagle) [Jrn; Rh.157]
  • — Via: carriage to Neuhaus, boat to Thun, carriage [Jrn; Rh.157]
  • Friday-Sunday, August 31-September 2 — — Berne (The Crown) [Jrn; B:292]
  • — Visits: La Lorraine [home in 1828] (September 1,2) [Jrn]
  • — Via: Morat [Jrn; Rh.165]
  • Monday, September 3 — — Payerne (The Ours) [Jrn; Rh.167]
  • — Via: Moudon
  • — Visit: Montreux [Jrn; Rh.167]
  • September 4 — — Vévey [Jrn]
  • Sojourn at Vévey (September-October 1832) (whole family):
  • September 5-October 3 — — Vévey >(House, Mon Repos, in Peil) [B:293-299; Rh.169]
  • — Gathering background for The Headsman
  • — Visit (Thursday, September 13 or Sunday, September 16): Lausanne [Jrn; Rh.194]
  • Trip to Geneva (September 1832) (JFC only):
  • — Via: steamboat Winkelried [Rh.195]
  • September 18-20 — — Geneva [Jrn; Rh.195; B:296]
  • — Via: steamboat [Rh.200]
  • back in Vévey
  • Excursion to St. Bernard Pass (September 1832) (JFC and Mr. Cox):
  • — Via: steamboat Winkelried to Villeneuve, carriage [Jrn; Rh.204]
  • Tuesday, September 25 — — Bex [Jrn; Rh.205]
  • — Via: carriage via Martigny to Liddes, donkey [Rh.206]
  • Wednesday, September 26 — — Convent of the Great St. Bernard [Jrn; Rh.209]
  • — Via: donkey to Liddes, carriage [Rh.218]
  • Thursday, September 27 — — Bex [Jrn; Rh.218]
  • — Via: carriage to Villeneuve, steamboat [Jrn; Rh.218]
  • back in Vévey
  • — Visit: Chateaux of Blonay and Hauteville (JFC & Mr. Cox) (September 28) [Jrn; Rh.224]
  • Return to Paris (October 1832) (whole family):
  • — Via: steamboat Leman
  • Thursday. October 4 — — Geneva (L’Ecu) [Rh.246]
  • — Via: carriage via Ferney [Rh.246]
  • entered France
  • Friday, October 5 — — Inn at French border [Rh.248]
  • Saturday, October 6 — — Small town at the foot of the Jura [Rh.250]
  • — Via: Dôle
  • Sunday, October 7 — — Dijon [Rh.251]
  • — Via: the source of the Seine River [Rh.251]
  • Monday, October 8 — — A country inn [Rh.253]
  • — Via: Troyes [Rh.251]
  • Tuesday, October 9 — — A small town inn [Rh.254]
  • Wednesday, October 10 — — Rozay (La Grange-Lafayette’s farm) [Rh.255; B.II-275]
  • back in Paris
  • October 11-December 31 — — Paris (Rue St. Dominique) [B:300-308]


  • January 1-June 14 — — Paris (Rue St. Dominique) [B:309-317]
  • Business Trip to London (June 1833) (JFC, C. Alexandre de Villemont, Theodore Fowler, and Count Paç):
  • ------Via: carriage via Pontoise [Jrn]
  • Saturday, June 15 — — en route [Jrn]
  • — Via: Rouen
  • Sunday, June 16 — — Dieppe (Hôtel de la Rue) [Jrn]
  • — Via: steamboat
  • entered England
  • Monday, June 17 — — Brighton (Hotel Albion) [Jrn]
  • — Via: coach
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, June 18-19 — — London (Steven’s Hotel, Bond St.) [Jrn]
  • June 20-July c.29 — — London (264 Regent St.) [Jrn; B:319-320]
  • — Proofreading The Headsman [B.II-352]
  • July c.30-31 — — return to Paris [B.II-352]
  • back in Paris
  • August c.1-15 — — Paris (Rue St. Dominique) [B.II-352; B:321-325]

Voyage Home (August-November 1833) (whole family)

  • August 16-c.17 — — en route to London [B:325]
  • Stopover in London (August-September 1833) (whole family):
  • August c.18-September 27 — — London [Jrn; B:326-329]
  • — Proofreading revised English editions of The Water-Witch, The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish, and The Red Rover [B:327]
  • Via: ship Samson [B.III-3]
  • — — September 12: publication of The Headsman (London)
  • September 28-November 4 — — at sea
  • Tuesday, November 5 — — arrived New York City

I. — Rebel Back Home (1833-1838)

New York City (November 1833-May 1836) (whole family)

  • November 5-29 — — New York (Carroll Place, 4 Bleeker St.) [B:334,340]
  • Trip to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington (November-December 1834)(JFC):
  • November 30-December 6 — — Philadelphia (JFC, James Ogden) [B:340-343]
  • December 7-9 — — Baltimore (JFC, Ogden, William Shubrick) [B:344]
  • December 9-14 — — Washington DC (Mansion House) [B:344]
  • — Call on President Jackson, December 10
  • — Via: rail road [B:345]
  • back in New York
  • December 20-31 — — New York (Carroll Place) [B:345-347]


  • January 1-April 30 — — New York (Carroll Place) [B:348-353]
  • May 1-June 10 — — New York (4 St. Mark’s Place) [B:353-355]
  • — — June: publication of A Letter to His Countrymen (New York)
  • Trip to Cooperstown and Binghamton (June 1834) (JFC):
  • Wednesday, June 11 — — Albany [B:356-357]
  • — Via: rail road to Schenectady; then stage extra (?) [B:357]
  • Thursday, June 12 — — Canajoharie [B:357]
  • — Via: stage to Cherry Valley; stage [B:358]
  • Friday, June 13 — — Cooperstown (Olendorf’s) [B:358]
  • June 14-16 — — Cooperstown (Pomeroy Place) [B:358]
  • June 17-21 — — Binghamton, NY [B:358-359]
  • Sunday, June 22 — — Oxford, NY [B:359]
  • Monday, June 23 — — Butternuts, NY (?) [B:359]
  • June 24-28 — — Cooperstown [B:359]
  • — Via: Albany river boat [B:359]
  • back in New York
  • June 29-30 — — New York (St. Mark’s Place) [B:360-361]
  • July 1-4 — — Long Branch, Long Island, Lane’s [B:360]
  • July 5-August c.15 — — New York (St. Mark’s Place) [B:362n1]
  • Excursion to Cooperstown (August-October 1834) (whole family):
  • August c.16-October c.31 — — Cooperstown (Otsego Hall ?) [B:363-364; B.III-9]
  • back in New York
  • November c.1-December 31 — — New York (St. Mark’s Place) [B:365-371]


  • January 1-February 13 — — New York (St. Mark’s Place) [B:371-376]
  • bef. February 23 — — “Short absence from town” [B:377]
  • — Completing The Monikins [B:349; P&P.274]
  • February 23-June 23 — — New York (St. Mark’s Place) [B:377-398]
  • Excursion to Cooperstown (July-November 1835) (whole family):
  • June c.24-September c.13 Cooperstown (Otsego Hall) B:399-401; B-III.141]
  • — Writing Sketches of Switzerland and Sketches of Switzerland, Part Second [Rh.xvii; Sw.xxvii; B:404]
  • — — July 9: publication of The Monikins (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York (September-October 1835) (JFC):
  • September 14-October c. 28 — — New York (City Hotel) [B:401-406]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.29-November c.6 — — Cooperstown [B:406; Ck10/30]
  • back in New York
  • November c.7-December 31 — — New York (St Mark’s Place) [B:407-411]


  • January 1-May c.1 — — New York (St Mark’s Place) [B:412-428]
  • — Proofreading Sketches of Switzerland [Sw.xxxiii]

Cooperstown (May 1836-1838) (whole family)

  • May c.2-June c.20 — — Cooperstown (Otsego Hall) [B:433-434]
  • — — May 20: Publication of Sketches of Switzerland [Cooper Edition: Gleanings in Europe: Switzerland] (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York, Burlington, Philadelphia (June-July 1836) (JFC):
  • — Via: Albany river boat
  • June 20-July 3 — — New York (Astor House) P[B:434-436]
  • — en route: visit to Burlington, NJ [B:437]
  • July 4-19 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:437-440]
  • — Proofreading Sketches of Switzerland, Part Second [B:438]
  • July 19-c.19 — — New York [B:440]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.22-September c.30 — — Cooperstown [B:441-444]
  • — Writing Gleanings in Europe [Fr.xxv]
  • — — October 8: Publication of Sketches of Switzerland, Part Second [Cooper Edition: Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine] (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York (October 1836) (JFC)
  • October c.1-15 — — New York [B:447]
  • Sunday, October 16 — — Albany [B:446]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October 17-31 — — Cooperstown [B:447-449]
  • — Writing Gleanings in Europe: England [Eng.xxv]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (November 1836) (JFC):
  • November 1-6 — — New York (Astor House) [B:447-452]
  • November 7-c.15 — — Philadelphia (Head’s-Mansion Hse.) [B:452]
  • — Proofreading Gleanings in Europe [Fr.xxv; B:452]
  • November c.16-20 — — New York [B:452-453]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c.21-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:454]
  • [December 26: Problems of proofreading have “caused me to pass six weeks in Philadelphia this year. ... ” B:454]


  • January 1-17 — — Cooperstown [B:455]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (January-February 1837) (JFC):
  • — Via: rail road to Albany
  • Wednesday, January 18 — — Albany [B:455]
  • — Via: stage via Canaan (NY), Sheffield, Great Barrington, Canaan (CT), Litchfield, Watertown, Waterbury, New-Haven [B:455]
  • Thursday, January 19 — — en route [B:455]
  • — Via: steam boat from New Haven [B:455]
  • Friday, January 20 — — New York [B:455]
  • January 21-31 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:456]
  • — Proofreading Gleanings in Europe: England [Eng.xxv; B:457]
  • visit to Camden, January 29, to visit cousin, Richard Matlack Cooper [B:457]
  • February 1-c.4 — — New York [B:456]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • February c.5-March 31 — — Cooperstown [B:456-460]
  • — Writing Gleanings in Europe: Italy [It.xxvii]
  • — — March 4: Publication of Gleanings in Europe [Cooper Edition: Gleanings in Europe: France] (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (April 1837) (JFC):
  • — Via: stage (on runners from Springfield) to Ft. Plain; rail road to Albany; steam boat to New York
  • April 1-2 — — New York (Astor House) [B:460-461]
  • April 3-c.13 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:461-462]
  • — Proofreading Gleanings in Europe: England [Eng.xxv; B:461]
  • April 14-c.19 — — New York [B:463]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April c.20-June 27 — — Cooperstown [B:462-467]
  • Trip to New York (June-July 1837) (JFC):
  • June 28-July 6 — — New York (Astor House) [B:467-469]
  • July c.7 — — Albany [B:468]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.8-c.29 — — Cooperstown [B:467-470]
  • — Writing The American Democrat, The Chronicles of Cooperstown, and The History of the Navy of the United States [B:III-272]
  • [July 22: Beginning of the “Three Mile Point Controversy”]
  • Trip to New York (July 1837) (JFC):
  • July 30-August c.6 — — New York (Astor House) [B:471]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August c.8-September 12 — — Cooperstown [B:471-477]
  • [The “Three Mile Point Controversy” continued]
  • — — September 2: Publication of Gleanings in Europe: England (Phila.)
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (September 1837) (JFC):
  • — Via: Stage to Ft. Plain; rail road to Albany
  • Wednesday, September 13 — — Albany [B:477]
  • September 14-16 — — New York (Astor House) [B:477-478]
  • September 17-c.23 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:478-479]
  • — Visit: USS Pennsylvania [B:479]
  • September c.24 — — Bedford, NY (?) [B:479]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • September c.26-November 30 — — Cooperstown [B:479-484]
  • — Writing Homeward Bound and Home as Found [B:480]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (December 1837) (JFC)”
  • — Via: stage to Ft. Plain; railroad to Albany; steamboat to New York [B:486]
  • Friday December 1 — — en route (Hudson River) [B:486]
  • — Via: steamboat [B:486]
  • December 2-5 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:484-486]
  • December 6-9 — — New York (Astor House) [B:486]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December 10-31 — — Cooperstown [B:486-487]


  • January 1-c.18 — — Cooperstown [B:489]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (January 1838) (JFC):
  • Friday January 19 — — Albany (?) [B:489]
  • Saturday January 20 — — en route (Hudson River)
  • Sunday January 21 — — New York (Astor House) [B:487-489]
  • January 22-24 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:487-491]
  • January 25-c.31 — — New York (Astor House) [B:491]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • February c.1-c.28 — — Cooperstown [B:492]
  • Trip to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington (March 1838) (JFC):
  • March c.1-2 — — New York [B:493]
  • Thursday March 3 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:493]
  • March 4-c.5 — — Baltimore (Eutaw House) [B:493]
  • March c.5-10 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:493]
  • March 10-14 — — Washington (Gadsby’s) [B:493]
  • March c.15 — — Baltimore [B:493]
  • March c.16 — — Philadelphia [B:493]
  • March c.17-18 — — New York [B:493]
  • March c.19 — — Albany [B:493]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • March 20-April c.8 — — Cooperstown [B:493-495,494a]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (April 1838) (JFC):
  • April c.8-c.10 — — Philadelphia (?) [B:494a]
  • April c.10-c.14 — — New York [B:494a]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April c.14-May c.14 — — Cooperstown [B:493-495,494a]
  • — — April: Publication of The American Democrat (Cooperstown)
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (May 1838) (JFC):
  • May c.14-c.17 — — New York (Astor House) [B:496]
  • May c.17-21 — — Philadelphia [B:498]
  • May c.23-c.29 — — New York (Astor House) [B:498]
  • — — May 28: Publication of Gleanings in Europe: Italy (Philadelphia)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May c.30-July 24 — — Cooperstown [B:498-501]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (July 1838) (JFC):
  • Wednesday July 25 — — New York [B:501]
  • July 26-c.28 — — Philadelphia [B:501]
  • July c.28-c.31 — — New York [B:501]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August 1-c.22 — — Cooperstown [B:501-502]
  • — — August 4: Publication of Homeward Bound (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to Utica, NY (August 1838) (JFC):
  • August c.23-c.24 — — Utica [B:502]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August 25-c.28 — — Cooperstown [B:502]
  • Trip to Philadelphia (August-September 1838) (JFC):
  • August c.28-September c.7 — — Philadelphia [B:502-504]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • September c.8-c.19 — — Cooperstown [B:504]
  • Trip to Philadelphia, New York, Albany (September-October 1838) (JFC):
  • September c.19-October 4 — — Philadelphia [B:505-506]
  • October 4-7 — — New York (Astor House) [B:507-508]
  • Monday October 8 — — Albany [B:509]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October 9-November 8 — — Cooperstown [B:509-510]
  • Trip to Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington (November 1838) (JFC):
  • — Via: stage to Ft. Plain; railroad
  • November 9-10 — — Albany [B:510-511]
  • — Via: steamboat
  • Sunday November 11 — — New York (Astor House) [B:511]
  • November 12-14 — — Philadelphia [B:511]
  • Wednesday November 14 — — Baltimore [B:511]
  • November 15-c.18 — — Washington (Gadsby’s) [B:512]
  • November c.18-c.21 — — Philadelphia [B:512]
  • Thursday November 22 — — New York [B:513-514]
  • — — November 15: Publication of Home as Found (Philadelphia)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November 23-c.December 1 — — Cooperstown [B:514]
  • Sojourn in Philadelphia (December 1838-April 1839) (whole family, except for PFC):
  • December 3-31 — — Philadelphia (Ann O’Neil’s, 126 South 4ᵗʰ St.)[B:515-519]
  • — — 1838: Publication of The Chronicles of Cooperstown (Cooperstown)


  • January 1-March c.15 — — Philadelphia (126 South 4ᵗʰ St.) [B:520-523]
  • March c.15-April c.19 — — Philadelphia (Ann O’Neil’s, 79 Union St.) [B:524-525,525a]

II. — Novelist Again (1839-1851)

Cooperstown (1839-1851) (whole family)

  • April 20-July c. 17 — — Cooperstown [B:525-538]
  • — — May 10: publication of History of the Navy of the United States of America (Philadelphia)
  • — Writing The Pathfinder [Pa.xvi; B:533]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (July 1839) (JFC):
  • July 19-c.23 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:538]
  • July c.23-28 — — New York (Globe) [B:538-539]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July 28-September c.24 — — Cooperstown [B:539-545]
  • Trip to Herkimer, NY, and Philadelphia (Sept-October 1839) (JFC):
  • Wednesday, September 25 — — Herkimer (Henry Cruger) [B:546]
  • — Via: rail to Albany; steamboat
  • Thursday, September 26 — — New York [B:546]
  • September 27-October c.22 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:546-551]
  • — Proofreading The Pathfinder [B:550]
  • October c.23 — — Albany (?) [B:551]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.24-December 12 — — Cooperstown [B:546-557]
  • Trip to Philadelphia (December 1839-January 1840) (JFC):
  • Friday, December 13 — — Albany (Stevenson’s) [B:557]
  • — Via: steamboat to New York
  • Saturday, December 14 — — en route (Hudson River, off Newburgh) [B:558]
  • Sunday, December 15 — — New York [B:558]
  • December 16-31 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:558-560]
  • — — Proofreading The Pathfinder [Pa.xvii; B:560]


  • January 1-c.11 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:562-564]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • January c.12-May c.10 — — Cooperstown [B:564-576]
  • — — March 14: Publication of The Pathfinder (Philadelphia)
  • — Writing Mercedes of Castille [B:572]
  • Trip to Philadelphia (May 1840) (JFC):
  • May 12-18 — — Philadelphia [B:576-578; Copy]
  • May c.19 — — New York [B:576-578]
  • — — Via:steamboat to Albany [B:578]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May c.20-July 20 — — Cooperstown [B:578-587]
  • Trip to Utica (July 1840) (JFC):
  • July c.21-c.23 — — Utica (Bagg’s Hotel) [B:587]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.24-August c.20 — — Cooperstown [B:587-589]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (August 1840) (JFC):
  • August c.21-26 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:589]
  • — Visit to Germantown (Sunday August 23)
  • August 27-30 — — New York [B:589-590]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • September 1-October c.7 — — Cooperstown [B:591-595]
  • Excursion to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore (October-November 1840) (JFC):
  • Friday, October 9-11 — — New York [B:604]
  • Monday, October 12-16 — — USS Macedonia (in New York Harbor) [B:596-599,604]
  • Saturday, October 17-22 — — USS Macedonia (cruise to Norfolk, with Cooper’s old friend Commodore William B. Shubrick) [B:599,604]
  • Friday, October 23 — — Norfolk, VA [B:599]
  • — Visit: Norfolk Navy Yard [B:599]
  • Saturday-Sunday, October 24-25 — — en route, aboard “Baltimore steamer” [B:599]
  • — via Baltimore [B:600]
  • Monday, October 26-November 8 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:599-604]
  • — Proofreading Mercedes of Castille [B:600]
  • Monday, November 9-c.11 — — New York [B:603]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c.12-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:604-605]
  • — Writing The Deerslayer [De.xxx]
  • — — November 24: Publication of Mercedes of Castille (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to Albany (December 1840) (JFC):
  • end of December — — Albany?? [B:605]


  • January 1-March c.23 — — Cooperstown [B:606-615]
  • — Writing The Deerslayer [De.xxx; B:609]
  • Trip to Albany, New York, Philadelphia (March-April 1841) (JFC):
  • March c.24-26 — — Albany [B:615]
  • — Via: steamboat Utica [B:616]
  • Saturday, March 27-29 — — New York (Globe) [B:615-617]
  • Tuesday, March 30-Sunday, April 4 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:618-619]
  • Monday, April 5-6 — — New York [B:620]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April 7-May c.9 — — Cooperstown [B:620-623]
  • Trip to Fonda, NY (May 1841) (JFC):
  • Monday May 10 — — Fonda (libel trial) [B:623]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May c.11-June c.7 — — Cooperstown [B:623-626]
  • — Writing The Two Admirals [TA.xvi; B:630]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (June 1841) (JFC):
  • — Via: steamboat from Albany to New York [B:626]
  • June 8 — — New York (Globe) [B:626]
  • — Via: Burlington, NJ [B:626]
  • Wednesday, June 9-c.24 — — Philadelphia (Head’s)[B:626-628]
  • — Proofreading The Deerslayer [B:627]
  • Jun. c.25-July c.1 — — New York (Globe) [B:628-630]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.2-Aug c.21 — — Cooperstown [B:631-633]
  • — Writing The Two Admirals [TA.xvi; B:631]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (August-September 1841) (JFC):
  • August c.22-c.26 — — New York [B:633]
  • Friday, August 27-September 19 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:633-637]
  • — Editing Abridged History of the Navy of the United States of America [TA.xxiii; B:634]
  • September 20-c.24 — — New York [B:637]
  • — — August 27: Publication of The Deerslayer (Philadelphia)
  • — — September: Publication of Abridged History of the Navy of the United States of America (Philadelphia)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • September c.25-October 10 — — >Cooperstown [B:637-639]
  • — Writing The Two Admirals [TA.xxv]
  • Trip to New York (October 1841) (JFC):
  • October c.11-c.15 — — New York [B:639-642]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.16-November c.13 — — Cooperstown [B:642-647]
  • — Writing The Two Admirals [TA.xxv]
  • Trip to Fonda, NY (November 1841) (JFC):
  • November c.14-17 — — Fonda (libel trial) [B:647]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November 18-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:647-657]
  • — Writing The Two Admirals [B:654; TA.xxv]


  • January 1-23 — — Cooperstown [B:658-659]
  • Trip to Albany, New York, Philadelphia (January-February 1842) (JFC and nephew Richard Cooper):
  • Monday, January 24-26 — — Albany [B:659]
  • — Via: railroad via Pittsfield, Springfield and Hartford [B:659,661]
  • Thursday, January 27-29 — — New York (Globe) [B:659]
  • Sunday, January 30-February 8 — — Philadelphia (Washington House, 223 Chestnut St.) [B:660-661]
  • — Proofreading The Two Admirals [TA.xxv; B:660,663]
  • February 9-11 — — New York [B:661-663]
  • Saturday, February 12 — — Albany [B:664]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • February c.13-March c.12 — — Cooperstown [B:664-668]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (March 1842) (JFC):
  • March c.13-19 — — Philadelphia [B:668-669]
  • March 20-c.23 — — New York (Globe) [B:669]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • March c.23-May 7 — — Cooperstown [B:669-674; Ck5/7]
  • — — April 22: Publication of The Two Admirals (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to Fonda and New York (May 1842) (JFC and nephew Richard Cooper):
  • May 8-c. 10 — — Fonda (libel trial) [B:674]
  • May c.11-May c. 31 — — New York (Globe) [B:674-677]
  • May 16-20: Arbitration on Naval History [B:677]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June c. 1-c.26 — — Cooperstown [B:677-681]
  • — Writing The Wing-and-Wing [B:678]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (June-July 1842) (JFC):
  • — Via: steamboat from Albany to New York [B:681]
  • Monday, June 27 — — en route (Stephen Rensselaer’s stateroom) [B:681-682]
  • Tuesday, June 28 — — New York (Globe) [B:681-682]
  • Wednesday, June 29-c.30 — — Philadelphia (a hotel) [B:681,683]
  • July c.1-c.2 — — New York [B:681]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.3-September 19 — — Cooperstown [B:684-691]
  • — Beginning to write Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers [B:685]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (September-October 1842) (JFC)
  • September 20-c.24 — — New York (Globe) [B:689,692]
  • September c.25-October c.3 — — Philadelphia (Sandersons’s) [B:693-695; Copy]
  • — Proofreading The Wing-and-Wing [B:693]
  • October 4-c.8 — — New York (Globe) [B:695]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.9-December 2 — — Cooperstown [B:695-700]
  • — Writing Autobiography of a Pocket-Handerkchief [B:693]
  • — — November 28: Publication of The Wing-and-Wing (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to Saratoga (December 1842) (JFC and nephew Richard Cooper):
  • December 3-c.10 — — Ballston Spa, Saratoga (libel trial) [B:700]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December c.11-31 — — Cooperstown [B:700-703]


  • January 1-2 ------. Cooperstown [B:703]
  • Trip to Philadelphia (January 1843) (JFC):
  • Tuesday, January 3-4 — — Albany (Congress Hall Hotel) [B:703]
  • — Via: railroad via New Haven [B:703]
  • Thursday, January 5 — — en route [B:703]
  • Friday, January 6-7 — — New York [B:703-704]
  • Sunday, January 8-c.16 — — Philadelphia (Sanderson’s) [B:704]
  • January c.17 — — New York (?)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • January c.18-March 31 — — Cooperstown [B:705-717]
  • — Writing Wyandotté [Wy.xvi]
  • — — January-April: publication of Autobiography of a Pocket Handkerchief (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (April 1843) (JFC):
  • April c.1-3 — — New York (Globe) [B:716-718]
  • Tuesday, April 4 — — Philadelphia [B:718]
  • — Proofreading Wyandotté [B:717]
  • April 5-c.7 — — New York (Globe) [Wy.xvi; B:718]
  • — Met old shipmate Ned Myers [B.IV-383n]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April c.8-May c.29 — — Cooperstown [B:718-722]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (June 1843) (JFC):
  • May c. 30-June 1 — — New York (Globe?) [B:722]
  • Friday, June 2-c.7 — — Philadelphia [B:722]
  • — Proofreading Wyandotté [Wy.xvi; B:722]
  • June c.8-c.10 — — New York (Globe) [B:723]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June c.11-July 16 — — Cooperstown [B:723-725; Ck7/16]
  • — Completing Wyandotté [Wy.xvi; B:722]
  • — Writing Ned Myers [B:726]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (July 1843) (JFC):
  • Monday, July 17 — — en route (?) [B:725]
  • Tuesday, July 18-19 — — New York (Globe) [B:725-728]
  • Thursday, July 20-25 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:728]
  • — Proofreading Wyandotté [Wy.xvi; B:726]
  • July 26 — — New York (?) [B:728] <
  • back in Cooperstown
  • Thursday, July 27-September c.4 — — Cooperstown [B:728-730]
  • — — September 5: Publication of Wyandotté (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to New York, Philadelphia, and Geneva, NY (September 1843) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad from Ft. Plain (?) to Schenectady; railroad from Schenectady to Troy; small steamer to catch steamboat; steamboat Knickerbocker to New York [B:730]
  • September c.5 — — en route (steamboat) [B:730]
  • September c. 6 — — New York [B:730]
  • September 7-21 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:730-737; Copy]
  • — Proofreading Ned Myers [B:735-736]
  • Friday, September 22-October c.1 — — New York (Globe) [B:737-741]
  • October c.3-c.5 — — Geneva, NY [B:740]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.6-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:741-747]
  • — — November c.10: Publication of Ned Myers (Philadelphia)
  • — — 1843: Publication of The Battle of Lake Erie (Cooperstown)


  • January 1-January 10 — — Cooperstown [B:747-750,748a]
  • Trip to Albany, New York, Philadelphia (January 1844) (JFC):
  • January 11-12 — — Albany (Stevenson’s) [B:748a]
  • — Via: stagecoach (with runners) via Springfield and Hartford [B:748a]
  • Friday, January 13 — — New Haven [B:748a]
  • January 14-17 — — New York (Globe) [B:748a,749-750]
  • January 18-22 — — Philadelphia [B:750]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • January 23-March 31 — — Cooperstown [B:751-753,760]
  • — Writing Afloat and Ashore [B:759]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (April 1844) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad from Ft. Plain; steamboat from Albany [B:753]
  • Monday, April 1 — — en route (steamboat) [B:753]
  • Tuesday, April 2 — — New York (Globe) [B:753,760]
  • April 3-16 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:755-760]
  • — Proofreading Afloat and Ashore [B:757]
  • April 17-c.20 — — New York (Globe) [B:756-760]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April 21-May c.23 — — Cooperstown [B:758-760]
  • Trip to New York, Philadelphia, Washington (?) (May-June 1844) (JFC):
  • Via: steamboat from Albany [B:761]
  • May c.24 — — en route (steamboat) [B:761]
  • May c.25 — — New York [B:760-761]
  • May 26-June c.4 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:761-763]
  • June c.5-c.10 — — Washington ??? [B:761]
  • — — June 6: Publication of Afloat and Ashore (Philadelphia)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June c.11-August c.11 — — Cooperstown [B:763-770]
  • — Writing Miles Wallingford [B:766]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (August 1844) (JFC):
  • Monday, August 12 — — en route (steamboat??) [B:770]
  • — Via: New York (Globe) [B:770]
  • Tuesday, August 13-27 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:770-771]
  • — Proofreading Miles Wallingford [B:771]
  • August 28-c.30 — — New York [B:771]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August c.31-November c.13 — — Cooperstown [B:771-780]
  • Trip to Philadelphia (November 1844) (JFC):
  • Thursday, November 14 — — en route (?) [B:780]
  • — Via: New York [B:780]
  • Friday November 15-c.24 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:780-783; Copy]
  • — Transferring plates of Miles Wallingford to New York [B:782]
  • November c.25-c.27 — — New York [B:782-783]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c.28-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:783-786] — — December: Publication of Miles Wallingford (Philadelphia & New York) [originally titled Afloat and Ashore (Second Series), but retitled after Cooper’s death]
  • — — 1844: Publication of The Cruise of the Somers (New York)


  • January 1-February 28 — — Cooperstown [B:787-789]
  • — Writing Satanstoe [Sa.xxvii; B:787]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (March 1845) (JFC):
  • — Via: carriage (wheels and runners) to Ft. Plain; railroad to Albany [B:798]
  • Saturday, March 1 — — Albany (Stevenson’s) [B:789]
  • — Via: steamboat South America [B:789]
  • Sunday, March 2 — — en route (steamboat)
  • Monday, March 3-7 — — New York (Globe) [B:789-792; Copy]
  • Thursday, March 8-14 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:792-793]
  • — Proofreading Satanstoe [Sa.xxviii; B:792]
  • Friday March 15-18 — — New York (Globe) [B:792-794; Copy]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • March 19-April 27 — — Cooperstown [B:793-796]
  • Trip to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Albany (April-May 1845) (JFC):
  • — Via: stage to Canajoharie; railroad to Albany [B:797]
  • Monday, April 28-29 — — New York (Globe) [B:796-797]
  • Wednesday, April 30-May 6 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:797-800]
  • Satanstoe [B:795]
  • Wednesday, May 7-11 — — Washington [B:799-801]
  • — Attended wedding of Commodore Shubrick’s daughter Mary to Dr. George Clymer [B.V-25n]
  • Monday, May 12-14 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:800-801]
  • — Proofreading Satanstoe [B:795]
  • — Via: railroad [B:802]
  • Thursday, May 15-20 — — New York (Globe) [B:800-802]
  • Wednesday, May 21 — — Albany (Congress Hall) [B:803]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May 22-September c.21 — — Cooperstown [B:802-818]
  • — — July c.6: Publication of Satanstoe (New York)
  • — Writing The Chainbearer ?
  • — June c. 27: Visit to Syracuse [B:811]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (September-October 1845) (JFC):
  • September c.22-31 — — New York (Globe) [B:818-824]
  • — Delegate at Episcopal Diocesan Convention considering ouster of Bishop Onderdonk [B.V-59]
  • Wednesday October 1-11 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:825-829]
  • — Proofreading The Chainbearer [B:826]
  • Sunday, October 12-18 — — New York (Globe) [B:829-835; Copy]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • Sunday, October 19-November c.17 — — Cooperstown [B:835-841]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (November-December 1845) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad to Albany; steamboat Hendrick Hudson to New York [B:841]
  • November c.17 — — en route (steamboat) [B:841]
  • November c.18-24 — — New York (Globe) [B:841-843]
  • Tuesday, November 25-December 7 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:843-847]
  • December 8-12 — — New York (Globe) [B:848-850]
  • — — December 1: Publication of The Chainbearer (New York)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December c.13-31 — — Cooperstown [B:850-851]


  • January 1-March c.29 — — Cooperstown [B:851-857]
  • — Writing The Redskins ?
  • Trip to New York (March-April 1846) (JFC):
  • March c.30-April 2 — — New York (Globe) [B:857; Copy]
  • April 3 — — en route (??) [B:857]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April 4-May c.20 — — Cooperstown [B:857-861]
  • — — Mar-May 1846: Publication of Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers (Philadelphia)
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (May-June 1846) (JFC):
  • May c.21-22 — — New York (?)[B:861]
  • Thursday, May 21-c.31 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:861-863; Copy]
  • — Proofreading The Redskins [B:864]
  • June c.1-c.7 — — New York (City Hotel) [B:863-864]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June c.8-August c.18 — — Cooperstown [B:865-870]
  • — — July: Publication of The Redskins (New York)
  • — Writing Jack Tier [B:876]
  • Trip to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore (August-September 1846) (JFC):
  • — Via: stage (and railroad?) to Albany; railroad to Boston [B:870]
  • August 19-c.23 — — Boston (Tremont House) [B:870]
  • — Via: railroad (?) to Providence; steamboat [B:872]
  • August c.24-25 — — New York (City Hotel) [B:870-872]
  • Wednesday, August 26 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:871-873]
  • — Via: steamship (?) [B:873]
  • Thursday, August 27-28 — — Baltimore [B:873]
  • — Via: railroad [B:873]
  • Saturday, August 29-September 2 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:873-874]
  • — Proofreading Jack Tier (?) [B:876]
  • Thursday, September 3 — — New York [B:874]
  • Friday, September 4 — — en route (??) [B:874]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • September 5-November 22 — — Cooperstown [B:874-883]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (November-December 1846) (JFC):
  • — Via: stage to Canajoharie; railroad to Albany; steamboat to New York [B:883]
  • Monday, November 23 — — en route (steamboat) (??) [B:883]
  • Tuesday, November 24 — — New York [B:883-884]
  • November 25-December c.5 — — Philadelphia (Head’s) [B:884]
  • — — November 1846-March 1848: Serial publication of Jack Tier in Graham’s Magazine (Philadelphia)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December c.6-31 — — Cooperstown [B:884-885]


  • January 1-May c.3 — — Cooperstown [B:887-897]
  • — Writing The Crater [B:892]
  • Trip to New York (May 1847) (JFC):
  • May c.4-8 — — New York (Globe) [B:897; Copy]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May c.9-June c.8 — — Cooperstown [B:897-901]
  • Trip to New York and Detroit (June-July 1847) (JFC):
  • June c.9-17 — — New York [B:901-902]
  • — Via: steamboat to Albany (??); railroad via Ft. Plain to Rochester [B:903]
  • Friday June 18 — — en route [B:903]
  • — Visit: Rochester [B:903,918]
  • Saturday, June 19-20 — — Buffalo (American Hotel) [B:903]
  • — Via: steamboat London [B:903]
  • June c.21-July c.4 — — Detroit [B:903]
  • — Lawsuit against Gordon and Gibbs [B.V-221; B:901]
  • — Via: steamboat to Buffalo (??); railroad via Rochester [B:918]
  • July 5 — — Rochester (??) [B:918]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July 6-August c.10 — — Cooperstown [B:904-906]
  • Trip to Philadelphia and New York (August 1847) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad (to Albany??) [B:906]
  • August c.11-c.19 — — Philadelphia (United States Hotel) [B:906-907]
  • — Proofreading The Crater [B:905]
  • August c.20 — — New York (Globe) [B:907]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August c.21-October c.8 — — Cooperstown [B:907-911]
  • Trip to Detroit and Kalamazoo (October 1847) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad, via Rochester; steamboat from Buffalo (??) [B:918]
  • October c.10-21 — — Detroit [B:911-912]
  • — 1ˢᵗ trial against Gordon and Gibbs (hung jury) [B.V-221; B:911]
  • Friday, October 22-c.24 — — Kalamazoo [B:911-912]
  • — Background for The Oak Openings
  • — Via: Detroit
  • October c.25 — — Detroit (??) [B:912]
  • — Via: steamboat Canada to Buffalo; railroad (?) to Rochester [B:911]
  • Tuesday, October c.26 — — Rochester (??) [B:911-912]
  • — Via: railroad (??) [B:911,918]
  • October c.27 — — en route (??) [B:912]
  • — — October 12: Publication of The Crater (New York)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.28-November c.9 — — Cooperstown [B:911-914]
  • Trip to New York (November 1847) (JFC):
  • November c.10-c.24 — — New York (Globe) [B:914-916]
  • — Proofreading Jack Tier (??) [B:915]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c.25-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:916-918]


  • January 1-March 21 — — Cooperstown [B:919-932; Jrn; Ck3/22]
  • — Writing The Oak Openings [Jrn 1/3-2/29]
  • — — March 21: book publication of Jack Tier (New York)
  • Trip to Albany, New York, Philadelphia (March-April 1848) (JFC):
  • — Via: wagon; railroad to Albany [Jrn]
  • Wednesday, March 22 — — Albany (Delavan House) [B:932-933; Jrn]
  • Thursday, March 23 — — en route (steamboat) [Jrn]
  • — Via: New York (Globe); railroad (??) [B:934; Jrn]
  • Friday, March 24-28 — — Philadelphia (Washington House) [B:935; Jrn]
  • — Proofreading The Oak Openings [B:936; Jrn 3/25-28]
  • Wednesday, March 29-April 2 — — New York (Globe) [B:935-938; Jrn]
  • — Via: steamboat Isaac Newton [Jrn]
  • Monday, April 3 — — en route (steamboat) [Jrn]
  • Tuesday, April 4 — — Albany (Delavan House) [B:939; Jrn]
  • — Via: railroad to Ft. Plain; wagon and stage [Jrn]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April 5-June 16 — — Cooperstown [B:940-947]
  • Trip to Detroit, Kalamazoo, Geneva (June-July 1848) (JFC, with James Ogden):
  • — Via: railroad from Ft. Plain to Buffalo
  • Saturday, June 17 — — en route [B:947; OO.483]
  • — Visit: Buffalo and Niagara Falls [OO.484-485]
  • — Via: steamboat Canada from Buffalo [B:947]
  • Sunday, June 18-23 — — Detroit [B:948-949]
  • — 2ⁿᵈ trial against Gordan and Gibbs (hung jury) [B.V-221; B:949]
  • — Via: railroad via Ann Arbor [B:950; OO.492]
  • Saturday, June 24-27 — — Kalamazoo [B:949]
  • — Visit: Schoolcraft (Prairie Round) [OO:493]
  • — Via: railroad via Ann Arbor [B:950; OO.492]
  • June 28-29 — — Detroit [B:949]
  • — Via: steamboat Canada to Buffalo [B:949]
  • Friday, June 30 — — en route, off Buffalo [B:949]
  • — Via: railroad (??)
  • July 1-3 — — Geneva [B:949]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July 4-July c.16 — — Cooperstown [B:949-951]
  • Trip to New York (July 1848) (JFC):
  • July c.17-c.22 — — New York (Globe) [B:951-953]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • July c.23-October c.8 — — Cooperstown [B:953-956]
  • — — August 24: publication of The Oak Openings (New York)
  • Trip to Detroit (October 1848) (JFC, with James Ogden):
  • — Via: railroad from Ft. Plain [B:956]
  • October 9 — — Auburn [B:956]
  • — Via: railroad [B:956]
  • Tuesday, October 10 — — Buffalo [B:956]
  • — Via: steamboat Canada [B:956]
  • Wednesday, October 11 — — en route (steamboat) [B:956]
  • Thursday, October 12-c.30 — — Detroit {B:956-960]
  • 3ʳᵈ trial against Gordan and Gibbs (hung jury) [B.V-221; B:957-960]
  • — Via: steamboat to Buffalo (??)
  • November c. 1 — — en route (??)
  • — Via: railroad to Ft. Plain (??)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c. 2-8 — — Cooperstown [B:960-962]
  • Trip to New York (November 1848) (JFC):
  • November 9-c.16 — — New York (City Hotel) [B:962-963; Copy]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • November c.17-December 31 — — Cooperstown [B:963-967]


  • January 1-February c.19 — — Cooperstown [B:967-972]
  • — — February 8: marriage of daughter Caroline Martha Cooper to Henry Frederick Phinney — —
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (February-March 1849) (JFC):
  • Monday, February 19 — — Albany [B:972]
  • — Via: railroad on east side of Hudson to Harlem [B:972]
  • Tuesday, February 20-March 10 — — New York (Globe) [B:972-980; Copy]
  • — Proofreading The Sea Lions [B:974,976-977]
  • — Revising The Spy [B:978]
  • Monday, March 11-c.13 — — Philadelphia (Washington House) [B:980]
  • March c.14-c.16 — — New York [B:980]
  • — Via: steamboat to Albany [B:980]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • March c.17-April 26 — — Cooperstown [B:980-984]
  • — — April 10: Publication of The Sea Lions (New York)
  • — — May. 2: Publication of revised edition of The Spy (New York)
  • Trip to New York (April-May 1849) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad to Albany; steamboat Oregon to New York [B:984]
  • Friday, April 27 — — en route (steamboat) [B:984]
  • April 28-May 15 — — New York (Globe) [B:985-992,995]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • May 16-June c.11 — — Cooperstown [B:992-996]
  • — Writing The Ways of the Hour [B:993]
  • Health Visit to Richfield Springs (?) (July 1849) (JFC):
  • June c.12-c.15 — — “a short absence from home” (Richfield Springs??) [B:996,1001]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June c.16-July c.26 — — Cooperstown [B:996-1001]
  • Health Visit to Richfield Springs (July-August 1849) (JFC):
  • July c.27-August c.3 — — Richfield Springs (American Hotel) [B:1001]
  • — Visits: Henry Cruger (Henderson Hall) [B:1001]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August c.4-c.13 — — Cooperstown
  • Health Visit to Richfield Springs (?) (August 1849) (JFC):
  • August c.14-c.19 — — “absent from home” (Richfield Springs??) [B:1004,1005]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • August 20-September c.29 — — Cooperstown [B:1004-1010]
  • Trip to New York and Geneva (October 1849) (JFC):
  • September c.30-October c.23 — — New York (Globe) [B:1009-1013]
  • October c.24-c.25 — — Geneva [B:1013]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October 29-November c.25 — — Cooperstown [B:1013-1016; Ck10/29]
  • Trip to New York (November-December 1849) (JFC):
  • November c.26-December 17 — — New York (Globe) [B:1016-1022; Copy]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December 18-31 — — Cooperstown [B:1022-1027]


  • January 1-20 — — Cooperstown [B:1027-1031]
  • Trip to New York and Philadelphia (Jan-March 1850) (JFC):
  • Monday, January 21 — — Albany (Stevenson’s) [B:1031]
  • — Via: railroad on Housatonic Line, via Great Barrington [B:1031]
  • Tuesday, January 22-March 8 — — New York (Globe) [B:1031-1055]
  • — Writing The Ways of the Hour [B.VI-87]
  • Saturday, March 9-13 — — Philadelphia [B:1055,1057]
  • — Proofreading (?) The Ways of the Hour [B:1055-1056]
  • Thursday, March 14-June 10 — — New York (Broadway House, Park Place) [B:1062-1079; Copy]
  • — — April 10: publication of The Ways of the Hour (New York)
  • back in Cooperstown
  • June 11-September 12 — — Cooperstown [B:1062,1080-90]
  • — — June 18-21: Performances of Upside Down (New York)
  • Trip to New York (September-October 1850) (JFC):
  • September 13-c.24 — — New York (Broadway House) [B:1090-1095]
  • September c.25-26 — — Saugerties (Henry Cruger) [B:1095-1096]
  • September 27-October c.10 — — New York (Broadway House) [B:1096-1099]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • October c.11-November 13 — — Cooperstown [B:1099-1104]
  • Trip to New York (November 1850) (JFC):
  • — Via: Albany [B:1104]
  • November 14-November 24 — — New York (Broadway Hotel [sic]) [B:1104-1107]
  • Monday November 25 — — Staten Island [B:1107]
  • — To sign contract for The Towns of Manhattan [B.VI-204]
  • November 26-December 4 — New York (Broadway Hotel [sic]) [B:1107-1109; Copy] <
  • back in Cooperstown
  • December 5-31 — — Cooperstown [B:1109-1112]
  • — Writing The Towns of ManhattanB.VI-205
  • — — December 10: marriage of daughter Maria Frances Fenimore Cooper to Richard Cooper
  • — — 1850: publication of The Lake Gun


  • January 1-March 17 — — Cooperstown [B:1112-1115]
  • Trip to Saratoga and New York (March-April 1851) (JFC):
  • — Via: railroad to Albany; carriage to Saratoga [B:1115]
  • March 18-19 — — Saratoga (Congress Hotel) [B:1115]
  • — Via: steamboat [B:1116]
  • March 21-April c.15 — — New York (College Hotel) [B:1116-1119]
  • back in Cooperstown
  • April c.16-September 13 — — Cooperstown [B:1120-1126]
  • — — September 14: Death of James Fenimore Cooper

Works Cited

  • B: (letter number) — Letters written by Cooper, as published in James F. Beard, ed., The Letters and Journals of James Fenimore Cooper (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Six volumes, 1960-68)
  • B. (Volume & page) — Notes or text by James F. Beard, in his The Letters and Journals of James Fenimore Cooper (Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1960-68)
  • Ck.(date) — Bank check on Otsego County Bank, Cooperstown, personally signed and dated by Cooper [from compiler’s collection, auction records, etc.]
  • Copy — Copyright agreement signed in New York City or Philadelphia by James Fenimore Cooper [from papers at New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown]
  • De. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Deerslayer (1841), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by James F. Beard (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987)
  • Ec. — James Fenimore Cooper, “The Eclipse” (ca. 1837), Putnam’s Magazine, n.s., IV, 351-359 (September 1869)
  • Eng. — James Fenimore Cooper, Gleanings in Europe: England (1837), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Donald A. Ringe and Kenneth W. Staggs (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982)
  • Fr. — James Fenimore Cooper, Gleanings in Europe (1837), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Thomas Philbrick (published as Gleanings in Europe: France. Albany: State Univesity of New York Press, 1983)
  • H. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Heidenmauer (18 ), page citations from Darley Edition (New York: W.A. Townsend, 1861)
  • It. — James Fenimore Cooper, Gleanings in Europe: Italy (1837), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by John Conron and Constance Ayers Denne (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981)
  • Jrn (entered at appropriate date) — Entries in Cooper’s Journals, as published in James F. Beard, ed., The Letters and Journals of James Fenimore Cooper (Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1960-68)
  • LL. — James Fenimore Cooper, Lionel Lincoln (1826), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Donald A. and Lucy B. Ringe (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984)
  • LM. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans (1826), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by James F. Beard (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983)
  • LTNC. — James Fenimore Cooper [grandson], Legends and Traditions of a Northern County (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1921)
  • NA. — James Fenimore Cooper, Notions of the Americans (1828), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Gary Williams (Albany: State University Press of New York, 1991) LI> NM. — James Fenimore Cooper, Ned Myers; or, A Life Before the Mast (1843), page citations from Naval Institute Edition, with introduction by William S. Dudley (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1989)
  • OO. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Oak Openings (1849), page citations from Darley Edition (New York: W.A. Townsend, 1960)
  • P&P. — Susan Fenimore Cooper [daughter], Pages and Pictures from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper (New York: W.A. Townsend, 1861)
  • Pa. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder (1840), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Richard Dilworth Rust (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981)
  • Pick. — James H. Pickering, “Fenimore Cooper as Country Gentleman: A New Glimpse of Cooper’s Westchester Years”, New York History, July 1991, pp. 299-318
  • Pr. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Prairie (1827), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by James P. Elliott (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985)
  • Pn. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Pioneers (1823), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by James F. Beard (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990)
  • Pt. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Pilot (1823), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Kay Seymour House, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986)
  • Rh. — James Fenimore Cooper, Sketches of Switzerland, Part Second (1836), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Ernst Redekop and Maurice Geracht (published as Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986)
  • RR. — James Fenimore Cooper The Red Rover (1828), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Thomas and Marianne Philbrick (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991)
  • Sa. — James Fenimore Cooper, Satanstoe (1845), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Kay Seymour House (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990)
  • SFM. — Susan Fenimore Cooper [daughter], “Small Family Memories”, in James Fenimore Cooper [grandson], ed., Correspondence of James Fenimore Cooper (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1922), Vol. I, pp. 7-72
  • Sw. — James Fenimore Cooper, Sketches of Switzerland (1836), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Robert E. Spiller and James F. Beard (published as Gleanings in Europe: Switzerland. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980)
  • Tay. — Alan Taylor, William Cooper’s Town: Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early American Republic (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995)
  • TA. — James Fenimore Cooper, The Two Admirals (1842), page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Donald A. Ringe (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990)
  • Wy. — James Fenimore Cooper, Wyandotté (1843), with page citations from Cooper Edition, with introduction by Thomas and Marianne Philbrick (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982)

Other Sources

  • Robert E. Spiller and Philip C. Blackburn, A Descriptive Bibliography of the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1934, reprinted New York: Burt Franklin, 1968) [used, with other sources, to establish dates of printing and publication]
  • Karl Baedeker, Switzerland and the adjoining portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol (Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 18ᵗʰ ed. 1899)
  • ------, Italy, from the Alps to Naples (Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 3ʳᵈ rev. ed., 1928)
  • ------, Paris and Environs (Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 11ᵗʰ rev. ed., 1894)