Characters in the Fiction of James Fenimore Cooper

Warren S. Walker (Texas Tech University)

Originally published in Warren S. Walker, Plots and Characters in the Fiction of James Fenimore Cooper (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1978), pp. 271-346.

Copyright © 1978 by Warren S. Walker.  Placed online with the kind permission of Warren S. Walker, and of Shoe String Press, Inc.

[May be reproduced for instructional use by individuals or institutions; commercial use prohibited.]

lphabetical Index

  • Abbott, Bianca-Alzuma-Ann. Home as Found. Daughter of Mrs. Abbott, who pronounces the child’s name Byansy-Alzumy-Ann.
  • Abbott, Orlando Furioso. Home as Found. Eldest son of Mrs. Abbott.
  • Abbott, Rinaldo-Rinaldini-Timothy. Home as Found. Son of Mrs. Abbott.
  • Abbott, Roger-Demetrius-Benjamin. Home as Found. Son of Mrs. Abbott.
  • Abbott, Widow-Bewitched. Home as Found. Hypocrite, gossip, and general busybody, she spends her time and energy making trouble for others.
  • Abdallah. Mercedes of Castile. See Boabdil.
  • Abercrombie [-y], [James]. Satanstoe. An historical figure, he is commander of the British and colonial forces attacking Fort Ticonderoga.
  • Admiral, The. Mercedes of Castile. See Colon, Christoval.
  • Africanus, Scipio. The Red Rover. Free black seaman, longtime companion of Richard Fid.
  • Agamemnon. The Pioneers. Negro slave in the household of Judge Temple.
  • Albrecht of Viederbach. The Heidenmauer. A knight of St. John (also called Knight of Rhodes), he is a cousin of Count Emich Leininger. Although a very worldly person, he is invited to Hartenburg Castle with the hope that his title will lend an air of religious respectability to the depredations of the Count of Hartenburg.
  • Alfonso. Mercedes of Castile. Half brother of Henry IV and brother of Isabella, he dies shortly after his accession to power; mentioned.
  • Alfonso, Don. Mercedes of Castile. Later Alfonso V, this historical figure is the second man to whom Isabella is betrothed; mentioned.
  • Allen. Lionel Lincoln. An American waterfront guard, he captures Cecil Dynevor and her party en route to Cambridge.
  • Allen, Jamie. Wyandotté. A Scottish immigrant, he is a mason employed on the Willoughby patent. He is killed during an Indian attack on the Hutted Knoll.
  • Alonso, Don. Mercedes of Castile. Portuguese husband of the Princess Royal of Castile, he dies in 1491 a bridegroom; mentioned.
  • Alonso de Carbajal, Don. Mercedes of Castile. Ambassador to Castile; mentioned.
  • Altieri, Annunziata. The Headsman. The deceased mother of Gaetano Grimaldi’s illegitimate son Bartolomeo Contini (alias Maso); mentioned.
  • Alzada, Conde D’. Precaution. Aged father of Julia Fitzgerald; mentioned.
  • Amen, Rev. Mr. The Oak Openings. Ingenuous but devout missionary to the Indians, he dies a Christian martyr. He is usually called Parson Amen.
  • Anchorite of the Cedars. The Heidenmauer. Epithet for Baron Odo von Rittenstein while he lives as a hermit among the ruins near the Heidenmauer.
  • Anderson. The Pathfinder. Crewman aboard the Scud.
  • André, [John]. The Spy. An historical figure, he was the British major captured as a spy and hanged by the American command in 1780; mentioned.
  • Angiolina. The Headsman. The deceased mother of Gaetano Grimaldi’s son Gaetano Grimaldi (alias Sigismund Steinbach); mentioned.
  • Annawon. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Wampanoag brave who participates in the second attack on Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Annette. Home as Found. French seamstress and chambermaid at the Wigwam.
  • Annual, Mrs. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Annunziate. The Wing-and-Wing. Female fruit seller at Portoferraio, Island of Elba.
  • Anselmo, Ferdinand. The Bravo. Carmelite monk who is the spiritual adviser of Violetta Tiepolo.
  • Anson, George. The Two Admirals. Schoolboy friend of the titular heroes of the novel; mentioned.
  • Antoin [sic]. Afloat and Ashore. Cabin boy on the French ship Pauline.
  • Antoine. The Wing-and-Wing. Old seaman on the Feu-Follet.
  • Antonio. “Imagination.” Code name for Edward Stanley.
  • Ap Rice, Sir Owen. Precaution. Neighbor of the Earl of Pendennyss in Wales.
  • Archbishop of Leaphigh. The Monikins. Benign head of the ecclesiastical establishment in Leaphigh.
  • Archer. Jack Tier. Midshipman on the U.S. cruiser Poughkeepsie.
  • Ark, Henry. The Red Rover. Name given to infant Henry de Lacey many years before his real identity is established.
  • Arnolph, Father. The Heidenmauer. Prior and spiritual leader of the Abbey of Limburg, he is the most consistently devout and benign Benedictine in the novel.
  • Arrowhead. The Pathfinder. Tuscarora (Iroquois) Indian who at first pretends to support the British cause but is soon discovered to be in the employ of the French. He is killed by Chingachgook.
  • Assheton, John. Home as Found. Name temporarily taken by John Effingham.
  • Assheton, Paul. Home as Found. Mistakenly thought to be the name of Paul Effingham.
  • Augustin de Certevallos, Don. The Prairie. Spanish grandee in the Louisiana territory, father of Inez Augustin Middleton.

  • Bacon, Peter. The Ways of The Hour. A witness testifying at the inquest and at Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Bailey, Peter. The Ways of the Hour. Ninth juror empaneled for Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Baiting Joe. The Sea Lions. Alcoholic and garrulous old fisherman at Oyster Point.
  • Le Balafré. The Prairie. Venerable Teton Sioux chief who attempts to adopt as son the captive Hard-Heart.
  • Bale. The Red Rover. Agent for the Royal Caroline at Newport, Rhode Island.
  • Bale. Home as Found. Merchant on Wall Street.
  • Ballesteros, Diego de. Mercedes of Castile. Queen Isabella’s page at the time of Christoval Colon’s return from the first voyage to the Indies; mentioned.
  • Balthazar. The Headsman. The hereditary executioner (headsman) of the canton of Berne; husband of Marguerite; father of Christine; adoptive father of Gaetano Grimaldi the younger (alias Sigismund Steinbach); also called Herr Müller.
  • Baptiste. The Headsman. Greedy owner of the Winkelried; drowned during a storm on Lake Leman (Geneva).
  • Barbérie, Alida de. The Water-Witch. Of partly Huguenot extraction, she is the orphaned niece and ward of Myndert Van Beverout. The female romantic lead, she marries (on the last page of the novel) Captain Ludlow.
  • Barclay. Afloat and Ashore. A half-pay colonel, he is British consul in New York City.
  • Barlow. Jack Tier. Crewman on the Molly Swash.
  • Barney. The Redskins. Irish footman and servant of Jack Dunning.
  • Barnstable, Richard. The Pilot. A lieutenant and later captain in the U.S. Navy, he has come up through the ranks. He marries the capricious, intelligent Katherine Plowden.
  • Barnwell. Satanstoe. Colonial military officer in Tuscarora expedition; mentioned.
  • Barrel, Ben. The Two Admirals. A quartermaster on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Barrofaldi, Andrea. The Wing-and-Wing. Deputy governor at Portoferraio, Island of Elba.
  • Bartolo. The Headsman. See Contini, Bartolomeo.
  • Bartolomeo. The Bravo. Gondolier who participates in the regatta.
  • Bat, Dr. Obed. The Prairie, Physician and pedantic naturalist attached to the Bush caravan. He prefers to Latinize his last name to Battius.
  • Battista, Father. The Bravo. Venetian priest.
  • Bayard. The Chainbearer. Deceased owner of the Hickories, an estate near Lilacsbush; ancestor of Priscilla and Tom Bayard; mentioned.
  • Bayard, Priscilla. The Chainbearer. Sister of Thomas Bayard, former schoolmate of Ursula Malbone, friend of Katrinke Littlepage, and eventually wife of Francis Malbone; often called Pris.
  • Bayard, Thomas. The Chainbearer. Brother of Priscilla Bayard, and suitor and eventually husband of Katrinke Littlepage.
  • Bear’s Meat. The Oak Openings. A Menominee chief.
  • Beekman, Evert. Wyandotté. A colonel in the Continental army, he marries Beulah Willoughby.
  • Beekman, Evert. Wyandotté. Infant son of Colonel Evert Beekman and Beulah Willoughby.
  • Ben. The Pilot. An American sailor.
  • Benfield, Roderic. Precaution. Aged, garrulous uncle of Lady Anne Moseley, he is a good-natured bachelor of considerable fortune.
  • Benoit. The Wing-and-Wing. Quartermaster on the Feu-Follet.
  • Benson. Satanstoe. Young man interested in Anneke Mordaunt; mentioned.
  • Beppo. The Bravo. Wine merchant, competitor of Tommaso Torti.
  • Bess. Wyandotté. Negro slave at the Hutted Knoll, she is the wife of Pliny the Younger. She is slain and scalped during an Indian attack. She is known by the sobriquet Great Smash.
  • Betts, Robert. The Crater. Old salt who teaches Mark Woolston seamanship, he survives shipwreck with Mark on a crater reef. He Inter becomes a wealthy citizen of a colony built around that same reef.
  • Beverly, Jane. The Two Admirals. Wife of Gregory Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Big Pine. The Deerslayer. Huron epithet for Henry March.
  • Big Serpent. The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers. The Indian whose native name is Chingachgook. Big Serpent is said to be the English translation of Chingachgook.
  • Big Thunder. The Redskins. Pseudonym for an unidentified “Injin,” or disguised anti-renter.
  • Bigelow. The Crater. Shipwright recruited by Mark Woolston at Panama, he becomes captain of one of the colony’s ships.
  • Bigelow, Teresa. The Crater. Spanish wife of Bigelow the shipwright.
  • Bignall. The Red Rover. Captain of the British cruiser Dart.
  • Bill. Jack Tier. Crewman on the Molly Swash.
  • Billings. Satanstoe. A British captain in Henry Bulstrode’s company.
  • Billings, Diogenes. Miles Wallingford. Black cook on the Dawn.
  • Birch, Abigail. The Spy. Deceased sister of Harvey Birch; mentioned.
  • Birch, Chester. The Spy. Deceased brother of Harvey Birch; mentioned.
  • Birch, Harvey. The Spy. Yankee pack peddler who serves as Washington’s most trusted espionage agent, he is the titular hero of the novel.
  • Birch, Johnny. The Spy. The father of Harvey Birch.
  • Bitts, Richard. The Two Admirals. Butler at Wychecombe Hall, employed by elderly Sir Wycherly Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Black Billy. Lionel Lincoln. Nickname for the British general William Howe.
  • Blackbird. The Oak Openings. Indian chief among the forces that captured Chicago from the Americans during the War of 1812; mentioned.
  • Blakely. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Elizabeth.
  • Blanche of Aragon. Mercedes of Castile. first wife of Henry IV of Castile; mentioned.
  • Blewet, Thomas. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British frigate Druid.
  • Blodget. Wyandotté. A young Rhode Islander employed on the Willoughby estate, he is the only Yankee who remains loyal to the family during an Indian uprising.
  • Bloomfield. Home as Found. A nonentity, he is the husband of a prominent New York socialite.
  • Bloomfield, Mrs. Home as Found. Witty and vivacious socialite in New York City.
  • Blossom. The Oak Openings. Nickname of Margery Waring.
  • Bluewater, Lord. The Two Admirals. Only male relative of same surname who survives Rear Admiral Richard Bluewater.
  • Bluewater, John. The Two Admirals. Younger brother of Rear Admiral Richard Bluewater, he was a colonel killed in action. He was secretly married to Agnes Hedworth by whom he had a daughter, Mildred, whom he never saw; mentioned.
  • Bluewater, Mildred. The Two Admirals. Long thought to be the daughter of Frank and Martha Dutton, she is known throughout most of the novel as Mildred Dutton. She is actually the daughter of Colonel John Bluewater and Agnes Hedworth Bluewater. The female romantic lead, she marries the Virginian Wycherly Wychecombe, seventh baronet of Wychecombe.
  • Bluewater, Richard. The Two Admirals. Rear admiral, second in command in Sir Gervaise Oakes’s fleet, he is one of the two titular heroes of the novel.
  • Bluff. The Two Admirals. First lieutenant on the British warship Caesar.
  • Blunt, Paul. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. One of several names used by Paul Effingham.
  • Boabdil. Mercedes of Castile. Last of the Moorish kings in Spain, this historical figure surrenders Granada to Spanish forces; also called Abdallah.
  • Bobadilla, Beatriz de. Mercedes of Castile. Close friend and companion of Isabella, this historical figure marries Don Andres de Cabrera and eventually becomes Marquesa (Marchioness) de Moya; high-principled guardian of Mercedes de Valverde and aunt of Luis de Bobadilla, the two romantic principals of the novel; also called Marquesa de Moya.
  • Bobadilla, Don Luis de. Mercedes of Castile. Young male romantic lead in the novel; truant nephew of Beatriz de Bobadilla and later husband of Mercedes de Valverde, he is given seeming historicity by his use of the sobriquet Pedro Gutierrez [a gentleman volunteer close to Columbus and serving on the Santa Maria]; also called Conde de Llera, Pedro de Muños, and Pedro (Pero) Gutierrez.
  • Bobbinet. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Part owner of a fashionable shop in New York City.
  • Boden, Benjamin. The Oak Openings. A bee-hunter on the frontier, he is the protagonist and male romantic lead in the novel.
  • Bogart, Mrs. Satanstoe. Friend of Herman Mordaunt who accompanies the ill-fated sleighing party.
  • Bogert. The Chainbearer. Captain of a sloop on the Hudson River.
  • Bohrecheena. The Prairie. Aged Teton Sioux chief.
  • Bolt, Ithuel. The Wing-and-Wing. Yankee seaman impressed by British, he escapes and loins the crew of the French privateer Feu-Follet.
  • Bolton, Lord. Precaution. An earl, owner of a large estate near Moseley Hall, and a cousin of the Earl of Pendennyss.
  • Boltrope, David. The Pilot. Sailing master on an American frigate during the Revolution, he is killed at sea during a naval battle.
  • Bonifacius. The Heidenmauer. See Wilhelm of Venloo.
  • Bonnie. The Water-Witch. Black male slave who is Myndert Van Beverout’s caretaker at Lust in Rust.
  • Borroughcliffe. The Pilot. Captain and later major in the British army, he is a hearty and convivial old soldier. He dies from excessive drinking while mourning the loss of a friend.
  • Bough of Oak. The Oak Openings. Indian chief whose tribe is not identified.
  • Bounding Boy. The Deerslayer. Young Huron brave.
  • Bounding Elk. The Last of the Mohicans. Indian epithet for Uncas.
  • Bourdon. The Oak Openings. A French word meaning drone, it is, inappropriately, the nickname by which Benjamin Boden is most frequently called.
  • Bourrit, Herr. The Headsman. The châtelain of Sion, in Upper Valais; serves as the official judge in the trial of those accused of the murder of Jacques Colis; also called Signor Castellano and Podestà.
  • Bowater, Mrs. Wyandotté. Daughter of Sir Harry Willoughby, she inherits his estate; mentioned.
  • Brace, Bob. The Red Rover. First of the seamen on the Royal Caroline to conclude that the ship has been beset by demonic forces.
  • Brackett, Miss. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Bradfort, Margaret. Afloat and Ashore. A cousin of Rev. Mr. Hardinge, she leaves her vast fortune to that rector’s daughter, Lucy.
  • Bradstreet. Satanstoe. General in command of the British commissariat; mentioned.
  • Bragg, Aristabulus. Home as Found. Yankee attorney and jack-of-all-trades, he manages the estate of Edward Effingham. He marries the French chambermaid Annette.
  • Briarthorn. The Deerslayer. See Yocommo.
  • Brigham, Joshua. The Redskins. Blustery hired man on Ravensnest farm; outspoken supporter of anti-renters.
  • Brigham, Sarah. Afloat and Ashore. Wife of Wallace Mortimer Brigham.
  • Brigham, Wallace Mortimer. Afloat and Ashore. A resident of Salem, Massachusetts, this gossipy, name-dropping Yankee is a passenger on the Dawn during a voyage to Bordeaux.
  • Bright. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is a captive of Waally until he escapes to join the colony of Mark Woolston.
  • Brom. The Pioneers. Nickname of Abraham Freeborn.
  • Bromley, Mary. The Crater. Young confidante and bridesmaid of Bridget Yardley.
  • Bronte. The Wing-and-Wing. Epithet for Admiral Horatio Nelson after Ferdinand IV of Naples made him Duke of Bronte, a province in Sicily.
  • Brookes. The Ways of the Hour. A neighbor of Mrs. Gott.
  • Brooks. Homeward Bound. Athletic young seaman of the Montauk, he is killed in battle with Arabs.
  • Brown, Ben. The Wing-and-Wing. Foretopman on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Brown, Bill. The Crater. Ship carpenter on the Rancocus, he is held captive by Waally before escaping to join Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Brown, Jack. The Two Admirals. Sailor on the Plantagenet.
  • Bruno, Daniele. The Wing-and-Wing. Crony of Tommaso Tonti.
  • Brush, David. The Two Admirals. Valet at Wychecombe Hall, employed by elderly Sir Wycherly Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Brutus. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Myndert Van Beverout.
  • Brutus. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Brutus, Julius. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Brutus, Lucius Junius. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Budd, Mrs. Jack Tier. Foolish, somewhat senile aunt of Rose Budd, she drowns when thrown overboard from the yawl of the Molly Swash.
  • Budd, Rose. Jack Tier. Orphaned niece of Mrs. Budd, she is the female romantic lead who marries Henry (Harry) Mulford.
  • Bulstrode, Lady. Satanstoe. Mother of Major Henry Bulstrode; mentioned.
  • Bulstrode, Sir Harry. Satanstoe. Major Bulstrode’s gouty, asthmatic father, resident of England; mentioned.
  • Bulstrode, Henry. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. British major (later Sir Henry), he is a friend of the Mordaunt family. He courts Anneke Mordaunt but remains a bachelor.
  • Bumgrum, Ordeal. Home as Found. Child of a neighbor of Mrs. Abbott.
  • Bumppo, Nathaniel (Natty). The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie. Protagonist of all five of these Leather-Stocking Tales. An illiterate white man, he was adopted in youth by the Delawares and becomes sworn “brother” of Chingachgook. An unselfish man, he spends his life in service to others.
  • Bunce, Peter. The Redskins. A tenant at Ravensnest.
  • Bunt, Bob. The Red Rover. Wily old sailor, one of the many masquerades of the Red Rover.
  • Bunting. The Two Admirals. Lieutenant who serves as signal officer for Vice Admiral Sir Gervaise Oakes, he is killed in action.
  • Burgoyne, [John]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical general, he was a prominent British leader at the siege of Boston during the Revolution.
  • Burton, Miss. The Ways of the Hour. Eldest sister of Samuel Burton and witness in the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Burton, Miss. The Ways of the Hour. Second sister of Samuel Burton and witness in the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Burton, Miss. The Ways of the Hour. Third sister of Samuel Burton and witness in the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Burton, Samuel. The Ways of the Hour. Witness in the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Burton, Sarah. The Ways of the Hour. Taciturn, guilt-ridden witness questioned by Mary Monson following the latter’s conviction for murder.
  • Bury. The Two Admirals. First lieutenant on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Bush, Abner. The Prairie. Son of Ishmael and Esther Bush.
  • Bush, Asa. The Prairie. Oldest son of Ishmael and Esther Bush, he is murdered by his uncle.
  • Bush, Enoch. The Prairie. Son of Ishmael and Esther Bush.
  • Bush, Esther (Hetty). The Prairie. Wife of Ishmael Bush.
  • Bush, Hetty, The Prairie. Daughter of Ishmael and Esther Bush.
  • Bush, Ishmael. The Prairie. A “squatter” from Kentucky and Tennessee, he is the head of a large family of settlers well beyond the frontier in the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Bush, Jesse. The Prairie. Son of Ishmael and Esther Bush.
  • Butterfield. The Ways of the Hour. Participant in a lawsuit; mentioned.
  • Buzz, Ben. The Oak Openings. Nickname for Benjamin Boden.
  • Buzzing Ben. The Oak Openings. Nickname for Benjamin Boden.
  • Byng, John. The Two Admirals. Schoolboy friend of the titular heroes of the novel; mentioned.

  • Cabrera, Don Andres de. Mercedes of Castile. A waggish noble and friend of Ferdinand of Aragon, he weds Beatriz de Bobadilla and eventually becomes Marquis of Moya; also called Nuñez.
  • Caesar. The Pilot. Negro slave in the household of Colonel Howard.
  • Caesar. Satanstoe. Negro slave of Mrs. Jane Legge.
  • Calatrava, Master of. Mercedes of Castile. See Giron, Don Pedro.
  • Caonabo. Mercedes of Castile. Historical Carib chieftain feared by the Haitians, he vainly attempts to capture Ozema as a wife during Luis de Bobadilla’s visit to Mattinao.
  • Cap, Charles. The Pathfinder. A stereotyped “old salt,” he is scornful of the freshwater seamanship of the Great Lakes. He is the brother-in-law of Sergeant Dunham and the uncle of Mabel Dunham.
  • Caraccioli [Caracciolo], Francesco. The Wing-and-Wing. Historical Neapolitan admiral and statesman convicted of treason by a Neapolitan court and executed by Admiral Horatio Nelson.
  • Caraccioli [Caracciolo], Ghita. The Wing-and-Wing. Granddaughter of Admiral Caracciolo and fiancée of Raoul Yvard.
  • Cardonnel, Lady. Lionel Lincoln. Title inherited by Cecil Dynevor.
  • Cardonnel, Lord. Lionel Lincoln. Relative of Cecil Dynevor; mentioned.
  • Carlos, Don. Mercedes of Castile. First prince to whom Isabella is betrothed; mentioned.
  • Carnaby. The Water-Witch. New York City grocer who is the liaison between Thomas Tiller and Lord Cornbury.
  • Carrascal, Father Pedro de. Mercedes of Castile. Respected friar and former teacher of Luis de Bobadilla.
  • Cassandra. The Red Rover. Black servant of Gertrude Grayson.
  • Castellano, Signor. The Headsman. See Bourrit, Herr.
  • Catamount. The Deerslayer. Huron warrior who wishes to marry the captive Wah-ta-Wah.
  • Catfall. The Wing-and-Wing. Captain of the forecastle on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Catholic Queen. Mercedes of Castile. See Isabella.
  • Cato. Lionel Lincoln. Black slave of Priscilla Lechmere.
  • Cato. Satanstoe. Herman Mordaunt’s longtime slave.
  • Caverly, Clara. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Friend of Eudosia Halfacre.
  • Le Cerf Agile. The Last of the Mohicans. See Bounding Elk.
  • Chainbearer. The Chainbearer. See Coejemans, Andries.
  • Charity. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Maidservant in Heathcote household.
  • Charlton. The Crater. A merchant who loins Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Chatterino, Lord. The Monikins. The younger of the two male monkeys (monikins) met by John Goldencalf in Paris; a young nobleman in Leaphigh society.
  • Chatterissa, Lady. The Monikins. The younger of the two female monkeys (monikins) met by John Goldencalf in Paris, she eventually marries Lord Chatterino.
  • Chatterton, Lady. Precaution. Widow of a baron, she is the domineering mother of Astley (Lord Chatterton), Grace, and Catherine.
  • Chatterton, Lord. Precaution. See Cooper, Astley.
  • Chatterton, Catherine. Precaution. Older daughter of Lady Chatterton, she marries Lord Herriefield; also called Kate and Lady Herriefield.
  • Chatterton, Grace. Precaution. Younger daughter of Lady Chatterton and confidante of Emily Moseley, she weds John Moseley.
  • Chatterton, Lady [Harriet]. Precaution. See Denbigh, Lady Harriet.
  • Chatterton, Kate. Precaution. See Chatterton, Catherine.
  • Chélincourt, Comte de. The Two Admirals. Captain of the French warship Scipio.
  • Chingachgook. The Deerslayer. Sworn “brother” of Natty Bumppo and chief of the Mohicans, a tribe of the Delaware nation. He is the husband of Wah-ta-Wah and the father of Uncas. The Last of the Mohicans. Scout, with Natty Bumppo, for British during French and Indian Wars and father of the titular hero, Uncas. The Pathfinder. Scout, with Natty Bumppo, for British forces on the Niagara Frontier during the French and Indian Wars. The Pioneers. Alcoholic and pathetic old Indian now known as John Mohegan. He dies near the end of this novel.
  • Christine. The Headsman. Daughter of Balthazar and Marguerite, and the bride renounced by Jacques Colis at the revels in Vévey.
  • Clawbonny, Chloe. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Slave girl (later freed) who is the personal servant of Grace Wallingford. She marries Neb Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Cupid. Miles Wallingford. Slave (later freed) second husband of Venus Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Dido. Afloat and Ashore. Slave (later freed) who serves as cook at Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Hector. Miles Wallingford. Son of the slaves (later freed) Neb and Chloe Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Hiram. Afloat and Ashore. Slave (later freed) who is in charge of the farm work at Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Nebuchadnezzar (Neb). Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Slave (later freed) who goes to sea with the protagonist, Miles Wallingford. He is one of Miles’s closest friends.
  • Clawbonny, Pompey. Afloat and Ashore. Grandfather of Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Romeo. Miles Wallingford. Aged slave (later freed) house servant at Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Venus. Miles Wallingford. Slave (later freed) housekeeper at Clawbonny.
  • Clawbonny, Vulcan. Miles Wallingford. Slave (later freed) who is a blacksmith at Clawbonny and the adjacent villages.
  • Cleet, Bob. The Water-Witch. Sailor on the Coquette.
  • Clements. Miles Wallingford. Lieutenant on the British frigate Briton.
  • Clench, Ben. Jack Tier. Boatswain of the Molly Swash.
  • Cleveland, Lord Geoffrey. The Two Admirals. A very young midshipman during the main action of the novel, he subsequently becomes the Duke of Glamorgan.
  • Clinch, Jack. The Wing-and-Wing. Master mate on the British frigate Proserpine, he was later promoted to the rank of lieutenant.
  • Clinton, Sir Henry. The Spy, Lionel Lincoln. An historical figure, he was one of the British generals responsible for the evacuation of Boston; subsequently British commander in New York City.
  • Coca, Father Alonso de. Mercedes of Castile. Young Isabella’s priest and counselor.
  • Coe, Dr. The Ways of the Hour. Country doctor who testifies at the inquest.
  • Coejemans, Andries. The Chainbearer. A captain during the Revolution, he later becomes a surveyor and is often called Chainbearer. He is the guardian of his niece Ursula Malbone. He is killed by Aaron Timberman.
  • Le Coeur-dur. The Last of the Mohicans. See Hard Heart.
  • Coffin, Tom. The Pilot. A Nantucket whaler in the navy during the Revolution, he is a stereotype of the “old salt.”
  • Coil. The Water-Witch. Seaman on the Water-Witch.
  • Coldbrooke [or Colebrooke], Henrietta. The Redskins. A ward of Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder; independently wealthy; marries a friend of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger.
  • Colis, Jacques. The Headsman. The intended husband of Christine at the revels in Vévey; renounces Christine as bride; murdered by Conrad and Pippo.
  • Colombo, Christoforo. Mercedes of Castile. See Colon, Christoval.
  • Colon, Christoval. Mercedes of Castile. A Genoese historical figure whose determination to reach Cathay by sailing west provides the impetus for the novel; devout Christian, idealist, and superb navigator; also called Christopher Columbus, The Admiral, and Christoforo Colombo.
  • [Colon], Diego. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure who is the legitimate son of Christoval Colon, a widower; mentioned.
  • [Colon], Fernando (Ferdinand). Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure who is the illegitimate son of Christoval Colon by Beatriz Enriquez; mentioned.
  • Columbus, Christopher. Mercedes of Castile. See Colon, Christoval.
  • Commodore. Home as Found. Eccentric septuagenarian who devotes his time to fishing on Otsego Lake.
  • Comtant. The Two Admirals. Captain of the French warship Victoire.
  • Conanchet [Canonchet]. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An historical figure, he succeeds his father, Miantonimoh, as sachem of the Narragansetts. He is killed in a battle with the English and their Pequot-Mohican allies. In the novel he marries the captive English girl who is the “wept” of Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Conrad. The Headsman. Hypocritical pilgrim en route to Rome; Pippo’s confederate in the murder of Jacques Colis.
  • Contini, Bartolomeo. The Headsman. The illegitimate son of Gaetano Grimaldi; a dealer in contraband; emergency captain of storm-beset Winkelried; usually called Maso, but also called Il Maldetto, San Tommaso, Tommaso Santi, and Bartolo.
  • Cooper, Astley. Precaution. Titled Lord Chatterton, he is the son of Lady Chatterton and brother of Grace and Catherine, and weds Lady Harriet Denbigh.
  • Coppers, Jack. The Monikins. Negro cook aboard the Walrus: knighted in Leaphigh.
  • Le Corbeau Rouge. The Deerslayer. See Red Crow.
  • Cork, Samuel. The Two Admirals. Cook at Wychecombe Hall, employed by elderly Sir Wycherly Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Cornbury, Viscount. The Water-Witch. Former royal governor of the colony of New York and a distant relative of Queen Anne, he is in debtors’ prison at the time of the novel.
  • Cornet. The Two Admirals. Lieutenant who serves as signal officer for Rear Admiral Richard Bluewater.
  • County of Fair-villain. The Two Admirals. Galleygo’s mispronunciation of Comte de Vervillin.
  • Craft. The Sea Lions. Lawyer who draws up Deacon Pratt’s will, he is called Squire.
  • Craig. The Deerslayer. British lieutenant.
  • Craig, Jimmy. Lionel Lincoln. Friend of Captain Polwarth; mentioned.
  • Crooks. The Ways of the Hour. Attorney in Duke’s County.
  • Crowsfeather. The Oak Openings. The supreme chief of the Pottawattamies.
  • Crutchely. The Crater. Alcoholic master of the Rancocus, he runs his ship aground on reefs in the Pacific and is swept overboard to his death.
  • Cuffe, Richard. The Wing-and-Wing. Captain of the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Cunning Fox. The Last of the Mohicans. Indian honorific for Magua.
  • Cuno, Father. The Heidenmauer. Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Cupid. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Oloff Van Staats.
  • Cuyler. Satanstoe. Mayor of Albany.

  • D.O.V.E. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Daggett, Betsey. The Sea Lions. Wife of Captain Jason Daggett.
  • Daggett, Jason. The Sea Lions. Captain of the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Daggett, Thomas. Miles Wallingford. Distant relative of John Wallingford and the administrator of his estate.
  • Daggett, Thomas. The Sea Lions. Dying seaman, uncle of Jason Daggett, who discloses to Deacon Pratt the locations of a sealing site and a buried treasure.
  • Le Daim-Mose. The Deerslayer. See Moose.
  • Dale. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the U.S.S. Ganges.
  • Daly. The Two Admirals. First lieutenant on the British warship Achilles.
  • Dama. Mercedes of Castile. Friend of Inez Peraza and witness to the visibility of land west of the Canary Islands.
  • Danforth, Agnes. Lionel Lincoln. The great-niece of Priscilla Lechmere, she is the friend and confidante of the female romantic lead, Cecil Dynevor. She is one of the few pro-patriot characters in the novel.
  • Daniel. Wyandotté. Miller on the Willoughby estate, he plots with Joel Strides against his employer. He is killed attacking the Hutted Knoll.
  • Daniels, Sam. Precaution. Innkeeper of the Dun Cow inn, a competitor of Moseley Arms.
  • Dashwood, Sir Frederick. The Wing-and-Wing. Baronet who commands the British frigate Terpsichore.
  • David. Precaution. Servant of Roderic Benfield.
  • David. The Two Admirals. Porter at Wychecombe Hall, employed by elderly Sir Wycherly Wychecombe.
  • David. Satanstoe. The old chainbearer with Corny Littlepage’s party; killed and scalped by Hurons.
  • Davidson, Bartlett. The Sea Lions. Seaman on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Davidson, Davy. The Ways of the Hour. Cited as an example of one who, reputed to be only moderately wealthy, dies very wealthy; mentioned.
  • Davidson, Peter. The Ways of the Hour. Resident of Biberry; mentioned.
  • Davis, Gilbert. Satanstoe. Tenant at Ravensnest killed and scalped by Hurons.
  • Davis, Jake. The Sea Lions. Resident of Oyster Point and crony of Baiting Joe.
  • Davis, Jesse. The Ways of the Hour. Nephew and heir of Peter Goodwin, he retains Frank Williams as prosecuting attorney in the Mary Monson trials.
  • Davis, Robert. Homeward Bound. Newly wed bridegroom aboard the Montauk, he is sought for alleged debts.
  • Davis, Mrs. Robert. Homeward Bound. Newly wed bride aboard the Montauk.
  • Davis, Thomas. Precaution. Discharged alcoholic gardener advised and aided by George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Davis, Mrs. Thomas. Precaution. Wife of Thomas Davis and mother of his four children.
  • de Blonay, Roger (Sire). The Headsman, The Redskins. An old friend of Melchior de Willading, he is host for the Willading party near Vévey; mentioned in The Redskins.
  • de la Rocheaimard, Viscountess. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Grandmother of Adrienne de la Rocheaimard, the female romantic lead.
  • de la Rocheaimard, Adrienne. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Member of the noble family of de la Rocheaimard, she is the maker and final owner of a famous pocket handkerchief. The female romantic lead, she marries Betts Shoreham.
  • de Lacey. The Red Rover. Grandfather of Henry de Lacey and deceased husband of the Widow de Lacey, he was an admiral.
  • de Lacey, Widow. The Red Rover. Relict of Admiral de Lacey who, for humorous purposes, mistaught her nautical jargon. She is the aunt of Gertrude Grayson.
  • de Lacey, Henry. The Red Rover. Grandson of Admiral de Lacey and son of Paul de Lacey and Mrs. Wyllys, he is the romantic male lead in the novel. He uses the aliases Henry Ark and Harry Wilder.
  • de Lacey, Paul. The Red Rover. Dead before the novel commences, he was the father of Henry de Lacey.
  • de Willading, Adelheid. The Headsmann. The sole surviving child of the Baron de Willading, she marries Gaetano Grimaldi the younger (alias Sigismund Steinbach).
  • de Willading, Melchior (Baron). The Headsman. A lifelong friend of Signor Gaetano Grimaldi and the father of Adelheid, he is rescued from drowning by Gaetano the younger (alias Sigismund Steinbach).
  • Deersfoot. The Redskins. One of the Indian band honoring Susquesus.
  • Deerslayer. The Deerslayer. Epithet given by Indians to the youthful Natty Bumppo.
  • Delafield, Seymour. “Heart.” Suave, attractive, and wealthy young man about town, he marries Maria Osgood after being rejected by the protagonist, Charlotte Henley.
  • Denbigh, Duke Francis. Precaution. Deceased eldest brother of General Frederick Denbigh; mentioned.
  • Denbigh, Francis (Frank). Precaution. Deceased elder son of General Frederick and Lady Margaret Denbigh; mentioned.
  • Denbigh, Frederick. Precaution. A deceased general who was the grandfather of George Denbigh, Earl of Pendennyss; mentioned.
  • Denbigh, Frederick. Precaution. Duke of Derwent and brother of Lady Harriet Denbigh, he first courts Emily Moseley and later woos Lady Marian Denbigh.
  • Denbigh, George. Precaution. Deceased younger brother of Duke Francis Denbigh; mentioned.
  • Denbigh, George [the elder]. Precaution. Younger son of General Frederick and Lady Margaret Denbigh, husband of Lady Marian Lumley, and father of George Denbigh (the Earl of Pendennyss) and Lady Marian Denbigh, he dies early in the novel.
  • Denbigh, George. Precaution. The Earl of Pendennyss. Male romantic lead in the novel, he is the only son of George Denbigh and Lady Marian Denbigh; he weds Emily Moseley; also called Lumley, Lord Lumley, and Lord Pendennyss.
  • Denbigh, George. Precaution. A colonel in the army, he is a cousin of the Earl of Pendennyss and the Duke of Derwent. He marries Lady Laura Stapleton.
  • Denbigh, Lady Harriet. Precaution. Sister of Frederick Denbigh (Duke of Derwent) and cousin of George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss) and Lady Marian Denbigh, she is courted and won by Astley Cooper (Lord Chatterton) and is thereafter called Lady Chatterton.
  • Denbigh, Lady Margaret. Precaution. Deceased wife of General Frederick Denbigh, mother of Francis and George Denbigh, and grandmother of George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss); mentioned.
  • Denbigh, Marian. Precaution. Reclusive devoted sister of George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss), she is wooed by Frederick Denbigh, Duke of Derwent; usually called Lady Marian.
  • Denham. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Chloe during the action of the novel; in later years he received a peerage and the rank of rear admiral.
  • Dent, Sir Digby. Lionel Lincoln. British officer; mentioned.
  • Dermond, Lord Harry. Miles Wallingford. Captain of the British frigate Speedy.
  • Derwent, Duke of. Precaution. See Denbigh, Frederick.
  • des Prez, Vicomte. The Two Admirals. Officer in command of the rear squadron of the French fleet engaged by the titular heroes of the novel.
  • Desdemona (Mony). Wyandotté. Negro slave in the household of Captain Willoughby, she is manumitted after his death. She is also called Little Smash.
  • Désirée. Autobiography of a Pocket=Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. A Parisian commission agent.
  • Dew-of-June. The Pathfinder. Wife of the Tuscarora Arrowhead.
  • Dickey. Home as Found. Apprentice boy at Templeton.
  • Dickinson. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is held captive by Waally until he escapes to join Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Dickon. The Pioneers. Nickname which Judge Temple uses for his cousin, Richard Jones.
  • Dido. The Crater. Wife of Socrates, she is a slave owned by Bridget Yardley.
  • Diego. Mercedes of Castile. Presumptuous but good-natured young soldier and member of the guard at Saragossa, capital of Aragon.
  • Dietrich. The Heidenmauer. A blacksmith of Deurckheim, he is Heinrich Frey’s lieutenant in the attack on the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Digby, Horace. Precaution. A captain in the army, he is killed in a duel by his comrade, Captain Harry Jarvis.
  • Digges. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the Tigris, the vessel on which the John’s shipwrecked crew works its way home.
  • Diggins. Miles Wallingford. Alcoholic master’s mate on the British frigate Speedy.
  • Dighton, Stephen. The Crater. Quaker leader who immigrates to Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Dillon, Christopher. The Pilot. Lawyer and American Tory, he returns to England during the Revolution. He is the villain of the novel: morose, malign, and completely self-centered.
  • Dinah. The Water-Witch. Black slave, maidservant of Alida de Barbérie.
  • Diomede. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Myndert Van Beverout.
  • Dipper. Afloat and Ashore. An Indian with whom the crew of the Crisis trades on the Canadian Pacific coast.
  • Dobbs, John. The Monikins. Upright steward of John Goldencalf’s Householder estate.
  • Dodd, Martha. The Two Admirals. Housekeeper for Lord Thomas Wychecombe, she bears him three illegitimate sons.
  • Dodge, Steadfast. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Yankee journalist of questionable character, he is editor of the Active Inquirer.
  • Dogma, Dr. The Red Rover. Clergyman at Newport.
  • Doolittle, Hiram. The Pioneers. Yankee carpenter, amateur architect and lawyer, and Justice of the Peace employed in various capacities by Richard Jones. He is flattered by the townspeople with the honorific Squire.
  • Doortje. Satanstoe. Kitchen maid in Mayor Cuyler’s home in Albany.
  • Doortje, Mother. Satanstoe. Self-styled fortuneteller in Albany.
  • Downright, Aaron. The Monikins. Titled “Brigadier,” he attends Judas People’s Friend and aids John Goldencalf and Poke in Leaplow.
  • Doyle. Lionel Lincoln. Sergeant in the Royal Irish Grenadiers.
  • Drewett, Mrs. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Mother of Andrew, Caroline, and Helen Drewett.
  • Drewett, Andrew. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Unsuccessful suitor of Lucy Hardinge.
  • Drewett, Caroline. Miles Wallingford. Sister of Andrew Drewett.
  • Drewett, Helen. Miles Wallingford. Sister of Andrew Drewett.
  • Drill. The Pilot. A sergeant in the British army.
  • Drinkwater. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Dover during the main action of the novel, he is subsequently drowned at sea during a storm.
  • Driven Snow. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Indian epithet for Ruth Heathcote.
  • Drooping Lily. The Deerslayer. Indian sobriquet for Hetty Hutter.
  • Ducie, Charles. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. A cousin of Paul Effingham, he is captain of the British cruiser Foam.
  • Dudley, Eben. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A doughty Indian fighter, he attains the rank of ensign. He marries Faith Ring.
  • Dumont, Pierre. The Headsman. An experienced mountain guide; led the de Willading party through the Great St. Bernard pass to Italy.
  • Dumont de la Rocheforte, Chevalier. The Water-Witch. Captain of the French cruiser La Belle Fontange, he is killed by musket fire from a British boarding party.
  • Duncan of Lundie. The Pathfinder. Scottish major who commands the British 55ᵗʰ Regiment, stationed at Fort Oswego on Lake Ontario.
  • Dunham, Bridget. The Pathfinder. Deceased wife of Sergeant Dunham and mother of Ma.bel Dunham; mentioned.
  • Dunham, Mabel. The Pathfinder. Daughter of Sergeant Dunham, she is betrothed to Pathfinder but later marries Jasper Western.
  • Dunham, Thomas. The Pathfinder. Sergeant major of the 55ᵗʰ Regiment, stationed at Fort Oswego on Lake Ontario. He is killed at a French and Indian ambush on one of the Thousand Islands.
  • Dunks. The Crater. Enterprising settler in Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Dunning, Jack. The Redskins. Agent in New York for Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder.
  • Dunscomb, Thomas. The Ways of the Hour. Respected New York City lawyer who defends Mary Monson in her two murder trials.
  • Dunscombe, Alice. T he Pilot. Although once betrothed to John Paul Jones and still in love with him, this modest English woman parts with him forever after his commitment to the cause of the colonies during the American Revolution. She serves as governess to Katherine Plowden and Cecilia Howard in the household of Colonel Howard.
  • Dunwoodie, Peyton. The Spy. Commanding officer (major) of Virginia Dragoons and the male romantic lead in the novel. Years after the main action, he attains the rank of general.
  • Dunwoodie, Wharton. The Spy. Captain, son of Major (ultimately General) Dunwoodie and Frances Wharton Dunwoodie, he serves in the War of 1812.
  • Dutton, Frank. The Two Admirals. Alcoholic lieutenant demoted to sailing master, he is long thought to be the father of Mildred Bluewater.
  • Dutton, Martha Ray. The Two Admirals. Wife of Frank Dutton and long thought by most people (including her husband) to be the mother of Mildred Bluewater.
  • Dutton, Mildred. The Two Admirals. See Bluewater, Mildred.
  • Dynevor. Lionel Lincoln. A deceased British colonel, he was the father of Cecil Dynevor; mentioned.
  • Dynevor, Agnes Lechmere. Lionel Lincoln. Deceased mother of Cecil Dynevor, she was the daughter of John and Priscilla Lechmere; mentioned.
  • Dynevor, Cecil. Lionel Lincoln. The female romantic lead, she marries Lionel Lincoln. She is the granddaughter of Priscilla Lechmere.

  • Eagle. The Pioneers. Delaware nickname for Colonel Edward Effingham.
  • Eaglesflight. The Redskins. Indian orator visiting Susquesus.
  • Earing, Edward. The Red Rover. First mate on the Royal Caroline.
  • Eau-douce. The Pathfinder. French for “Sweet Water,” epithet applied to Jasper Western.
  • Eckford, Henry. The Sea Lions. Famous American ship builder of the early nineteenth century; mentioned.
  • Edmeston. Wyandotté. Holder of a patent on the frontier near that of Captain Willoughby; mentioned.
  • Edson. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Edwards. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is a captive of Waally until he escapes to join the colony of Mark Woolston.
  • Edwards, Oliver. The Pioneers. Name assumed by young Edward Oliver Effingham.
  • Effingham, Edward. The Pioneers. Son of Major Oliver Effingham, early business partner of Marmaduke Temple, and a Loyalist colonel during the Revolution. Separated from Temple during the War and dead before the action of the novel commences, he left a confused legacy for his son, Edward Oliver, to identify and inherit.
  • Effingham, Edward. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Wealthy and refined widower, he is the father of Eve Effingham.
  • Effingham, Edward Oliver. The Pioneers. The son of Colonel Edward Effingham and the grandson of Major Oliver Effingham, he is orphaned, later impoverished and temporarily dispossessed by the displacements of war. After repossessing his family fortune, he marries Elizabeth Temple.
  • Effingham, Eve. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. A romantic female lead in both novels, she is the daughter of Edward Effingham and finally the wife of Paul Effingham.
  • Effingham, John. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. The supposedly bachelor cousin of Edward Effingham, he is ultimately revealed to be the father of Paul Effingham. He is well educated, aloof, and often sardonic.
  • Effingham, Oliver. The Pioneers. British career officer (major) and pioneer settler who held the original land “patent” at the source of the Susquehanna River, in central New York. Father of Edward and grandfather of Edward Oliver Effingham, he was an early employer of Leather-Stocking. He is senile at the time of the novel.
  • Effingham, Paul. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Before he is identified as the son of John Effingham, he is known by the surnames Blunt, Powis, and Assheton. The principal male romantic lead in both novels, he marries Eve Effingham.
  • Egerton, Lady. Precaution. See Jarvis, Mary.
  • Egerton, Henry. Precaution. Profligate nephew of Sir Edgar Egerton, he woos Jane Moseley but elopes with Mary Jarvis. A baronet in civilian life and a colonel in the army, he dies at the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Elksfoot. The Oak Openings. Elderly Pottawattamie, he is killed and scalped by Pigeonswing.
  • Eltringham, Marquis of. Precaution. Brother of Lord Henry Stapleton and Lady Laura Stapleton and mock suitor of Caroline Harris.
  • Emery, Benoit. The Headsman. A peasant of Vaudois; regular donor to the Bernardine convent.
  • Emmerson. “Imagination.” An affluent attorney in New York City, he is the brother of Margaret Emmerson and the father of Katherine Emmerson; mentioned.
  • Emmerson, Katherine. “Imagination.” Cousin of the protagonist, Julia Warren.
  • Emmerson, Margaret. “Imagination.” Aunt and guardian of the protagonist, Julia Warren.
  • Enrico. The Bravo. A gondolier who participates in the regatta.
  • Enrico. The Bravo. Otherwise unidentified senator serving in the Council of Three.
  • Enriquez, Don. See Henry IV.
  • Enriquez, Beatriz. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure [Beatriz Enriquez de Harana], she is the mother of Ferdinand, the (illegitimate) second son of Christoval Colon; mentioned.
  • Erasmus. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Myndert Van Beverout.
  • Ergot, Dr. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Physician among the later settlers to come to Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Estaban, Don. Jack Tier. Don Juan Montefalderon’s Spanish name for Stephen Spike.
  • Etherington, Rev. Dr. The Monikins. Anglican rector, father of Anna and guardian of John Goldencalf.
  • Etherington, Mrs. The Monikins. Deceased wife of Rev. Dr. Etherington; mentioned.
  • Etherington, Anna. The Monikins. The only daughter of the widower Rev. Dr. Etherington and childhood companion of John Goldencalf, she eventually marries the young man.
  • Etienne. The Headsman. One of the muleteers accompanying the de Willading party through the Alps to Italy.
  • Euclid. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Myndert Van Beverout.
  • Eyelet, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. New York City socialite.

  • Farrel. Wyandotté. Personal servant of Robert Willoughby.
  • Ferdinand. Mercedes of Castile. Prince of Aragon and King of Sicily, this cold, calculating historical figure weds Isabella of Castile and, after his father’s death, becomes Ferdinand II of Aragon and Ferdinand IV of Castile; also called Don Fernando.
  • Ferguson, Robert. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the Dundee, a Scottish vessel which rescues Moses Marble from the sea.
  • Fernando, Don. Mercedes of Castile. See Ferdinand.
  • Ferreras. Mercedes of Castile. Officer careless with the funds of Ferdinand’s entourage to Valladolid; mentioned.
  • Fid, Richard. The Red Rover. Fatherly retainer of Henry de Lacey and longtime companion of Scipio Africanus.
  • Filippo. The Wing-and-Wing. Genoese who serves as interpreter for Ithuel Bolt.
  • Fire-eater. The Pioneers. Epithet of the Indians for Major Oliver Effingham.
  • Fitzgerald. Precaution. Deceased husband of Julia Fitzgerald; mentioned.
  • Fitzgerald. The Pilot. A cornet in charge of a company of British dragoons.
  • Fitzgerald, Julia. Precaution. Beautiful widow of Major Fitzgerald, daughter of Conde d’Alzada, and friend of Charlotte Wilson and the younger Moseleys, she is materially aided by the Earl of Pendennyss.
  • Flanagan, Elizabeth (Betty). The Spy. Camp follower with heavy Irish accent who serves meals and drinks (as well as washes clothes) for the Virginia Dragoons. The Pioneers. Garrulous wife of Captain Hollister.
  • Flanagan, Michael. The Spy. First husband of Elizabeth Flanagan; mentioned.
  • Flint. The Oak Openings. Old corporal who accompanies Parson Amen, missionary to the Indians.
  • Flint, Hiram. The Sea Lions. Seaman on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Flinty-Heart. The Pathfinder. Pathfinder’s nickname for the French Captain Sanglier.
  • Flintyheart. The Redskins. An Iowa Indian chief visiting Susquesus.
  • Floating Tom. The Deerslayer. Nickname for Thomas Hovey (alias Hutter).
  • Florinda. The Bravo. Governess and chaperon of Violetta Tiepolo.
  • Florio. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Flower of the Woods. Wyandotté. Wyandottés epithet for Maud Meredith.
  • Floyd, Primus. The Sea Lions. Black cabin boy on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Foley. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Thunderer during the main action of the novel, he subsequently attains the rank of rear admiral.
  • Follock. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. See Van Valkenburgh, Abraham.
  • Follock, Brom. Afloat and Ashore. Shortened, colloquial form of the name Abraham Van Valkenberg.
  • Follock, ‘Brom. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. See Van Valkenburgh, Abraham.
  • Follock, Dirck. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. See Van Valkenburgh, Dirck.
  • Fonda. Wyandotté. Owner of a patent near that of Captain Willoughby; mentioned.
  • Fonseca [Don Juan de]. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he is seen by Christoval Colon as an enemy to his cause at the Castilian court following the Admiral’s first successful voyage to the Indies.
  • Foote, Mrs. John. Afloat and Ashore. New York City socialite mentioned by the Brighams.
  • Fordham, Francis (Frank). Satanstoe. Law student toasted by Mary Wallace; mentioned.
  • Francis. Precaution. Servant of Charlotte Wilson.
  • Francis. The Monikins. Butler in the Etherington household.
  • François. The Water-Witch. Elderly French valet, he is the personal servant of Alida de Barbérie.
  • Freeborn, Abraham. The Pioneers. Free Negro who conducts the annual Christmas-day turkey shoot.
  • Frey, Heinrich. The Heidenmauer. Burgomaster of Deurckheim.
  • Frey, Meta. The Heidenmauer. Daughter of Heinrich Frey, she is the female romantic lead who marries Berchthold Hintermayer.
  • Frey, Ulricke Hailzinger. The Heidenmauer. Wife of Heinrich Frey and mother of Meta, she is one of the strongest characters in the novel.
  • Friedrich, Duke. The Heidenmauer. Elector of Saxony, he does not appear in person in the novel, but his political fortunes affect the attitudes and behavior of subjects in his area.
  • Friedrich, Gisela. The Heidenmauer. Daughter of Karl Friedrich, she marries Gottlob Frinck.
  • Friedrich, Karl. The Heidenmauer. Warden at Count Emich Leininger’s Castle of Hartenburg.
  • Frinck, Gottlob. The Heidenmauer. Cowherd for Count Emich Leininger, he is also a close friend of Berchthold Hintermayer, whom, at the end of the novel, he succeeds as the count’s forester.
  • Frontoni, Jacopo. The Bravo. Titular hero of the novel, he is a scapegoat for the crimes of the Venetian senate.
  • Frontoni, Ricardo or Francesco. The Bravo. Political prisoner, he is the father of Jacopo Frontoni. The author calls him by both first names.
  • Fuller. “The Lake Gun.” A curious traveler who visits Seneca Lake to investigate the legendary “Lake Gun” and “Wandering Jew.”
  • Fun. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Furlong. The Two Admirals. Attorney for Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, elderly baronet.

  • Gaine, Hugh. Satanstoe. Innkeeper of the Crown and Bible tavern in New York City.
  • Galapo, Benedetta. The Wing-and-Wing. Coquettish widow who operates a tavern at Portoferraio, Island of Elba.
  • Galleygo, David. The Two Admirals. Steward of Vice Admiral Sir Gervaise Oakes on his flagship, Plantagenet.
  • Gallios. Miles Wallingford. Captain of the French privateer Pollison.
  • Gamut, David. The Last of the Mohicans. Yankee instructor in sacred music, especially psalmody, he is at once devout and comic.
  • Le Garçon qui Bondi. The Deerslayer. See Bounding Boy.
  • Gardiner, Lyon. The Sea Lions. Prominent ancestor of Roswell Gardiner.
  • Gardiner, Roswell. The Sea Lions. Captain of the Sea Lion of Oyster Point, he marries Mary Pratt.
  • Garret. The Redskins. Deceased black servant of Jack Dunning; mentioned; normally called Garry.
  • Garry. The Redskins. See Garret.
  • Garth. The Ways of the Hour. District Attorney, prosecutor in the Mary Monson trials.
  • Gelsomina. The Bravo. Daughter of the prison keeper, she is the fiancée of Jacopo Frontoni. She goes insane at the execution of Jacopo.
  • Giacomo. The Headsman. Mentioned as innkeeper at Aoste, Italy.
  • Giorgio. The Bravo. Gondolier, assistant to Gino Monaldi.
  • Giraud, Antoine. The Headsman. The impersonator of Silenus at the revels in Vévey.
  • Girolamo, Father. The Headsman. The monk who cared for Bartolomeo during the latter’s youth; on his deathbed he witnessed that Bartolomeo Contini (alias Maso) was fathered by Signor Gaetano Grimaldi.
  • Giron, Don Pedro. Mercedes of Castile. Third suitor for Isabella’s hand; deceased at the time of the novel; also called Master of Calatrava and Pachecho.
  • Giulio. The Bravo. Otherwise unidentified senator who serves on the Council of Three.
  • Giuntotardi, Carlos. The Wing-and-Wing. Uncle of Ghita Caraccioli [Caracciolo], he is by trade a keeper of watchtowers on the Italian coast.
  • Glamorgan, Duchess of. The Two Admirals. Older sister of Agnes Hedworth and mother of Lord Geoffrey Cleveland. She is referred to simply as Duchess, no given name being cited.
  • Glass, Jack. The Two Admirals. A quartermaster on the Plantagenet, he is killed in action.
  • Goldencalf, Betsey. The Monikins. A foundling adopted by Thomas Goldencalf’s master and married by Thomas Goldencalf, she is the mother of the narrator; she dies shortly after the narrator’s birth.
  • Goldencalf, John. The Monikins. Only son of Thomas and Betsey Goldencalf and male romantic lead in the novel, he marries Anna Etherington.
  • Goldencalf, Thomas. The Monikins. A foundling apprenticed early to a merchant, he is the wealthy, mercenary father of John Goldencalf, the narrator; he dies early in the novel.
  • Goodfellow. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Warspite during the main action of the novel, he subsequently attains the rank of rear admiral.
  • Goodwin, Dolly. The Ways of the Hour. See Goodwin, Dorothy.
  • Goodwin, Dorothy. The Ways of the Hour. Wife of Peter Goodwin, this avaricious woman dies when her house burns; also called Dolly.
  • Goodwin, Peter. The Ways of the Hour. Confirmed alcoholic for whose presumed murder Mary Monson is first tried.
  • Gordo, José. Mercedes of Castile. Seaman, Portuguese by birth but in the service of Spain; informs Colon of the Portuguese plan to intercept his westbound fleet near Ferro, in the Canary Islands.
  • Gosford, Earl of. Precaution. Esteemed friend and colleague of Roderic Benfield; frequently mentioned.
  • Gott. The Ways of the Hour. Sheriff of Duke’s County.
  • Gott, Mrs. The Ways of the Hour. Compassionate wife of the Duke’s County sheriff and jailor of Mary Monson.
  • Grab. Homeward Bound. English bailiff who boards the Montauk at Portsmouth in search of a debtor.
  • Gracie, Archibald. Afloat and Ashore. New York City businessman; mentioned.
  • Gradenigo, Alessandro. The Bravo. Senator, member of the Council of Three, he is the state-appointed guardian of Violetta Tiepolo. The last two honors are removed during the action of the novel.
  • Gradenigo, Giacomo. The Bravo. Reckless and dissolute son of Senator Alessandro Gradenigo. He is sent to the provinces for ten years for plotting against the life of Don Camille Monforte.
  • Graham. The Deerslayer. British military surgeon.
  • Graham, Jeannie. The Pathfinder. Deceased first wife of Lieutenant David Muir; mentioned.
  • Grant, Rev. Mr. The Pioneers. Episcopal clergyman and temporary rector of St. Paul’s Church. A permanent position for him in the Hudson River Valley is arranged by Judge Temple.
  • Grant, Louisa. The Pioneers. Daughter of the Rev. Mr. Grant and confidante of Elizabeth Temple.
  • Graves, [Lord Thomas]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical figure, he was the British admiral who evacuated royal troops from Boston during the Revolution.
  • Gray. The Pilot. Referred to usually as the Pilot, he is in reality John Paul Jones.
  • Gray. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Grayson. The Red Rover. A British general, he is the brother of the Widow de Lacey and the father of Gertrude Grayson; mentioned.
  • Grayson, Gertrude. The Red Rover. Daughter of General Grayson, she eventually marries young Henry de Lacey.
  • Great Sachem. The Monikins. Elected administrator in the balance-of-powers government of Leaplow; mentioned.
  • Great Smash. Wyandotté. Nickname for Bess.
  • Green. Homeward Bound. Agent of the British firm from which Henry Sandon absconded with £40,000 of government funds.
  • Green. The Ways of the Hour. Attorney in Duke’s County.
  • Green, Timothy. The Sea Lions. Second mate of the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Greene. Afloat and Ashore. Neighbor of Mrs. Bradfort; mentioned by the gossiping Brighams.
  • Greenleaf. The Two Admirals. Surgeon on the British warship Achilles.
  • Greenly. The Two Admirals. Captain of Vice Admiral Sir Gervaise Oakes’s flagship, Plantagenet.
  • Greisenbach. The Redskins. Name assumed by Uncle Ro (Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder) in talking with Tom Miller; part of Littlepage’s disguise as a German watch peddler.
  • Gridley, Dickey [Richard]. Lionel Lincoln. Chief military engineer in the Continental army; mentioned.
  • Griffin, Dick. The Monikins. Son of Sir Harry Griffin and friend of Anna Etherington; mentioned.
  • Griffin, Edward. The Wing-and-Wing. Second lieutenant on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Griffin, Sir Harry. The Monikins. Class-conscious baronet who dies early in the novel; mentioned.
  • Griffin, Sir Harry [the younger]. The Monikins. Oldest son of Sir Harry Griffin; on succeeding to his father’s title, he proposes to Anna Etherington but is refused.
  • Griffith, Edward. The Pilot. Lieutenant and later captain in the U.S. Navy, he is an educated man of means. He marries Cecilia Howard.
  • Grimaldi, Gaetano (Signor). The Headsman. Illustrious Doge of Genoa; lifelong friend of Melchior de Willading; widower of the unhappy Angiolina; father of Bartolomeo Contini (alias Maso) and Gaetano Grimaldi (alias Sigismund Steinbach).
  • Grimaldi, Gaetano [the younger]. The Headsman. Legitimate son of Signor Gaetano Grimaldi and Angiolina, he is abducted in infancy, is adopted by Balthazar and named Sigismund Steinbach, marries Adelheid de Willading, and is eventually identified as the son of the Doge of Genoa.
  • Le Gros Serpent. The Last of the Mohicans. See Big Serpent.
  • Gross, Abijah. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Guacanagari. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he is the benevolent Great Cacique, the “king of kings,” of Haiti to whom lesser caciques such as Mattinao pay tribute.
  • Guienne, Mons. de. Mercedes of Castile. Brother of King Louis of France and fourth suitor for Isabella’s hand; mentioned.
  • Guinea. The Red Rover. Nickname of Scipio Africanus.
  • Gull. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Business partner of Bobbinet and Colonel Silky; mentioned.
  • Gutierrez, Pedro (Pero). Mercedes of Castile. See Bobadilla, Don Luis de.
  • Guzman, Mercedes de. Mercedes of Castile. Deceased mother of Mercedes de Valverde; mentioned.

  • Hale [Nathan]. The Spy. American spy (captain) captured and hanged, without trial, in 1776; mentioned.
  • Halfacre, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Wife of millionaire speculator Henry Halfacre.
  • Halfacre, Eudosia. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Daughter in a nouveau riche family, she is one of the five people who, at different times, own the title character.
  • Halfacre, Henry. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Millionaire speculator in New York, he is, until his bankruptcy, a prominent member of the nouveaux riches.
  • Hall, Tim. The Redskins. Mechanic; rational, respected tenant at Ravensnest.
  • Hallam. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Agent of Charles II searching for regicides in the American colonies.
  • [Hamilton, Lady Emma]. The Wing-and-Wing. Mistress of Admiral Horatio Nelson; and wife of Sir William Hamilton, she plays an important role in the novel but is never mentioned by name.
  • Hamilton, Sir William. The Wing-and-Wing. Ambassador to Naples and husband of Lady Emma Hamilton, Admiral Nelson’s mistress; mentioned.
  • Hammer. Home as Found. Broker on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Handlead. Homeward Bound. English pilot who sails the Montauk out of Portsmouth.
  • Hard Heart. The Last of the Mohicans. Prominent chief among the Northern Delawares.
  • Hard-Heart. The Prairie. Pawnee chief who cares for Natty Bumppo in his last days.
  • Harding, John. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Father of Ruth Harding Heathcote; mentioned.
  • Hardinge, Rev. Mr. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, he is the father of Lucy and Rupert Hardinge.
  • Hardinge, Lucy. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Daughter of Rev. Mr. Hardinge and sister of Rupert Hardinge, she marries the protagonist of the two novels, Miles Wallingford.
  • Hardinge, Rupert. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Son of Rev. Mr. Hardinge and brother of Lucy Hardinge, he is a self-centered and dastardly person.
  • Harland, Rev. Mr. Precaution. Young rector, shipboard companion of Lady Chatterton, John, Grace, and Emily Moseley, he woos Jane Moseley but is rejected; he becomes Lord Harland (Count, of the Irish peerage) prior to his courtship.
  • Harmer. Precaution. In military service with George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss), he later becomes the Earl’s personal attendant.
  • Harper. The Spy. Alias used by George Washington.
  • Harris. Afloat and Ashore. Crewman of the Crisis who is killed during a French attack.
  • Harris. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is held captive by Waally until he escapes to join Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Harris, Caroline. Precaution. Showy daughter and pampered only child of Sir William Harris; subject of ridicule for her fruitless attempts to secure a husband from among the British peers.
  • Harris, Tom. Satanstoe. A young ensign, he is the friend of Anneke Mordaunt.
  • Harris, Sir William. Precaution. Owner of the Deanery, he is the wealthy, indulgent father of Caroline Harris.
  • Harrison, Richard. Miles Wallingford. Miles Wallingford’s attorney in New York City.
  • Harry. Precaution. Gamekeeper of the Earl of Gosford; mentioned.
  • Hartmann, Frederick (Fritz). The Pioneers. Elderly descendant of German refugees who settled the Mohawk Valley during the reign of Queen Anne, he is a periodic guest at the mansion of Judge Temple. In his youth he knew Major Oliver Effingham and held the same military rank.
  • Hatfield. The Ways of the Hour. A country trader rejected by the defense as a juror in the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Haughton. Precaution. Good-natured, prosperous neighbor of the Moseleys and friend of Rev. Dr. Ives, he is the father of Lucy Haughton.
  • Haughton, Mrs. Precaution. Wife of Mr. Haughton and mother of Lucy.
  • Haughton, Lucy. Precaution. Good-natured only child of Mr, and Mrs. Haughton.
  • Havens, Sylvester. The Sea Lions. Seaman of the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Hawker, Mrs. Home as Found. Gracious elderly socialite in New York City.
  • Hawkeye. The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pioneers. Indian epithet for Natty Bumppo.
  • Hayden, Onesiphorus. The Redskins. Chairman of the anti-renters’ Sunday public meeting approving a set of resolutions submitted to young Hugh Roger Littlepage.
  • Haynes, Katharine (Katy). The Spy. Housekeeper for years for the Birch family and would-be wife of Harvey Birch, she later is employed in the Wharton and Dunwoodie households.
  • Hazard, Philip. The Sea Lions. First mate on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Hazleton. The Chainbearer. A colonel in the British artillery, he is the great-uncle of Priscilla and Thomas Bayard; mentioned.
  • Hazleton, Priscilla. The Chainbearer. Great-aunt and godmother of Priscilla and Thomas Bayard; mentioned.
  • Heald. The Oak Openings. Captain in command of the American forces in Chicago at the time of its surrender to the British during the War of 1812.
  • Heath, [William]. The Spy. An historical figure, he is the commanding general in the Highlands area above the Hudson River; mentioned.
  • Heathcote. Satanstoe. An acquaintance of Captain Hugh Littlepage; mentioned.
  • Heathcote, Content. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. The only child of Captain Mark Heathcote, he succeeds his father as leader at Wish-Ton-Wish and also attains the rank of captain. He is the father of the captive girl who becomes the “wept” of Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Heathcote, Mark. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Formerly a captain in the army of Cromwell, he is a Puritan leader who, with his family and followers, left Massachusetts Bay Colony to resettle for a second time in the Connecticut Territory.
  • Heathcote, Mark. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Grandson of Captain Mark Heathcote and son of Content and Ruth Harding Heathcote, he marries Martha, the adopted child of his parents.
  • Heathcote, Martha. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An orphan, she is adopted at an early age by Content and Ruth Herding Heathcote. She marries their son, Mark.
  • Heathcote, Ruth. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Daughter of Content and Ruth Harding Heathcote, she is referred to as the “wept” of Wish-Ton-Wish after her captivity by the Narragansetts. She is married to the Narragansett sachem, Conanchet, to whom she bears a son. Her Indian name is Narra-mattah.
  • Heathcote, Ruth Harding. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Married to Content Heathcote at the beginning of the novel, she is the mother of Ruth, the “wept” of Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Heaton, John. The Crater. A physician married to Anne Woolston, he becomes a member of Mark Woolston’s colony in the Pacific.
  • Hedworth, Agnes. The Two Admirals. Mother of Mildred Bluewater, sister of the Duchess of Glamorgan, and wife (by secret marriage) of John Bluewater, she is a key to much of the novel though dead years before the central action; mentioned frequently.
  • Heidegger. Walter. The Red Rover. The notorious pirate known as the Red Rover, captain of the ship Red Rover.
  • Henley. “Heart.” Father of the protagonist, Charlotte Henley.
  • Henley, Mrs. “Heart.” Mother of the protagonist, Charlotte Henley.
  • Henley, Charlotte. “Heart.” The beautiful and sensitive protagonist of the story, she remains single after her one love, George Morton, dies in youth.
  • Hennequin, Mlle. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Assumed name of Adrienne de la Rocheaimard.
  • Henri. The Headsman. A servant of the Bernardine convent.
  • Henry IV. Mercedes of Castile. King of Castile, in Spain, this historical figure dies early in the novel; also called Don Enriquez.
  • Herriefield, Lord. Precaution. Viscount and distant relative of Lady Chatterton, this elderly debauchee weds Catherine Chatterton.
  • Herriefield, Lady. Precaution. See Chatterton, Catherine.
  • Herring, Luke. Wyandotté. Suitor for the hand of Maud Meredith; mentioned.
  • Hester. The Redskins. The cook at Ravensnest.
  • Hewlett, Demosthenes. The Redskins. Speaker at the anti-renters’ Sunday public meeting at Ravensnest.
  • Heyward, Alice Munro. The Last of the Mohicans. Younger daughter of Colonel Munro, born to him by his first love but second wife, Alice Graham. She marries Duncan Heyward.
  • Heyward, Duncan. The Last of the Mohicans. Major in the British army, he is second in command at Fort William Henry. He marries Alice Munro.
  • Hicks. The Ways of the Hour. Resident of Biberry.
  • Hight, Joe. Satanstoe. A major in the British army, he is an old friend of Hugh Littlepage.
  • Hightail. The Monikins. Contemptuous young monikin noble, a friend of Lord Chatterino.
  • Hillson. The Crater. Incompetent second mate of the Rancocus.
  • Hintermayer, Berchthold. The Heidenmauer. The only child of Lottchen Hintermayer, he is the male romantic lead in the novel.
  • Hintermayer, Lottchen. The Heidenmauer. Widowed and financially ruined member of the burgher class in Deurckheim, she is the mother of Berchthold Hintermayer.
  • Hiram. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Settler at Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Hist-oh-Hist. The Deerslayer. See Wah-ta-Wah.
  • Hitchcock, Nathan. Miles Wallingford. Yankee crewman on the Dawn.
  • Hitchcox, Jane. Afloat and Ashore. Sister-in-law of Wallace Mortimer Brigham.
  • Hofmeister, Peter. The Headsman. The hereditary bailiff of Vévey; longtime associate of Melchior de Willading; also called Peterchen.
  • Hollis, Rev. Mr. Jack Tier. Chaplain on the U.S. cruiser Poughkeepsie.
  • Hollister. The Spy. A sergeant, he is the only noncommissioned officer of the Virginia Dragoons mentioned by name. The Pioneers. Proprietor of the Bold Dragoon tavern and commander of the local militia, he is now called Captain Hollister.
  • Holmes. The Redskins. Tenant farmer at Ravensnest.
  • Holt. Precaution. Elderly friend and neighbor of Sir Edgar Egerton.
  • Holt, Andrew. The Pioneers. English attorney for Colonel Edward Effingham, he does not appear personally but only through his letters.
  • Homespun, Desire. The Red Rover. Termagant wife of Hector Homespun.
  • Homespun, Hector. The Red Rover. Lame tailor with the stereotyped cowardice of his trade, he nevertheless tries to assume heroic stature.
  • Honest Joe. The Red Rover. Ironic nickname of Joe Joram.
  • Honeysuckle. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Indian epithet for the captive Ruth Heathcote.
  • Honeysuckle of the Hills. The Deerslayer. Epithet applied to Wah-ta-Wah by her Delaware admirers.
  • Hoof, Stephen. The Ways of the Hour. Coachman of Dr. McBrain.
  • Hook, Stephen. The Ways of the Hour. A country loafer; mentioned.
  • Hopkins, Pardon. The Red Rover. Countryman whose conversation with Hector Homespun provides exposition at the opening of the novel.
  • Hopper. Lionel Lincoln. Crippled man with whom Lionel talks upon his arrival in Boston from England.
  • Hopper. The Water-Witch. Midshipman on the cruiser Coquette.
  • Hornblower, Rev. Mr. The Crater. Episcopalian clergyman who joins Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Horton, Daniel. The Ways of the Hour. Tavern owner in Biberry; mentioned.
  • Horton, Nancy. The Ways of the Hour. Wife of Daniel Horton, she provides a key witness following Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Hosack, Dr. Afloat and Ashore. Physician mentioned by the Brighams.
  • Hosea. The Bravo. Jewish jeweler and moneylender, he is banished from Venice for his complicity in a plot against the life of Don Camillo Monforte.
  • Hosmer. The Chainbearer. A Baptist tenant at Ravensnest.
  • Houston, Mrs. Home as Found. Prominent New York City socialite.
  • Hover, Paul. The Prairie. A “bee hunter” along the frontier, he becomes the friend of Natty Bumppo and the husband of Ellen Wade.
  • Hovey, Thomas. The Deerslayer. A former pirate who uses the alias Thomas Hutter, he is the stepfather of Judith and Hetty Hutter. He is the first white man to settle at Lake Glimmerglass.
  • Howard, Captain. The Red Rover. One of the many aliases used by Walter Heidegger, the Red Rover.
  • Howard, Miss. Precaution. Elderly bridesmaid of Laura Stapleton.
  • Howard, Cecilia. The Pilot. An orphan, she lives with her uncle and guardian, Colonel Howard. She married Edward Griffith.
  • Howard, George. The Pilot. A retired colonel and a Tory, he returns to England from South Carolina during the Revolution. He is the guardian of his niece, Cecilia Howard, and of Katherine Plowden. Held hostage aboard an American frigate, he is killed by a shell fired by a British warship.
  • Howe, [William]. Lionel Lincoln, Wyandotté, Satanstoe. An historical figure, he was the British general who directed the evacuation of Boston; prominent during the first three years of the Revolution.
  • Howel, Thomas. Home as Found. An extreme Anglophile, he is an old friend of the Effinghams in Templeton.
  • Howell, Bell. Precaution. See Ives, Isabel.
  • Howell, Peter. Precaution. Deceased admiral, he was the maternal grandfather of Francis Ives; mentioned.
  • Hubbard. The Redskins. Attorney at Mooseridge; confirmed anti-renter.
  • Hubbs. The Ways of the Hour. Gossipy resident of Biberry; usually called Sam Tongue.
  • Hubert. The Redskins. German personal servant of young Hugh Roger Littlepage; mentioned.
  • Hugo. The Heidenmauer. Youthful monk at the Abbey of Limburg, he is the nephew of Father Arnolph.
  • Huguenin, Kitty. Miles Wallingford. Granddaughter of Mrs. Wetmore and niece of Moses Marble, she marries Horace Bright.
  • Hull, [William]. The Oak Openings. An historical figure, he was the governor of the Michigan Territory. He was also the general who was forced to surrender Detroit to the British during the War of 1812.
  • Humphreys. Precaution. Aged pensioner aided by George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Hurry Harry. The Deerslayer. Nickname of Henry March.
  • Hurry Skurry. The Deerslayer. Nickname of Henry March.
  • Huskisson. The Monikins. Political sponsor in England for matters of mercantile policy; mentioned.
  • Hutter, Esther. The Deerslayer. See Hutter, Hetty.
  • Hutter, Hetty. The Deerslayer. Younger stepdaughter of Thomas Hovey (alias Hutter), she is innocent, sweet-tempered, pious, but feebleminded. Christened Esther, she is never called by that name.
  • Hutter, Judith. The Deerslayer. Elder stepdaughter of Thomas Hovey (alias Hutter). She is beautiful, courageous, and vivacious, but her prospect for happiness is ruined after a youthful affair taints her reputation.
  • Hutter, Thomas. The Deerslayer. Alias for Thomas Hovey.

  • Ignatius, Father. The Prairie. Priest who marries Inez and Captain Middleton.
  • Ilse. The Heidenmauer. Aged and verbose nurse of Meta Frey.
  • Indian John. The Pioneers. Pejorative epithet for Chingachgook or John Mohegan.
  • Inesella. The Prairie. Nurse of Inez Augustin Middleton.
  • Isabella. Mercedes of Castile. Half sister of Henry IV, this devout historical personage, occupying the throne of Castile, marries Ferdinand of Aragon and sponsors Columbus’s discovery of the Indies; also called Doña Ysabel and the Catholic Queen.
  • Ives, Rev. Dr. Precaution. Parish rector; long-term friend of the Denbigh family and of the Moseleys, he is the husband of Isabel Ives (née Howell) and the father of Francis.
  • Ives, Francis (Frank). Precaution. A minister, the son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ives, he marries Clara Moseley.
  • Ives, Isabel (Bell). Precaution. Only daughter of the late Admiral Peter Howell, she is the wife of Rev. Dr. Ives and the mother of Francis.

  • Jaaf. The Redskins. See Satanstoe, Jacob.
  • Jaap. Satanstoe. See Satanstoe, Jacob.
  • Jackson. Precaution. Former butler of the Moseleys’ household, he is master of the Moseley Arms inn.
  • Jacob. The Redskins. Free Negro serving Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder; great-grandson of Jacob Satanstoe (Jaap).
  • Jacques. The Wing-and-Wing. Coxswain on the Feu-Follet.
  • Jarvis. Home as Found. New York City merchant and husband of the socialite Jane Jarvis.
  • Jarvis, Lady. Precaution. See Jarvis, Mrs. Timothy.
  • Jarvis, Henry (Harry). Precaution. A captain in the army, he is the son of Timothy Jarvis. To his family’s annoyance, he marries an unnamed girl from an untitled family.
  • Jarvis, Jane. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Jarvis, Mary. Precaution. Imperious older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jarvis, she elopes with Colonel Egerton; also called Polly; she assumes the title of Lady Egerton after her marriage.
  • Jarvis, Polly. Precaution. See Jarvis, Mary.
  • Jarvis, Sally. Precaution. See Jarvis, Sarah.
  • Jarvis, Sarah. Precaution. Younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jarvis; also called Sally.
  • Jarvis, Timothy. Precaution. Honest, wealthy retired merchant, the husband of Mrs. Jarvis and father of Harry, Mary, and Sarah, he is subsequently Sir Timothy Jarvis.
  • Jarvis, Mrs. Timothy. Precaution. Ill-bred wife of Timothy Jarvis and mother of Harry, Mary, and Sarah, she assumes the title Lady Jarvis after her husband’s elevation to Sir Timothy.
  • Jaw, John. The Monikins. Deceased monikin political agitator; mentioned.
  • Jenkins. The Sea Lions. Crewman on the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Jennie. The Pathfinder. Wife of one Sandy of the British 55ᵗʰ Regiment, she is killed and scalped shortly after the same fate befalls her husband.
  • Jenny. Home as Found. Servant of Mrs. Abbott.
  • Jette. The Ways of the Hour. Deceased German housemaid of the Goodwins; also called Yetty.
  • Jim. The Sea Lions. Waterfront loafer at Oyster Point.
  • Joanna of Portugal. Mercedes of Castile. The second wife of Henry IV, this historical figure is merely mentioned.
  • Joanna, La Beltraneja. Mercedes of Castile. This historical figure, daughter of Joanna of Portugal and stepdaughter of Henry IV of Castile, defeated pretender to the Castilian throne, becomes a nun; mentioned.
  • João, Dom. Mercedes of Castile. See John II.
  • Job, Sir Joseph. The Monikins. A colleague of Thomas Goldencalf and dealer in stocks on the London Exchange, he commits suicide following his business failure.
  • Joe. Afloat and Ashore. Black cook on the Crisis; also called Yo.
  • Joe. The Sea Lions. Negro sea cook on the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Johan, Father. The Heidenmauer. Fanatic and vindictive Benedictine monk, he dies in the flames which consume the church at the Abbey of Limburg.
  • John. Precaution. Coachman of Caroline Harris.
  • John. The Redskins. English footman in service at Ravensnest.
  • John II. Mercedes of Castile. King of Aragon, in Spain, and father of Ferdinand, this historical figure dies early in the novel; mentioned; also called John of Trastamara and Don Juan of Aragon.
  • John II. Mercedes of Castile. This historical figure, the King of Portugal, refuses to support the proposal of Christoval Colon for discovery of the Indies by sailing westward; also called Dom João.
  • John of Trastamara. Mercedes of Castile. See John I1 (King of Aragon).
  • John, Prestor [sic]. Mercedes of Castile. Twelfth-century legendary figure assumed to have established a Christian empire in the Orient; mentioned.
  • Johnson. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is held captive by Waally until he escapes to join the colony of Mark Woolston.
  • Johnson. The Ways of the Hour. One of Timms’s agents in Biberry.
  • Johnson, Sir John. Wyandotté. An historical figure, he was the son of Sir William Johnson; mentioned.
  • Johnson, Peter. Precaution. Compassionate steward and personal friend of his master, Roderic Benfield.
  • Johnson, Sir William. Wyandotté. An historical figure, he was an Indian trader and the superintendent of Indian affairs in central and western New York. A powerful and wealthy person; mentioned several times.
  • Joker, Jack. The Pilot. An American sailor.
  • Jones. Precaution. Female servant of the Jarvises.
  • Jones. Precaution. A captain in the regiment of Captain Jarvis; mentioned.
  • Jones. The Crater. Refugee from a whaler, he is captured by Waally, from whom he escapes to join Mark Woolston’s Pacific colony.
  • Jones, Mrs. The Ways of the Hour. Clergyman’s wife who temporarily houses Mary Monson.
  • Jones, Jared. Miles Wallingford. Miller at Clawbonny.
  • [Jones, John Paul]. The Pilot. An historical figure. Of the three characters who know his name, none ever uses his surname, and only one, his betrothed, uses his given name. His actions and the context in which they occur identify him unmistakably. He is always called the Pilot or Mr. Gray by everyone but Alice Dunscombe, his estranged fiancée.
  • Jones, Richard. The Pioneers. Cousin of Judge Temple. He manages the minor business affairs of the Temple household and is ultimately rewarded with a sheriff’s commission.
  • Joram, Joe. The Red Rover. Seemingly pious, he is the hypocritical owner of the Foul Anchor inn and an agent of the Red Rover.
  • Joram, ‘Keziah. The Red Rover. Wife of “Honest Joe” Joram.
  • Josef. The Wing-and-Wing. Seaman on the Feu-Follet.
  • Josh. Jack Tier. Negro steward on the Molly Swash.
  • Joyce. Wyandotté. A British sergeant who served under Captain Willoughby, he becomes an employee of Willoughby at the Hutted Knoll. After the captain’s death, he accepts an appointment in the new American army.
  • Juan. Mercedes of Castile. Son of Pepe, a mariner with Christoval Colon, and his wife Monica; mentioned.
  • Juan of Aragon, Don. Mercedes of Castile. See John II (King of Aragon).
  • Judy. The Red Rover. Negro servant girl at the Foul Anchor inn.
  • Juliana, Lady. Precaution. Idolized and often-mentioned only love of Roderic Benfield, she is eventually seen as the dissolute Dowager Viscountess Haverford.
  • Julietta. Home as Found. Member of the New York City literati.
  • Jumper. Satanstoe. See Quissquiss.
  • June. The Pathfinder. Shortened form of Dew-of-June’s name.
  • June. Satanstoe. Mrs. Legge’s slave; mentioned.
  • June. The Crater. Slave of Bridget Yardley, she marries the Kannaka Unus.

  • Kant. Home as Found. A member of the New York City literati, he is always referred to as Captain Kant.
  • Katrinke. Satanstoe. An elderly slave of Anneke Mordaunt.
  • Kettletas. The Chainbearer. Husband of Mordaunt Littlepage’s sister Anneke; mentioned.
  • Kettletas, Anneke Littlepage. The Chainbearer. Older sister of Mordaunt Littlepage; married to Mr. Kettletas before the beginning of the novel.
  • Keys, Phoebe. The Two Admirals. Housekeeper at Wychecombe Hall employed by elderly Sir Wycherly Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Kingsborough. The Ways of the Hour. Legal client of Thomas Dunscomb; mentioned.
  • Kingsland, Ira. The Ways of the Hour. Twelfth juror empaneled for Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Kirby, Billy. The Pioneers. Hearty, good-natured Yankee woodman.
  • Kite. Afloat and Ashore. Second mate on the John.
  • Knighthead, Francis. The Red Rover. Second mate on the Royal Caroline.
  • Kunigunde. The Heidenmauer. Daughter of Count Emich Leininger; mentioned.

  • Lamb, Meek. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A descendant of Meek Wolfe, he too serves as minister at Wish-Ton-Wish. Removed from his harsh ancest more than a century in time, he is equally distant from him in temperament.
  • Lap-Ear. The Deerslayer. Delaware sobriquet for the youthful Natty Bumppo.
  • Larder. The Two Admirals. Cook at Wychecombe Hall.
  • Larocheforte, Madame de. The Ways of the Hour. See Millington, Mildred.
  • Larocheforte, Gabriel Jules Vincent Jean Baptiste de. The Ways of the Hour. Estranged husband of Mildred Millington (alias Mary Monson).
  • Last of the Mohicans, The. The Last of the Mohicans. Uncas, son of Chingachgook, he is not literally the last of his tribe but the last male member of its ruling family, the family which long ruled also the entire Delaware nation.
  • Latouche, Abbé. The Heidenmauer. A quasi-religious person, he is a politician within the church organization. Count Emich Leininger invites him to Hartenburg Castle to lend an air of religious respectability to that nobleman’s designs on the property of the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Lawton, John. The Spy. Captain and second in command of the Virginia Dragoons, he is killed late in the Revolutionary War.
  • Le Compte. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the wrecked French vessel Pauline and briefly of the captive Crisis. He is killed when the Americans recapture the Crisis.
  • Le Gros. Miles Wallingford. The officer on the French privateer Pollison who becomes the “prize master” of the captive Dawn.
  • Le Quoi. The Pioneers. French political exile, a refugee from the Reign of Terror, he operates a small general store in Templeton.
  • Leach, Thomas. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. First mate on the Montauk.
  • Leamington, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. New York City socialite; mentioned.
  • Leaping Panther. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Epithet for Miantonimoh.
  • Leather-Stocking. The Pioneers. Epithet for Natty Bumppo.
  • Lechmere, John. Lionel Lincoln. Deceased husband of Priscilla Lechmere; mentioned.
  • Lechmere, Priscilla. Lionel Lincoln. Aged widow of John Lechmere, she is the grandmother of the female romantic lead, Cecil Dynevor. She is also the villainess of the novel.
  • Lee. The Sea Lions. Youthful ship carpenter on the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Lee, Charles. Satanstoe. A British army captain, he serves in the colony of New York.
  • Legend, Mrs. Home as Found. Patroness of the New York City literati.
  • Legge. Satanstoe. Corny Littlepage’s uncle, a lawyer taking the popular side in politics.
  • Legge, Jane. Satanstoe. Corny Littlepage’s maternal aunt on Manhattan Island.
  • Leininger, Emich. The Heidenmauer. Count of Hartenburg, he represents both the strengths and the weaknesses of the feudal aristocracy of Germany.
  • Leo. Lionel Lincoln. Nickname of Lionel Lincoln.
  • Light, Mrs. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Garrulous landlady at Kingsbridge inn, near Lilacsbush.
  • Lilacsbush, Miss. The Chainbearer. See Satanstoe, Mrs. Jacob.
  • Lily. The Pathfinder. Indian sobriquet for Mabel Dunham.
  • Lily of Clawbonny. Miles Wallingford. Epithet applied to Grace Wallingford, Miles’s sister.
  • Lincoln, Lionel. Lionel Lincoln. An American by birth, he is a major in the British army during the Revolution. He is the son of Sir Lionel and inherits his father’s title. The male romantic lead, he marries Cecil Dynevor.
  • Lincoln, Sir Lionel. Lionel Lincoln. A wronged man, he suffers intermittent fits of insanity. He is the father of the titular hero.
  • Lincoln, Priscilla. Lionel Lincoln. Deceased wife of Sir Lionel Lincoln, she was the mother of the titular hero; mentioned.
  • Lippet, Chester. The Pioneers. Lawyer who defends Natty Bumppo during his trial.
  • Little, Mrs. John. Afloat and Ashore. Salem lady living in New York, she corresponds with Mrs. Brigham while the latter is in Europe.
  • Little Jarvy. The Two Admirals. Sentimental sobriquet for Vice Admiral Sir Gervaise Oakes used, when no officers are present, by the sailors of his fleet.
  • Little Nel. The Wing-and-Wing. Nickname for Admiral Horatio Nelson.
  • Little Smash. Wyandotté. Nickname for Desdemona.
  • Littlepage, Madam. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Mother of Cornelius Littlepage and wife of Major Evens Littlepage; subsequently, widow of General Evans Littlepage and paternal grandmother of Anneke, Mordaunt and Katrinke Littlepage.
  • Littlepage, Cornelius. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Narrator and hero of Satanstoe; son of Major (later General) Evans Littlepage; lifelong friend of Dirck Van Valkenburgh; eventually husband of Anna Cornelia (Anneke) Mordaunt; usually called Corny; subsequently serves in Revolutionary War, awarded rank of brigadier general; father of Anneke, Mordaunt, and Katrinke. In The Redskins he is only mentioned.
  • Littlepage, Evans. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. A major and later a general in the colonial British army, he is a respected member of the minor gentry in New York State. He dies of smallpox during the Revolution. In The Redskins he is only mentioned.
  • Littlepage, Evans. Satanstoe. Firstborn son of Major Evans Littlepage; died in infancy; mentioned.
  • Littlepage, Hodge. Satanstoe. See Littlepage, Hugh Roger [first Littlepage with these given names].
  • Littlepage, Hodge. The Redskins. See Littlepage, Hugh Roger, the elder.
  • Littlepage, Hugh Roger. Satanstoe. The first Littlepage with these given names, he is the grandfather of Cornelius Littlepage. He is also called Hodge.
  • Littlepage, Hugh Roger [the elder]. The Redskins. Second son of Mordaunt and Ursula Malbone Littlepage; uncle of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger; inherits Satanstoe and Lilacsbush; also called Ro, Roger, Hodge, and Greisenbach.
  • Littlepage, Hugh Roger [the younger]. The Redskins. Son of Malbone Littlepage (deceased), and narrator of the novel; nephew of Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder; inherits Ravensnest; marries Mary Warren.
  • Littlepage, Kate. The Chainbearer. See Littlepage, Katrinke.
  • Littlepage, Katrinke. The Chainbearer. Younger sister of Mordaunt Littlepage and close friend of Priscilla Bayard; marries Thomas Bayard; usually called Kate.
  • Littlepage, Malbone. The Redskins. First son of Mordaunt and Ursula Malbone Littlepage and father of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger, narrator of the novel; deceased; mentioned.
  • Littlepage, Martha. The Redskins. Sister of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger; also called Patt and Patty.
  • Littlepage, Mordaunt. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Son of Cornelius and Anneke Mordaunt Littlepage (merely mentioned in Satanstoe), narrator of the novel The Chainbearer; brother of Anneke and Katrinke, and eventually husband of Ursula Malbone; attained rank of major at end of Revolutionary War; usually called Mordy; grandfather of Hugh Roger Littlepage [the younger], narrator of The Redskins; mentioned in The Redskins.
  • Littlepage, Patt (or Patty). The Redskins. See Littlepage, Martha.
  • Littlepage, Ro. The Redskins. See Littlepage, Hugh Roger, the elder.
  • Littlepage, Roger. The Redskins. See Littlepage, Hugh Roger, the elder.
  • Liturgy, Rev. Dr. Lionel Lincoln. Anglican clergyman, he is the rector of King’s Chapel, Boston.
  • Liturgy, Rev. Dr. The Monikins. A colleague of Rev. Dr. Etherington; mentioned.
  • Livingston, Cato. The Sea Lions. Black cook on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Livingston, R. N. [R.] Afloat and Ashore. An historical figure, this American minister to France helped negotiate the Louisiana Purchase; mentioned.
  • Llera, Conde de. Mercedes of Castile. See Bobadilla, Don Luis de.
  • Locker. The Two Admirals. Personal servant of Sir Gervaise Oakes.
  • Long Rifle. The Last of the Mohicans. Epithet for Natty Bumppo.
  • Longbeard, Baron. The Monikins. Chief justice of the High Criminal Court of Leaphigh.
  • Longinus. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • La Longue Carabine. The Last of the Mohicans. See Long Rifle.
  • Loping Dominie. Satanstoe. See Worden, Rev. Mr. Thomas.
  • Lord, Daniel. The Ways of the Hour. Colleague of Thomas Dunscomb.
  • Lorenza, Donna. Precaution. Widow of a Spanish officer and companion to Julia Fitzgerald.
  • Lorraine, Duke of. Mercedes of Castile. Rebellious Catalan leader; mentioned.
  • Le Loup Cervier. The Deerslayer. See Lynx.
  • Ludlow, Cornelius Van Cuyler. The Water-Witch. Captain of the British cruiser Coquette, he is the principal representative of royal authority. He marries Alida de Barbérie.
  • Ludwig. The Heidenmauer. Latin secretary for the town of Deurckheim.
  • Luff. The Water-Witch. Lieutenant on the cruiser Coquette.
  • Luis. Mercedes of Castile. See Bobadilla, Luis de.
  • Lumley. Precaution. See Denbigh, George (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Lumley, Lord. Precaution. See Denbigh, George (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Lumley, Marian. Precaution. Countess of Pendennyss and sole surviving child of the last Duke of Annerdale, she marries George Denbigh (son of General Frederick Denbigh) and bears George Denbigh (the Earl of Pendennyss) and Marian Denbigh; deceased before the novel begins.
  • Luther, Martin. The Heidenmauer. An historical figure, he was the monk of Wittenberg who initiated the Reformation. He does not appear in person in the novel, but his religious activity is discussed by his contemporaries, and it influences the course of the story.
  • Lynx. The Deerslayer. A Huron brave, the first human being killed by Natty Bumppo. He gives Natty the name Hawkeye.
  • Lynx, Vigilance. The Monikins. The duenna of Lady Chatterissa; both are monkeys (monikins).
  • Lyon. The Wing-and-Wing. Commander of the British sloop-of-war Ringdove.

  • McBean, Archy. The Wing-and-Wing. Lieutenant on the British sloop-of-war Ringdove.
  • McBrain, Dr. Edward. The Ways of the Hour. Close friend of Thomas Dunscomb and a key witness at the inquest and at Mary Monson’s murder trials, he marries Widow Anna Updyke early in the novel.
  • McCarthy, Señora. Precaution. Deceased maternal grandmother of Julia Fitzgerald; mentioned.
  • M’Carthy y Harrison, Louis. Precaution. A general, he is the maternal uncle of Julia Fitzgerald.
  • M’Dee, Lord. The Monikins. Young Scottish viscount whose matrimonial proposal is rejected by Anna Etherington; mentioned.
  • M’Fuse, Dennis. Lionel Lincoln. Captain of the Royal Irish Grenadiers, he is shot by Job Pray at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • McGosh. The Sea Lions. Condemned pirate who reveals to Thomas Daggett the location of his buried treasure; mentioned.
  • McNab. The Pathfinder. Corporal of the British 55ᵗʰ Regiment, he is killed at a French and Indian ambush on one of the Thousand Islands.
  • McSwale, Terence. Miles Wallingford. Irish fisherman.
  • M’Twill, Sawny. The Spy. Suitor for the hand of Elizabeth Flanagan during her youth; mentioned.
  • Macy. The Sea Lions. First mate on the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • McYarn, Sandy. The Two Admirals. Master’s mate on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Magnet. The Pathfinder. Charles Cap’s term of endearment for his niece, Mabel Dunham.
  • Magrath. The Two Admirals. Surgeon on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Magua. The Last of the Mohicans. Huron chief who returns from exile among the Mohawks to head his people in support of the French in 1757. He is the principal antagonist of the novel.
  • Mahhah. The Prairie. Teton Sioux warrior slain by Hard-Heart.
  • Mahtoree. The Prairie. Teton Sioux chief, he is the chief antagonist to both the Pawnees and the white characters in the novel.
  • Malbone, Bob. The Chainbearer. Opportunistic father (deceased) of Ursula Malbone; mentioned.
  • Malbone, Dus (Duss). The Chainbearer. See Malbone, Ursula.
  • Malbone, Francis. The Chainbearer. Half brother of Ursula Malbone and eventually husband of Priscilla Bayard; usually called Frank.
  • Malbone, Frank. The Chainbearer. See Malbone, Francis.
  • Malbone, Ursula. The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Orphaned niece and ward of Andries Coejemans (Chainbearer), former schoolmate of Priscilla Bayard, and eventually wife of Mordaunt Littlepage; usually called Dus or Duss; mother of bachelor Hugh Roger Littlepage and grandmother of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger, narrator of The Redskins.
  • Il Maledetto [“The Accursed”]. The Headsman. See Contini, Bartolomeo.
  • Manual. The Pilot. Captain of a marine company on an American frigate and later an army officer. He is killed, ironically, by one of his own sentinels.
  • Manytongues. The Redskins. Interpreter for the Indians visiting Susquesus.
  • Marble, Moses. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. See Wetmore, Oloff Van Duzer.
  • Marcelli, Enrico. The Headsman. The traveling companion of Gaetano Grimaldi.
  • March, Henry. The Deerslayer. Handsome giant whose reckless and immoral behavior reflects the negative characteristics of frontiersmen as Natty Bumppo’s qualities reflect the positive.
  • Marchena, Father Juan Perez de. Mercedes of Castile. A friar esteemed by and loyal to Christoval Colon, this character apparently combines two historical figures: Frey Juan Pérez and Antonio de Marchena; provides assistance for Colon at the convent of La Rabida; confessor of Christoval Colon.
  • Marco. The Bravo. Menial in the palace of the doge.
  • Marguerite. The Headsman. The wife of Balthazar, the mother of Christine, and adoptive mother of Gaetano Grimaldi the younger (alias Sigismund Steinbach).
  • Mari. Wyandotté. Negro slave, sister of Pliny the Elder, she is the cook at the Hutted Knoll. She is manumitted after Captain Willoughby’s death.
  • Mari. Satanstoe. Anneke Mordaunt’s slave and age-mate.
  • Markham, Miss. Satanstoe. A single lady of forty regularly toasted by Herman Mordaunt.
  • Marron, Mariette. The Headsman. The impersonator of the Priestess of Flora in the revels at Vévey.
  • Marston, Anne. The Redskins. A ward of Hugh Roger Littlepage the elder; a minor heiress; marries a friend of Hugh Roger Littlepage the younger.
  • Marston, Edward. Afloat and Ashore. Young man toasted by Grace Wallingford; mentioned.
  • Martha. The Ways of the Hour. Servant in Dr. McBrain’s household; mentioned.
  • Martin. Precaution. Steward in the service of the Earl of Pendennyss.
  • Martin, Catherine. The Sea Lions. Widowed cousin of Deacon Pratt.
  • Martin, Juan. Mercedes of Castile. One of the two spokesmen for the would be mutineers aboard the Santa Maria.
  • Martinet, Martin. Mercedes of Castile. Resentful and rebellious seaman aboard the Santa Maria.
  • Martyr, Peter [d’Anghiera]. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he cares for and instructs the young nobles of Isabella’s court; also called Señor Pedro Matir and Señor Matir.
  • Marvin. The Ways of the Hour. Attorney in Duke’s County.
  • Maso. The Headsman. See Contini, Bartolomeo.
  • ’Maso. The Wing-and-Wing. Shortened first name of Tommaso Tonti.
  • Mason, Tom. The Spy. Lieutenant of the Virginia Dragoons during the Revolution.
  • Mason Tom. The Spy. Son of Tom Mason and also a lieutenant, he serves in the War of 1812.
  • Massasoit. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An historical figure, he was the Wampanoag chief noted for his friendliness to the Pilgrims; father of Metacom; mentioned.
  • Matir. Mercedes of Castile. See Martyr, Peter.
  • Matir, Pedro. Mercedes of Castile. See Martyr, Peter.
  • Mattinao. Mercedes of Castile. Attendant to the ambassador sent from Guacanagari to welcome Christoval Colon, he is both a cacique and the brother of the beautiful Ozema.
  • Medford. The Wing-and-Wing. British naval officer whose ship is not identified.
  • Medina Celi, Duke of. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he appears in the novel as a kinsman of Mercedes de Valverde.
  • Medina Sidonia, Duchess of. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, she is a noble lady of the Spanish court; mentioned.
  • Meekly. Miles Wallingford. New York City attorney of Thomas Daggett.
  • Mendoza, Pedro Gonzalez de. Mercedes of Castile. Archbishop of Toledo, this historical figure leads the Spanish troops into conquered Granada; opposes Columbus’s venture westward to Cathay.
  • Menneval. Miles Wallingford. Captain of the French frigate Désirée.
  • Mentoni, Olivia. The Bravo. Neighbor and friend of Violetta Tiepolo.
  • Mercedes. Mercedes of Castile. See Valverde, Maria de las Mercedes de.
  • Meredith. Wyandotté. British general who is the great-uncle of Maud Meredith.
  • Meredith, Lewellen. Wyandotté. Deceased father of Maud Meredith, he was a major in the British army; mentioned.
  • Meredith, Maud. Wyandotté. Orphaned daughter of Lewellen and Maud Yeardley Meredith, she is adopted by Hugh and Wilhelmina Willoughby. Maud becomes the female romantic lead in the novel and marries Robert Willoughby.
  • Meredith, Maud Yeardley. Wyandotté. Deceased mother of Maud Meredith; mentioned.
  • Meriton. Lionel Lincoln. Lionel Lincoln’s valet.
  • Merry, Andrew. The Pilot. Midshipman on an American frigate during the Revolution, he is later promoted to lieutenant. He is a cousin of both Katherine Plowden and Cecilia Howard. He is killed in a duel with a foreign officer.
  • Merton, Rev. Dr. The Red Rover. Elderly British naval chaplain who secretly married Paul de Lacey and Mrs. Wyllys.
  • Merton. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Retired, half-pay British army major, father of Emily Merton.
  • Merton, Mrs. Afloat and Ashore. Wife of Major Merton and mother of Emily, she dies at Manila while traveling.
  • Merton, Lady Dolly. Satanstoe. Woman to whom Bulstrode proposes a toast; mentioned.
  • Merton, Emily. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Daughter of the British Major Merton, she is married first to Rupert Hardinge and then to an elderly affluent Italian named Montiera.
  • Metacom. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An historical figure (better known as King Philip), he succeeds his father, Massasoit, as sachem of the Wampanoags. Although historically more important than Conanchet, he plays a lesser role in the novel.
  • Miantonimoh. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An historical figure, he was the father of the Narragansett sachem Conanchet; mentioned.
  • Michael, Father. The Headsman. The Prior of the Bernardine convent.
  • Middleton, Duncan Uncas. The Prairie. The grandson of Duncan Heyward of The Last of the Mohicans, he is an army captain in the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. He marries a Spanish heiress and becomes a good friend of Natty Bumppo.
  • Middleton, Inez Augustin. The Prairie. Only child of Don Augustin de Certevallos, she is kidnapped by Abiram White an hour after her wedding to Captain Duncan Uncas Middleton.
  • Milano, Stefano. The Bravo. Calabrian born on an estate of Don Camillo Monforte, he commands a felucca that often serves the Venetian senate on secret missions.
  • Mill, Mary (Marie). The Ways of the Hour. See Moulin, Marie.
  • Miller. “Imagination.” Father of Anna Miller, he is a merchant whose economic problems force him to leave New York City to live less expensively on the banks of the Genesee.
  • Miller, Anna. “Imagination.” Schoolmate and close friend of Julia Warren.
  • Miller, Harry. The Redskins. Older son of Tom Miller, farm manager at Ravensnest.
  • Miller, Kitty. The Redskins. Daughter of Tom Miller, Ravensnest farm manager.
  • Miller, Ralph Willet. The Wing-and-Wing. British naval captain to whose ship Admiral Nelson transferred during the battle of Cape St. Vincent; mentioned.
  • Miller, Tom. The Redskins. Conservative, loyal farm manager at Ravensnest.
  • Miller, Mrs. Tom. The Redskins. Wife of Tom Miller, farm manager for the Littlepages at Ravensnest.
  • Millington, Frank. The Ways of the Hour. Deceased father of Mildred Millington (alias Mary Monson); mentioned.
  • Millington, Mrs. Frank (née Millington). The Ways of the Hour. Deceased mother of Mildred Millington (alias Mary Monson); mentioned.
  • Millington, Mary. The Ways of the Hour. Deceased maternal grandmother of Mildred Millington; mentioned.
  • Millington, Michael. The Ways of the Hour. Legal apprentice of Thomas Dunscomb, he weds Sarah Wilmeter.
  • Millington, Mildred. The Ways of the Hour. Defendant in two murder trials, throughout the novel she uses the alias Mary Monson; also known by her married name, Madame de Larocheforte.
  • Miquon. The Pioneers, The Last of the Mohicans. Delaware Indian name for William Penn; mentioned.
  • Mohtucket. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Wampanoag traitor who leads English and Pequot-Mohican forces to the secret camp of Metacom.
  • Monaldi, Gino. The Bravo. Gondolier in the service of Don Camillo Monforte.
  • Monday. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Alcoholic passenger aboard the Montauk, he is fatally wounded in a battle with Arabs.
  • Monforte, Don Camillo. The Bravo. Duke of Sant’ Agata, he is the heir of an ancient Venetian family. He elopes with Violetta Tiepolo, ward of the Venetian state.
  • Monica. Mercedes of Castile. Wife of the seaman Pepe, she is won to Christoval Colon’s cause by his determination to carry Christianity to the heathen.
  • Monson. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Wealthy father of Julia Monson.
  • Monson, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Mother of Julia Monson.
  • Monson, John. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Brother of Julia Monson.
  • Monson, Julia. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Wealthy debutante, she is one of the five people who, at different times, own the titular character.
  • Monson, Mary. The Ways of the Hour. See Millington, Mildred.
  • Monson, Moll. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Infant sister of Julia and John Monson; mentioned.
  • Monson, Tote. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Infant sister of Julia and John Monson; mentioned.
  • Montcalm, Louis Joseph. The Last of the Mohicans, Satanstoe. An historical figure, he was Marquis of St. Véran and French commanding general during the French and Indian War. Credited with the capture of Fort William Henry, he was also held responsible for the Indians’ massacre of its defenders after their surrender.
  • Montecorvino, Giovanni di. Mercedes of Castile. A bishop, deceased, said to have converted Prestor [sic] John;
  • mentioned.
  • Montefalderon y Castro, Don Juan. Jack Tier. Mexican agent who purchases smuggled gunpowder from Stephen Spike. He drowns when thrown overboard from the yawl of the Molly Swash.
  • Monthly, Miss. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Montiera, Signora. Miles Wallingford. Name of Emily Merton after her second marriage.
  • Montresor, Lord. The Two Admirals. Duke of Glamorgan, at whose death his younger brother, Lord Geoffrey Cleveland, assumes the title; mentioned.
  • Montrose. The Spy. British general said to be interested in Jeanette Peyton, the spinster aunt of the Wharton children; mentioned.
  • Moore, Dr. Benjamin. Afloat and Ashore. Episcopal bishop of New York; mentioned.
  • Moose. The Deerslayer. Huron warrior.
  • Mordaunt. Satanstoe. Father of Herman Mordaunt; mentioned.
  • Mordaunt, Madam. Satanstoe. Deceased wife of Herman Mordaunt and mother of Anneke Mordaunt; mentioned.
  • Mordaunt, Anna Cornelia. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Daughter of Herman Mordaunt, she marries Corny Littlepage, by whom she bears three children, Mordaunt, Anneke, and Katrinke. Usually called Anneke, she is also called Anne and Annie.
  • Mordaunt, Anne (or Annie). Satanstoe. See Mordaunt, Anna Cornelia.
  • Mordaunt, Anneke. Satanstoe. See Mordaunt, Anna Cornelia.
  • Mordaunt, Herman. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Prosperous and respected owner of Lilacbush estate and Ravensnest patent, he is the father of Anneke Mordaunt.
  • Moreland. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Morgan. Afloat and Ashore. Miller at the Clawbonny grist mill.
  • Morganic, Lord. The Two Admirals. Earl, playboy, and captain of the British warship Achilles, he holds his naval rank through political influence; subsequent to the main action of the novel, he loses his ship, through mismanagement, to the French but by means of favoritism at court becomes a vice admiral.
  • Morton, George. “Heart.” Male romantic lead, he dies in youth after incurring severe damage to his health while performing a charitable act. He is the one love in the life of the protagonist, Charlotte Henley.
  • Moseley. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Moseley, Lady Anne. Precaution. Wife of Sir Edward Moseley; mother of John, Clara, Jane, and Emily, and only niece of Roderic Benfield.
  • Moseley, Clara. Precaution. Eldest daughter of Sir Edward and Lady Anne Moseley, she weds Francis, son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ives.
  • Moseley, Sir Edward. Precaution. Baronet, brother of Charlotte Wilson, and husband of Lady Anne, he is the father of John, Clara, Jane, and Emily.
  • Moseley, Emily. Precaution. Female romantic lead; thoughtful, high-principled youngest daughter of Sir Edward and Lady Anne Moseley; sister of John, Clara, and Jane; she weds George Denbigh (the Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Moseley, Jane. Precaution. Romantically inclined second daughter of Sir Edward and Lady Anne Moseley; deceived by Colonel Egerton, she remains single; also called Jenny.
  • Moseley, Jenny. Precaution. See Moseley, Jane.
  • Moseley, John. Precaution. Strong-willed but jocular son of Sir Edward and Lady Anne Moseley; brother of Clara, Jane, and Emily; eventually he marries Grace Chatterton.
  • Mosely. Satanstoe. British colonel, he is the friend of Uncle Legge; mentioned.
  • Mott, Arcularius. The Sea Lions. Green hand on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Moulin, Marie. The Ways of the Hour. Swiss maidservant to Mildred Millington (alias Mary Monson) during the latter’s imprisonment; also called Mary Mill and Marie Mill.
  • Mount, Peter. The Sea Lions. Green hand on the crew of the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Mowatt, John. The Redskins. A tenant at Ravensnest.
  • Moya, Marquesa de. Mercedes of Castile. See Bobadilla, Beatriz de.
  • Mudge, Moses. Satanstoe. Tenant at Ravensnest killed and scalped by Hurons.
  • Muir, David. The Pathfinder. Lieutenant and quartermaster of the British 55ᵗʰ Regiment, he is a spy employed by the French. Thrice married and advanced in years, he is an unsuccessful suitor for the hand of Mabel Dunham. He is fatally stabbed by Arrowhead.
  • Mulford, Henry. Jack Tier. Youthful romantic lead, he is first mate on the Molly Swash until he discovers military contraband in the ship’s cargo. He marries Rose Budd.
  • Mull, Adam. Jack Tier. Captain of the U.S. cruiser Poughkeepsie.
  • Müller, Herr. The Headsman. See Balthazar.
  • Mundo, Sancho. Mercedes of Castile. Mercenary fifty-year-old expert mariner, he serves Christoval Colon faithfully, reducing opposition to the voyage and to Colon among the crew; also called Sancho of the Ship-Yard Gate.
  • Muños, Pedro. Mercedes of Castile. See Bobadilla, Don Luis de.
  • Munro. The Last of the Mohicans. Scottish lieutenant colonel in the British army, he is the commanding officer of Fort William Henry before its fall to the French.
  • Munro. Satanstoe. British troop leader; mentioned.
  • Munro, Alice. The Last of the Mohicans. See Heyward, Alice Munro.
  • Munro, Cora. The Last of the Mohicans. Elder daughter of Colonel Munro, born to his first wife, a woman of mixed British and Caribbean ancestry.
  • Munson. The Pilot. Captain of the central ship in the novel, an American frigate.
  • Murray, John. Afloat and Ashore. New York City businessman; mentioned.
  • Muskrat. The Deerslayer. Huron epithet for Thomas Hovey (alias Hutter).
  • Musquerusque. Satanstoe. Huron chief taken prisoner by Jaap during battle; also called Muss.
  • Muss. Satanstoe. See Musquerusque.
  • Myers. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Brother-in-law of the millionaire speculator Henry Halfacre; mentioned.

  • Nab. Lionel Lincoln. Nickname for Abigail Pray.
  • Nab. The Red Rover. Servant girl in the tailor shop of Hector Homespun.
  • Nameless. The Oak Openings. Epithet applied to Onoah.
  • Nanny. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Familiar name for Ann Sidley.
  • Narra-mattah. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. See Heathcote, Ruth.
  • Nebuchadnezzar (Neb). Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. See Clawbonny, Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Ned. The Two Admirals. A quartermaster on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Nell. The Prairie. Nickname for Ellen Wade Hover.
  • Nelson, Horatio. The Wing-and-Wing. Historical British admiral of great fame, he held, among other honors, the British title of Viscount and the Italian title of Duke of Bronte [a province in Sicily].
  • Nesbitt. Lionel Lincoln. Colonel in command of the British 47ᵗʰ Regiment; mentioned.
  • Newcome, Jason. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Yale graduate and Yankee schoolmaster in Westchester; subsequently crafty tenant and agent of the Littlepages for Mooseridge and Ravensnest patents; also called Squire Newcome; merely mentioned in The Redskins.
  • Newcome, Mrs. Jason. The Chainbearer. Wife of Ovid Newcome and mother of Opportunity and Seneca Newcome; mentioned.
  • Newcome, Opportunity. The Redskins. Wife of Ovid Newcome, and mother of Opportunity and Seneca Newcome; mentioned.
  • Newcome, Opportunity. The Redskins. Daughter of Ovid and Opportunity Newcome, and a belle of Ravensnest; informs Hugh Littlepage about plans of anti-renters.
  • Newcome, Orson. The Redskins. Brother and business partner of Seneca Newcome.
  • Newcome, Ovid. The Redskins. Son of Jason Newcome, husband of Opportunity Newcome, and father of Opportunity and Seneca Newcome; mentioned.
  • Newcome, Seneca. The Redskins. Son of Ovid and Opportunity Newcome, brother of young Opportunity Newcome, and anti-rent activist; also called Squire Newcome.
  • Newcome, Squire. The Chainbearer. See Newcome, Jason.
  • Newcome, Squire. The Redskins. See Newcome, Seneca.
  • Nichols, Nicholas. The Red Rover. Captain of the Royal Caroline who is succeeded by Henry de Lacey, alias Harry Wilder.
  • Nicholson, Sir Herbert. Precaution. Lieutenant colonel, friend, and comrade-at-arms of George Denbigh (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Nick. The Pilot. An American sailor.
  • Nick. Wyandotté. See Wyandotté.
  • Nightingale, Jack. The Red Rover. Boatswain of the Red Rover.
  • Niño, Pedro Alonzo [Peralonso]. Mercedes of Castile. This historical figure serves as one of the pilots on the Santa Maria during Christoval Colon’s first voyage to the Indies.
  • Nipset. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. See Ring, Whittal.
  • Noon, Biddy. Jack Tier. Nickname of Bridget Noon.
  • Noon, Bridget. Jack Tier. Irish maidservant of Mrs. Budd, she drowns when thrown overboard from the yawl of the Molly Swash.
  • Norton. Miles Wallingford. New York City friend of Rupert Hardinge and Andrew Drewett.
  • Norton, Miss-Mrs. [sic]. The Monikins. Anna Etherington’s governess.
  • Nuñez. Mercedes of Castile. See Cabrera, Don Andres de.

  • Oakes, Sir Gervaise. The Two Admirals. Baronet of Bowldero, vice admiral throughout the action of the novel, and ultimately a full admiral, he is one of the two titular heroes of the book.
  • Oakes, Josselin. The Two Admirals. Elder brother from whom Sir Gervaise Oakes inherited the baronetcy of Bowldero; mentioned.
  • O’Flagherty, Honor. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Servant in the household of Henry Halfacre.
  • Ogilvie, Mrs. Afloat and Ashore. Mutual friend of Mrs. Drewett and Lucy Hardinge; mentioned.
  • O’Hearn, Michael. Wyandotté. A stereotype of the Irish immigrant in early America, he is a comic and grotesque character.
  • Ojeda, Alonzo de. Mercedes of Castile. Young Castilian courtier reputed to be the most expert lance in Spain.
  • Old Nab. Lionel Lincoln. Job Pray’s nickname for his mother Abigail Pray.
  • Oldcastle, Jack. The Two Admirals. Sailor on the Plantagenet; mentioned.
  • O’Leary. The Wing-and-Wing. Second lieutenant aboard the British frigate Terpsichore.
  • Oneida. Satanstoe. See Quissquiss.
  • O’Neil. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Dublin during the main action of the novel, he is subsequently killed in a duel with a French officer.
  • Onoah. The Oak Openings. Although he is respected by many tribes, his own tribal origin is unknown. After exhorting Indians for twenty years to exterminate white settlers, he becomes a Christian convert. He is known as Scalping Peter.
  • Onondago. Satanstoe. See Susquesus.
  • Ooroony [the elder]. The Crater. Kannaka chief opposed by the treacherous Waally, he is the benefactor of Bob Betts and friend of the settlers in Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Ooroony [the younger]. The Crater. Young chief of the Kannakas deposed, after his father’s death, by the hostile Waally. He is restored to power by Mark Woolston.
  • Oothout, Nicholas. Satanstoe. A British major of Dutch extraction, he is a neighbor of Major Evans Littlepage.
  • Open Hand. The Last of the Mohicans. Indian epithet for Major Duncan Heyward.
  • Orbitello, Juan de. Mercedes of Castile. Jealous noble of Isabella’s court at the time of Christoval Colon’s return from his first voyage to the Indies; his challenge to Colon prompts the Admiral’s famous “egg trick.”
  • Osborne, Mrs. The Oak Openings. Only child of Benjamin Boden and Margery Waring Boden.
  • Osborne, Dolly. The Oak Openings. See Osborne, Dorothy.
  • Osborne, Dorothy. The Oak Openings. Granddaughter of Benjamin and Margery Waring Boden.
  • Osborne, Margery. The Oak Openings. Granddaughter of Benjamin and Margery Waring Boden.
  • Osgood. “Heart.” Father of Maria Osgood; mentioned.
  • Osgood, Maria. “Heart.” Confidante and closest friend of the protagonist, Charlotte Henley, she marries Seymour Delafield.
  • Osgood, Mrs. “Heart.” Mother of Maria Osgood; mentioned.
  • Ozema. Mercedes of Castile. Beautiful sister of the Haitian cacique Mattinao. Enamored of Luis de Bobadilla, she accompanies him on his return to Spain, where she dies of grief.

  • Pachecho. Mercedes of Castile. See Giron, Don Pedro.
  • Panther. The Deerslayer. Huron chief killed by Natty Bumppo.
  • Parker. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Carnatic during the main action of the novel, he is subsequently elevated to the rank of rear admiral and knighted.
  • Pat, Peleg. The Monikins. Deceased monikin political agitator; mentioned.
  • Pathfinder. The Pathfinder. Nickname of Natty Bumppo in his role as scout.
  • Patroon of Kinderhook. The Water-Witch. Title of Oloff Van Staats.
  • Pedro, Don. Afloat and Ashore. Ecuadorean smuggler through whom the Crisis carries on contraband trade.
  • Peggy. The Crater. Nickname of Petrina.
  • Peñalosa, Juan de. Mercedes of Castile. Messenger sent from the Castilian court in Christoval Colon’s behalf; mentioned.
  • Pendennyss, Earl of. Precaution. See Denbigh, George (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Pendennyss, Lord. Precaution. See Denbigh, George (Earl of Pendennyss).
  • Penguillan, Benjamin. The Pioneers. Assumed name of Benjamin Stubbs, Penguillan being the name of the gentleman on whose estate he was born.
  • Pennock, John. The Crater. First colonist recruited by Mark Woolston, he later replaces Mark as governor.
  • People’s Friend, Judas. The Monikins. Representative from the republic of Leaplow to the court at Leaphigh and John Goldencalf’s informant on the respective societies.
  • Pepe. Mercedes of Castile. Young sailor from Palos de Moguer, he proves an excellent mariner and entirely loyal to Christoval Colon on the first westward voyage to Cathay.
  • Pepita. Mercedes of Castile. Nurse and chaperone of Mercedes de Valverde.
  • Pepperage. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. English sobriquet for Miantonimoh.
  • Peraza, Inez [sic]. Mercedes of Castile. This historical figure [Beatriz de Peraza y Bobadilla], mother of the young Count of Gomera, entertains Colon and his chief officers at Gomera [in the Canary islands] before their departure for the first westward voyage to Cathay.
  • Percy, Lord. Lionel Lincoln. Earl of Northumberland, he directs part of the British retreat from Lexington; mentioned.
  • Pero. Mercedes of Castile. Talkative shipmate aboard the Santa Maria.
  • Perot, Peggy. Afloat and Ashore. Day nurse in area around Clawbonny; mentioned.
  • Pete. Satanstoe. See Petrus.
  • Peter. Home as Found. Apprentice boy at Templeton.
  • Peter. The Redskins. Hired man on Ravensnest farm.
  • Peter. The Ways of the Hour. Negro servant in Dunscomb’s household.
  • Peter. “The Lake Gun.” Aged owner and operator of a sailboat on Seneca Lake.
  • Peterchen. The Headsman. See Hofmeister, Peter.
  • Peters. The Pilot. British soldier.
  • Peters. The Crater. Refugee from a whaler, he is captured by Waally, from whom he escapes to join Mark Woolston’s Pacific colony.
  • Petrina. The Crater. Kannaka bride of Peters.
  • Petrus. Satanstoe. Guert Ten Eyck’s slave, killed and scalped by Hurons; also called Pete.
  • Pettibone, Remarkable. The Pioneers. Yankee housekeeper at the mansion of Judge Temple.
  • Peyton, Jeanette. The Spy. A Virginian by birth, she is a cousin of Major Peyton Dunwoodie and the spinster aunt (as well as governess) of Sarah and Frances Wharton.
  • Philip, King. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. An English sobriquet for the Wampanoag sachem Metacom.
  • Phoebe. The Crater. The woman brought by Mark Woolston from Philadelphia as a wife for Bill Brown.
  • Phyllis. The Water-Witch. Black slave of Myndert Van Beverout, she is the wife of Bonnie.
  • Pierre. Home as Found. Butler in the household of Edward Effingham.
  • Pietro. The Bravo. Venetian gondolier.
  • Pietro. The Wing-and Wing. Servant of Andrea Barrofaldi.
  • Pigeon. The Deerslayer. Delaware sobriquet for the youthful Natty Bumppo.
  • Pigeonswing. The Oak Openings. A Chippewa runner for the American army during the War of 1812, he befriends the central group of whites on the Michigan frontier.
  • Pilot. The Pilot. A pilot who, though unidentified by most of his colleagues, is obviously a man of much higher status than his masquerade would suggest. The only name he uses is Mr. Gray, but he is in reality John Paul Jones. Throughout the novel the word pilot is always capitalized when it refers to him.
  • Pindar. Home as Found. Pseudonym for a member of the New York City literati.
  • Pintard, Jules. The Wing-and-Wing. First lieutenant on the Feu-Follet.
  • Pinzon, Francisco Martin. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he is one of the pilots on the first westward-to-Cathay voyage of Christoval Colon.
  • Pinzon, Martin Alonzo. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, this wealthy mariner and resident of Palos de Moguer commands the Pinta of Christoval Colon’s first voyage to the Indies; dies of grief toward the end of the novel following his attempted treachery.
  • Pinzon, Vincente Yañez. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, this loyal commander of the Niña westward bound toward Cathay on the first voyage with Christoval Colon is a brother of the treacherous Martin Alonzo Pinzon.
  • Pippo. The Headsman. Neapolitan trickster and street juggler; rabble-rouser; one of the murderers of Jacques Colis.
  • Pitcairn. Lionel Lincoln. Major in command of a British marine company.
  • Pith. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Pius [II], Pope [authorial confusion with Pope Paul II?]. Mercedes of Castile. Presumably furnishes the papal bull permitting the consanguineous marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella; mentioned.
  • Pledge, Lord. The Monikins. Political aspirant supported by John Goldencalf.
  • Pliny the Elder. Wyandotté. Negro slave in the household of Captain Hugh Willoughby; he is manumitted after the captain’s death.
  • Pliny the Younger. Wyandotté. Negro slave in the household of Captain Willoughby, he is the son of Pliny the Elder. He is manumitted after the death of the captain.
  • Plowden, Katherine. The Pilot. Beautiful, high-spirited, and intelligent, she is an orphan, a ward of Colonel Howard. She marries Richard Barnstable.
  • Podestà. The Headsman. See Bourrit, Herr.
  • Poke, Noah. The Monikins. Penniless, shipwrecked sea captain and excellent mariner, he is John Goldencalf’s comrade and nurse.
  • Poke, Mrs. Noah. The Monikins. Wife of Captain Noah Poke; mentioned.
  • Polwarth, Peter. Lionel Lincoln. The captain of a British light infantry company, he is a close friend of the titular hero. Fat and gregarious, he is a gourmet who judges people by their attitudes toward food.
  • Pompey. The Pilot. A Negro slave in the household of Colonel Howard.
  • Pompey. Satanstoe. Negro slave of Mrs. Jane Legge.
  • Pope, Abigail. The Ways of the Hour. Gossip who serves as a witness at the inquest.
  • Pope, Jane. The Ways of the Hour. Witness at the first Mary Monson trial [conceivably an authorial confusion for Abigail Pope].
  • Positive. Miles Wallingford. Colonel and editor of the New York Federal Truth Teller, a pro-British newspaper.
  • Post, Dr. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. New York City physician who comes to Clawbonny to attend Grace Wallingford.
  • Powis, Paul. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. One of several names used by Paul Effingham before his real identity is established.
  • Powlett. Miles Wallingford. First lieutenant on the British frigate Speedy.
  • Prairiefire. The Redskins. An Indian visiting Susquesus.
  • Pratt, Ichabod. The Sea Lions. Ship owner and investor, he is an avaricious hypocrite referred to consistently as Deacon Pratt.
  • Pratt, Israel. The Sea Lions. Deceased father of Mary Pratt Gardiner and brother of Deacon Pratt; mentioned.
  • Pratt, Job. The Sea Lions. Brother of Deacon Pratt.
  • Pratt, Mary. The Sea Lions. Niece of Deacon Ichabod Pratt, she marries Roswell Gardiner.
  • Pray, Abigail. Lionel Lincoln. Impoverished and pathetic mother of the illegitimate simpleton Job, she is one of those responsible for the madness of Sir Lionel Lincoln, her former lover.
  • Pray, Job. Lionel Lincoln. Illegitimate son of Sir Lionel Lincoln and Abigail Pray, he is a wise fool far superior to the idiot he is sometimes thought to be. He is a half brother of the titular hero.
  • Prescott, [William]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical figure, he was a prominent American officer at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Pump, Ben. The Pioneers. Nickname for Benjamin Stubbs, alias Benjamin Penguillan.
  • Putnam, [Israel]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical figure, he was a prominent American officer at the siege of Boston during the Revolution; mentioned.

  • Quill, Ready. The Monikins. Deceased monikin political agitator; mentioned.
  • Quintanilla, Alonzo de. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, this accountant-general of Castile is a firm supporter of Christoval Colon and his cause.
  • Quintero, Christoval. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, this coowner of the caravel Pinta resents the commandeering of his vessel for Colon’s voyage.
  • Quissquiss. Satanstoe. Indian hired by Corny Littlepage and Dirck Follock as hunter and messenger in exploring Mooseridge; killed by Hurons; also called Jumper and the Oneida.

  • Ralph. Lionel Lincoln. Alias used by Sir Lionel Lincoln.
  • Randolph, Rebecca. The Two Admirals. Mother of Wycherly Wychecombe, Virginia-born seventh baronet of Wychecombe; mentioned.
  • Ransom, Jared. The Pioneers. Owner of a maple-sugar business near Templeton.
  • Rascon, Gomez. Mercedes of Castile. Owner, with Christoval Quintero, of the caravel Pinta, a ship commandeered by the Spanish court for the use of Christoval Colon on the first westward voyage to Cathay.
  • Raven. The Deerslayer. Huron youth.
  • Reasono, Dr. Socrates. The Monikins. Highly cultivated senior male among the monkeys (monikins) met by John Goldencalf in Paris, he explains the philosophy and culture of Leaphigh.
  • Record. The Two Admirals. Professional colleague of Baron Thomas Wychecombe.
  • Red Crow. The Deerslayer. Young Huron warrior.
  • Red Rover. The Red Rover. See Heidegger, Walter.
  • Reed-That-Bends, The Last of the Mohicans. Cowardly Huron executed by his own people.
  • Reef. The Water-Witch. Officer on the cruiser Coquette.
  • Regulus. “Imagination.” Code name for Henry Frederick St. Albans.
  • Le Renard Subtil. The Last of the Mohicans. See Cunning Fox.
  • Ricardo of Gloucester, Don. Mercedes of Castile. Fifth suitor For Isabella’s hand; mentioned.
  • Richard. The Two Admirals. Groom employed by Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, the sixth baronet of Wychecombe.
  • Riddel, Jotham. The Pioneers. Restless and superstitious Yankee who dies of burns from a forest fire.
  • Ring, Miss. Home as Found. Meant to be a stereotype of an early American belle, she is a ridiculous flirt at a ball in New York City.
  • Ring, Abundance. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. The wife of Reuben Ring, she lives up to her given name by bearing him seven sons, the last three being triplets.
  • Ring, Faith. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Shrewish sister of Reuben Ring and Whittal Ring, she marries Eben Dudley.
  • Ring, Reuben. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Brother of Faith and Whittal Ring, he is a sergeant in the defense forces at Wish-Ton-Wish.
  • Ring, Whittal. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A half-wit, he becomes completely Indianized during his years of captivity among the Narragansetts. His Indian name is Nipset.
  • Rittenstein, Odo von. The Heidenmauer. Baron who spends his mature years as a hermit in penance for a sacrilege, committed in his youth, at the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Rivenoak. The Deerslayer. A senior chief among the Hurons.
  • Robbins. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the Indiaman, John.
  • Robinson, Robert. The Ways of the Hour. Rejected as the twelfth juror for Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Roderick. The Red Rover. Cabin “boy” of the Red Rover who is actually a girl, the captain’s mistress.
  • Roderigo. The Bravo. Alias used by Jacopo Frontoni.
  • Roderique. Mercedes of Castile. Soldier and member of the guard at Saragossa, capital of Aragon.
  • Rogers. Satanstoe. A provincial British major, he safeguards Corny Littlepage and his military party.
  • Rogerson. The Water-Witch. Seaman on the Water-Witch.
  • Roldan, Bartolomeo. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he serves as a pilot on the Niña during Christoval Colon’s first voyage to the Indies.
  • Roller. The Wing-and-Wing. Midshipman on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Rotherham, Rev. Mr. The Two Admirals. Vicar of the church near the Wychecombe estate in Devonshire.
  • Rowley. Miles Wallingford. Captain of the British frigate Briton.
  • Rudiger. The Heidenmauer. Abbot of Our Lady of Hermits, the Benedictine convent at Einsieden, Switzerland.
  • Ruiz, Sancho [de Gama]. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he serves as a pilot on the Niña on the first westward-to-Cathay voyage of Colon.

  • S. R. P. Home as Found. Pseudonym of a member of the New York City literati.
  • Sagamore. The Last of the Mohicans. Title for Indian wise man, applied most often in this novel to Chingachgook.
  • Sage, Dr. The Sea Lions. Country physician at Sag Harbor, New York.
  • Sage, Seth. Lionel Lincoln. Laconic Yankee landlord of quarters in Boston occupied by British officers, he is active in the patriot irregular army.
  • St. Albans, Henry Frederick. “Imagination.” Imaginary admirer of Anna Miller.
  • St. Angel, Luis de. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, this receiver of the ecclesiastical revenues of the crown of Aragon is a strong supporter of Christoval Colon.
  • Saint James. The Two Admirals. Sobriquet used by Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, sixth baronet, for his second oldest brother, James, a fox-hunting clergyman.
  • Salt-Water. The Pathfinder. Sobriquet used to distinguish Charles Cap as a mariner of the seven seas rather than of the Great Lakes.
  • Sam. The Pilot. An American sailor.
  • Sam. Satanstoe. Hunter accompanying Corny Littlepage and Dirck Follock in surveying Mooseridge; killed and scalped by Hurons.
  • Sam. Jack Tier. Crewman on the U.S. cruiser Poughkeepsie.
  • Sam. The Sea Lions. Formerly a slave, he is a servant in the household of Deacon Pratt.
  • San Tommaso. The Headsman. See Contini, Bartolomeo.
  • Sanchez, Roderigo. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure coming from Segovia, he is comptroller of Christoval Colon’s fleet on the voyage to Cathay, sailing aboard the Santa Maria.
  • Sancho. Mercedes of Castile. Lay brother at the convent of La Rabida, near Palos de Moguer.
  • Sancho of the Ship-yard Gate. Mercedes of Castile. See Mundo, Sancho.
  • Sandford, Anthony. “Imagination.” Coachman in the employ of a livery stable in New York City.
  • Sandon, Henry. Homeward Bound. Dissolute young man who pretends aboard the Montauk to be Sir George Templemore. He has absconded with £40,000 of government funds but is arrested and taken back to England for trial.
  • Sandy. The Pathfinder. Member of the British 55ᵗʰ Regiment killed at a French and Indian ambush on one of the Thousand Islands.
  • Sanford. The Ways of the Hour. County coroner conducting the inquest.
  • Sanglier. The Pathfinder. French captain who directs Indian attacks on British forces along the shores of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.
  • Santi, Tommaso. The Headsman. See Contini, Bartolomeo.
  • Satanstoe, Jacob. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Cornelius Littlepage’s black personal slave and companion; later aide to Mordaunt Littlepage in subdividing Mooseridge and Ravensnest patents; husband of Miss Lilacsbush; eventually retires and lives with the Indian Susquesus at Ravensnest; also called Jaap, Jaaf, Yaap, Thick-Lips, Yop, and Yop Littlepage.
  • Satanstoe, Mrs. Jacob. The Chainbearer. Wife of Jacob Satanstoe; calls herself Miss Lilacsbush.
  • Saucy Nick. Wyandotté. See Wyandotté.
  • Saunders. Precaution. Butler in the Moseleys’ household.
  • Saunders. Homeward Bound. Steward on the Montauk.
  • Saunders. The Crater. Seaman who joins Mark Woolston’s colony after being stranded in Canton. He becomes captain of one of the colony’s ships.
  • Saunders, Charles. The Two Admirals. Schoolboy friend of the titular heroes of the novel; mentioned.
  • Sausaman. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A traitor who reveals to the colonists Metacom’s military plans. His execution by Metacom leads indirectly to the conflict known as King Philip’s War; mentioned.
  • Say and Do, Lord. The Monikins. English noble in the government ministry; mentioned.
  • Scalping Peter. The Oak Openings. See Onoah.
  • Schuyler, Madam. Satanstoe. Aunt of Philip Schuyler.
  • Schuyler, Philip. Wyandotté, Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. An historical figure, he was the general in command of the Continental forces in the northeastern colonies at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
  • Scipio. The Ways of the Hour. Negro servant at the Duke’s County jail; also called Sip.
  • Scipio Africanus. The Red Rover. See Africanus, Scipio.
  • Scupperton, Lord. The Two Admirals. Neighbor of Sir Gervaise Oakes at the latter’s Bowldero estate; mentioned.
  • Seadrift. The Water-Witch. Name assumed by Eudora Van Beverout while, disguised as a man, she serves as agent for the Water-Witch.
  • Seal. Homeward Bound. English attorney who boards the Montauk at Portsmouth in search of a debtor.
  • See-wise. “The Lake Gun.” An evil demagogue among the Seneca Indians who is cursed by the Great Spirit, transformed into a log, and condemned to float on Seneca Lake for a thousand years.
  • [Seneca Indian]. “The Lake Gun.” Otherwise unidentified, he is one of the two characters whose dialogue carries the burden of the satire of the tale.
  • Sennit. Miles Wallingford. Ill-mannered supernumerary lieutenant on the British frigate Speedy.
  • Serrani, Cristofero. The Headsman. A confederate of Pantaleone Serrani and confirmer of the fact that Maso [Bartolomeo Contini] was fathered by Gaetano Grimaldi.
  • Serrani, Pantaleone. The Headsman. Abductor of the infant Gaetano Grimaldi, he is executed as a murderer by Balthazar after surrendering the child for adoption by the headsman; mentioned.
  • Sharp. Homeward Bound. Alias used by Sir George Templemore aboard the Montauk.
  • Shearflint. Lionel Lincoln. Captain Peter Polwarth’s valet.
  • Shebear. The Deerslayer. Aged Huron squaw who guards the captive Wah-ta-Wah.
  • Shipwith. The Spy. Cornet (minor officer) of the Virginia Dragoons.
  • Shoreham, Betts. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. The male romantic lead, he is a prosperous New Yorker who marries Adrienne de la Rocheaimard.
  • Short, Dr. The Ways of the Hour. Country doctor who testifies at the inquest.
  • Short, Joshua. The Sea Lions. Seaman on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Shout, Plausible. The Monikins. Deceased monikin political agitator; mentioned.
  • Sidley, Ann. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Nurse for Eve Effingham.
  • Siegfried, Father. The Heidenmauer. Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Sigismund. The Headsman. Deceased firstborn son of Balthazar and Marguerite; replaced by Balthazar (without Marguerite’s knowledge) by young Gaetano Grimaldi, renamed Sigismund Steinbach.
  • Silky. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. A self-styled “colonel,” he is a silent partner in the firm of Bobbinet and Gull.
  • Silverpenny, Oliver. The Monikins. Neighbor of Thomas Goldencalf in Cheapside; mentioned.
  • Silvy. Satanstoe. Female slave of Herman Mordaunt.
  • Simon. Jack Tier. Negro cook on the Molly Swash.
  • Singleton. The Spy. Colonel, American staff officer, he is the father of Isabella and Captain George Singleton.
  • Singleton, George. The Spy. Captain in the Virginia Dragoons, he is wounded seriously early in the novel.
  • Singleton, Isabella. The Spy. Daughter of Colonel Singleton and sister of Captain George Singleton, she is killed by a bullet aimed at Captain Lawton.
  • Sip. The Ways of the Hour. See Scipio.
  • Sip. The Red Rover. See Africanus, Scipio.
  • Sitgreaves, Anna. The Spy. Deceased sister of Dr. Archibald Sitgreaves; mentioned.
  • Sitgreaves, Dr. Archibald. The Spy. Grotesquely comic military surgeon attached to the Virginia Dragoons.
  • Sixtus IV, Pope. Mercedes of Castile. This historical figure grants ex post facto the proper dispensation for the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella; mentioned.
  • Skimmer of the Seas, The. The Water-Witch. Epithet for Thomas Tiller.
  • Skip, Harry. Lionel Lincoln. Drill officer of a light infantry company in the British 47ᵗʰ Regiment; mentioned.
  • Skipping Fawn. The Prairie. See Tachechana.
  • Slit-Nose. Afloat and Ashore. Indian with whom the crew of the Crisis trades on the Canadian Pacific coast.
  • Smees. The Wing-and-Wing. Italian pronunciation for the pseudonym Smith used by Raoul Yvard.
  • Smith. The Sea Lions. Carpenter at Oyster Point.
  • Smith, Betty. The Redskins. Widow of the old coachman at Ravensnest; provides for the aged Jacob Satanstoe and Susquesus.
  • Smith, Jack. The Wing-and-Wing. Pseudonym used by Raoul Yvard. He himself pronounces Smith as Smeet; the Italians pronounce it Smees.
  • Smith, John. The Redskins. Speaker at the anti-renters’ Sunday public meeting at Ravensnest.
  • Smith, Robert. The Sea Lions. Green hand on the crew of the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Smith, Tom. Homeward Bound. Seaman of the Montauk killed by Arabs.
  • Smudge. Afloat and Ashore. Canadian Indian leader hanged for his treachery by Moses Marble.
  • Smut, Bob. The Monikins. Cabin boy aboard the Walrus, he subsequently is titled Prince Royal of Great Britain in Leaphigh and serves as political spokesman in Leaplow.
  • Socrates. The Crater. A slave owned by Bridget Yardley, he is a competent seaman and harpooneer.
  • Somers. The Pilot. Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.
  • Soranzo, Giulietta. The Bravo. Beautiful wife of Senator Paolo Soranzo.
  • Soranzo, Paolo. The Bravo. Youthful, idealistic senator who replaces Alessandro Gradenigo on the Council of Three. His corruption by the senate seems inevitable.
  • Soundings. The Two Admirals. Sailing master on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Spike, Mary Swash. Jack Tier. Deserted wife of Stephen Spike, she is called Jack Tier throughout the novel.
  • Spike, Stephen. Jack Tier. Dissolute captain of the Molly Swash.
  • Sponge, Tom. The Two Admirals. Aged gunner on the Plantagenet.
  • Spriggs. The Wing-and-Wing. First lieutenant on the British frigate Terpsichore.
  • Stanley, Edward. “Imagination.” Imaginary admirer of Julia Warren.
  • Stapleton, Lord Henry. Precaution. A young sailor attracted to Emily Moseley, he is the brother of Lady Laura Stapleton and a friend of the Earl of Pendennyss.
  • Stapleton, Lady Laura. Precaution. Eldest sister of the Marquis of Eltringham and of Lord Henry Stapleton and a friend of Emily Moseley, she becomes the wife of Colonel George Denbigh.
  • Stapleton, Lady Sarah. Precaution. Sister of the Marquis of Eltringham and Lord Henry Stapleton and Lord William Stapleton.
  • Stapleton, Lord William. Precaution. Young man formerly a messenger of Colonel Egerton, he is a brother of the Marquis of Eltringham, Lady Laura Stapleton, and Lord Henry Stapleton.
  • Steele, Patty. Precaution. Young lady wooed but not won by Peter Johnson; mentioned.
  • Steen, Moses. The Ways of the Hour. Resident of Biberry; mentioned.
  • Steinbach, Sigismund. The Headsman. See Grimaldi, Gaetano [the younger].
  • Sterling. The Two Admirals. Captain of the British warship Blenheim during the main action of the novel, he is subsequently killed in action.
  • Stevens, Dr. Precaution. Rector at Bolton preceding Francis Ives but now deceased; mentioned.
  • Stevenson. Precaution. Household servant of the Earl of Pendennyss.
  • Stimson, Stephen. The Sea Lions. Sturdy and devout old mariner aboard the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Stingy Tom. Lionel Lincoln. Derisive patriot epithet for the royal governor Thomas Gage.
  • Stone, Mrs. The Sea Lions. Neighbor of Deacon Pratt and Betsy White, she is a widow.
  • Stothard. The Wing-and-Wing. Second lieutenant on the British frigate Terpsichore.
  • Stowel. The Two Admirals. Captain of Rear Admiral Richard Bluewater’s flagship, Caesar, during the main action of the novel; subsequently he goes down with his ship in a storm on the Baltic.
  • Straight-Tongue. The Deerslayer. Earliest of the Delaware epithets for Natty Bumppo.
  • Strand. The Wing-and-Wing. Boatswain on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Strand, Jack. Jack Tier. Crewman on the Molly Swash.
  • Stratton, Mrs. The Chainbearer. Female friend of Ursula Malbone’s mother, she rears and educates the orphaned Ursula until her own death; mentioned.
  • Streak o’ Lightning. The Redskins. Pseudonym for an unidentified anti-renter; he is a leader of the “Injins.”
  • Strides, Joel. Wyandotté. Yankee overseer of the farm on the Willoughby patent, he is a selfish, treacherous villain.
  • Strides, Lyddy. Wyandotté. Apparently the daughter of Joel Strides.
  • Strides, Phoebe. Wyandotté. Wife of Joel Strides.
  • Stubbs, Benjamin. The Pioneers. A retired British sailor, he is a comic figure who works in the household of Judge Temple. He is usually called Ben Pump.
  • Submission. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. One of the regicides responsible for the execution of Charles I, he has fled to America where he spends his life in hiding. Supplied with necessities by the Heathcote family, he comes to the aid of Wish-Ton-Wish during periods of crisis. His real name is never revealed.
  • Le Subtil. The Last of the Mohicans. Shortened form, of Le Reynard Subtil. See Cunning Fox.
  • Succetush. Satanstoe. See Susquesus.
  • Sumach. The Deerslayer. Sister of Huron chief Panther and widow of Lynx.
  • Summerfield. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Sus. The Redskins. See Susquesus.
  • Susquesus. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer, The Redskins. Indian guide and hunter hired by Cornelius Littlepage and Dirck Van Valkenburgh. He is a long-term friend of the Littlepages and of Andries Coejemans. Respected by both Indians and whites, he eventually lives in retirement with Jacob Satanstoe (Yop Littlepage) at Ravensnest. He is also called Trackless, Onondago [sic], and Withered Hemlock That Still Stands.
  • Sutton, Manners. The Monikins. Speaker of the British House of Commons; mentioned.
  • Swash, Molly. Jack Tier. Maiden name (nickname) of Mary Swash Spike.
  • Sweeney. Afloat and Ashore. British customs officer.
  • Sweeny, Michael. Miles Wallingford. Irish fisherman.
  • Sweet-Water. The Pathfinder. Sobriquet used to distinguish Jasper Western as a freshwater rather than a saltwater mariner.
  • Swimming Seneca. “The Lake Gun.” Epithet for See-wise.
  • Swooping Eagle. The Prairie. Teton Sioux warrior.

  • Tachechana. The Prairie. Youngest widow of Mahtoree but rejected by him before his death. She later marries Hard-Heart.
  • Talavera, Fernando de. Mercedes of Castile. An historical figure, he is the Archbishop of Granada, directed to determine the feasibility of Christoval Colon’s plan for the discovery of the Indies. He is the friend and tool of Ferdinand of Aragon.
  • Talcott, Roger. Afloat and Ashore. Third mate on the Crisis.
  • Tamamamaah, King. The Monikins. Dealer in sandalwood; mentioned.
  • Tamenund. The Last of the Mohicans. An historical person, he was the Delaware chief who welcomed William Penn. He is a venerable figure in the novel.
  • Tarry Bob. The Red Rover. Sobriquet for Bob Bunt.
  • Tecumseh. The Oak Openings. An historical person, he was a Shawnee chief who tried to unite all Indians in the old Northwest Territory to halt further settlement in that area; mentioned.
  • Temple, Elizabeth. The Pioneers. Daughter of Judge Marmaduke Temple, she marries young Oliver Effingham. She is the leading female character in the novel.
  • Temple, Marmaduke. The Pioneers. Founder and most prominent citizen of the frontier village of Templeton, he holds the position of judge. He is the father of Elizabeth Temple.
  • Templemore, Sir George. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. English baronet who travels under the name of Sharp, he marries Grace Van Cortlandt.
  • Ten Eyck, Guert. Satanstoe. Mischievous but brave young Dutchman of Albany, he is Cornelius Littlepage’s closest friend. He is a suitor of Mary Wallace, in whose arms he dies after being struck by a stray bullet during the defense of Ravensnest.
  • Terence. Lionel Lincoln. An Irish grenadier, he is wounded alongside Lionel Lincoln during the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Tetao. The Prairie. Teton Sioux warrior slain by Hard-Heart.
  • Thick-Lips. The Redskins. See Satanstoe, Jacob.
  • Thomas. The Crater. Captain of one of the colony’s ships.
  • Thomas, Jane. The Sea Lions. Sister of Deacon Pratt.
  • Thompson, Caesar. The Spy. Negro slave in the Wharton household.
  • Thompson, Dinah. The Spy. Wife of Caesar Thompson.
  • Thompson, Jack. The Sea Lions. Seaman, next-to-last survivor of the crew that discovered the rich sealing island where most of the novel’s action is set; mentioned.
  • Thompson, Nathan. The Sea Lions. Seaman on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Thornton, Arthur. The Deerslayer. Young British officer.
  • Thoughtful, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Chairwoman of the Widow’s and Orphan’s Society; mentioned.
  • Thousandacres, Aaron. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Aaron.
  • Thousandacres, Daniel. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Daniel.
  • Thousandacres, Jedediah. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Jedediah.
  • Thousandacres, Jeruthy. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Jeruthy.
  • Thousandacres, Lavinia. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Lavinia.
  • Thousandacres, Moses. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Moses.
  • Thousandacres, Nab. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Nab.
  • Thousandacres, Nathaniel. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Nathaniel.
  • Thousandacres, Prudence. The Chainbearer, See Timberman, Prudence.
  • Thousandacres, Sampson. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Sampson.
  • Thousandacres, Tobit. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Tobit.
  • Thousandacres, Mrs. Tobit. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Mrs. Tobit.
  • Thousandacres, Zephaniah. The Chainbearer. See Timberman, Zephaniah.
  • Thunder Cloud. The Oak Openings. A Pottawattamie chief.
  • Thurston, Tom. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Fortune seeker who courts Julia Monson.
  • Tiepolo, Violetta. The Bravo. Orphaned heiress of a renowned patrician family, she is a captive of the state, which plans to marry her to its own political and economic advantage. She elopes with Don Camillo Monforte.
  • Tier, Jack. Jack Tier. Alias Of Mary Swash Spike.
  • Tiller, Thomas. The Water-Witch. A free-trader who owns and commands the Water-Witch, he is known as the Skimmer of the Seas.
  • Tim. The Wing-and-Wing. Cabin boy on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Timberman, Aaron. The Chainbearer. Old Vermont squatter illegally lumbering at Mooseridge, he is killed mysteriously. He is usually called Aaron Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Daniel. The Chainbearer. One of the sons of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Daniel Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Jedediah. The Chainbearer. One of the sons of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Jedediah Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Jeruthy. The Chainbearer. Youngest daughter of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, she is usually called Jeruthy Thousandacres; mentioned.
  • Timberman, Lavinia. The Chainbearer. A daughter of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, she is usually called Lowiny Thousandacres. She is helpful to Mordaunt Littlepage, and she leaves her family to serve Ursula Malbone Littlepage.
  • Timberman, Moses. The Chainbearer. A son of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Moses Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Nab. The Chainbearer. Eldest daughter of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, she is usually called Nab Thousandacres; mentioned.
  • Timberman, Nathaniel. The Chainbearer. A son of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Nathaniel Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Prudence. The Chainbearer. Wife of Aaron Timberman, she is usually called Prudence Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Sampson. The Chainbearer. A son of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Sampson Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Tobit. The Chainbearer. Eldest and most formidable son of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Tobit Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Mrs. Tobit. The Chainbearer. Daughter-in-law of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, she is usually called Mrs. Tobit Thousandacres.
  • Timberman, Zephaniah. The Chainbearer. A son of Aaron and Prudence Timberman, he is usually called Zephaniah Timberman. He is a rejected suitor of Ursula Malbone.
  • Timms. The Ways of the Hour. Coarse country lawyer who assists Thomas Dunscomb in Mary Monson’s defense. He courts Mary Monson without success. He is also called Squire Timms.
  • Timms, Squire. The Ways of the Hour. See Timms.
  • Tinkum, Mrs. The Chainbearer. Gossipy, penny-pinching squatter landlady of a log tavern near the Ravensnest patent.
  • Tin-Pot. Afloat and Ashore. Indian with whom the crew of the Crisis trades on the Canadian Pacific coast.
  • Titus, Peter. The Ways of the Hour. One of Timms’s agents in Biberry.
  • Toast. Homeward Bound. Assistant steward on the Montauk.
  • Todd, Dr. Elnathan. The Pioneers. Yankee doctor of dubious medical training.
  • Todd, Marcus. The Sea Lions. Seaman on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Todd, Pulaski. The Redskins. Secretary of the anti-renters’ public meeting which approves a set of resolutions submitted to young Hugh Roger Littlepage.
  • Tom. Precaution. Servant at Moseley Arms inn.
  • Tom. Lionel Lincoln. Orderly in Captain Polwarth’s company of light infantry.
  • Tom. Home as Found. Servant at the Wigwam.
  • Tom. The Two Admirals. A junior lieutenant on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Tom. Satanstoe. Second hunter and axe-man of Corny Littlepage and Dirck Follock’s surveying crew, he is shot and scalped by Hurons.
  • Tom. Jack Tier. Old seaman on the Molly Swash.
  • Tongue, Sam. The Ways of the Hour. See Hubbs.
  • Tonti, Tommaso. The Wing-and-Wing. Retired seaman and supposedly wise old man at Portoferraio, Elba.
  • Torti, Annina. The Bravo. Daughter of the wine seller Tommaso Torti, she is an agent of the Venetian secret police.
  • Torti, Giuseppe. The Bravo. Son of Tommaso Torti and brother of Annina.
  • Torti, Tommaso. The Bravo. A wine seller in Venice, he is the father of Annina and Giuseppe Torti.
  • Tourniquet. The Pilot. A naval surgeon.
  • Town. The Ways Of the Hour. Client in a lawsuit; mentioned.
  • Trackless. Satanstoe. See Susquesus.
  • Traverse. Satanstoe. Surveyor of the Mooseridge patent, he is killed and scalped by Hurons.
  • Treviño, Count of. Mercedes of Castile. Host to Ferdinand’s entourage en route to Valladolid.
  • Tribeless. The Oak Openings. Epithet applied to Onoah.
  • Trimmer, Tim. The Chainbearer. A boy at ‘Nest Village.
  • Trott, Hezekiah. The Redskins. A tenant at Ravensnest, he is one of the three men chosen to present a list of: grievances to the landlord, young Hugh Roger Littlepage, of Ravensnest.
  • Trotter, Mrs. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. New York City socialite; mentioned.
  • Truck, John. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. Able and resolute Yankee captain of the packet ship Montauk.
  • Truman, Ira. The Ways of the Hour. Second juror empaneled for the first Mary Monson trial.
  • Trysail, Ben. The Water-Witch. Sailing master of the cruiser Coquette.
  • Tubbs, Shabbakuk. The Redskins. Tenant farmer at Ravensnest. his first name is also spelled Shabbakuck.

  • Ulrich, Father. The Heidenmauer. Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Limburg.
  • Uncas. The Last of the Mohicans. The last male member of the Mohican family that long ruled all of the tribes of the Delaware or Lenni-Lenape nation. He is killed by the evil Magua.
  • Uncas. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Mohican chief, ally of the English settlers; his warriors capture Conanchet, deliver him to the colonists for trial, and later execute him. Not a personal name, the word Unras refers to a whole dynasty of Mohican chiefs.
  • Ungque. The Oak Openings. Indian orator and demagogue.
  • Unus. The Crater. A Kannaka, brother of Petrina, he joins the white colony and marries the slave girl June.
  • Updyke, Widow Anna. The Ways of the Hour. Mother of young Anna Updyke, she marries Dr. McBrain early in the novel.
  • Updyke, Anna. The Ways of the Hour. Confidante of Sarah Wilmeter and of Mary Monson, she weds John Wilmeter.
  • Updyke, Frank. The Ways of the Hour. Son of Widow Anna Updyke; mentioned.
  • Upright Onondago [sic]. The Redskins. Epithet applied to Susquesus by the visiting Indians.
  • Uttawa. The Last of the Mohicans. Delaware warrior who delivers elegy over the grave of Uncas.

  • Valverde, Maria de las Mercedes de. Mercedes of Castile. Pious young female romantic lead, she is the relative and adopted daughter of Beatriz de Bobadilla; she eventually marries Luis de Bobadilla. She is usually called Mercedes or Mercedes de Valverde.
  • Valverde, Mercedes de. Mercedes of Castile. See Valverde, Maria de las Mercedes de.
  • Van Beverout, Eudora. The Water-Witch. Long-lost daughter of Myndert Van Beverout, she dresses as a man to serve as agent for the Water-Witch, whose owner-captain she marries.
  • Van Beverout, Myndert. The Water-Witch. Prosperous Dutch fur merchant and alderman of New York City.
  • Van Cortlandt, Grace. Home as Found. Niece and ward of Edward Effingham, she marries Sir George Templemore.
  • Van der Heyden, Mrs. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Anneke Mordaunt’s widowed cousin in Kinderhook; in The Chainbearer she is merely mentioned.
  • Van der School, Dirck. The Pioneers. Lawyer and district attorney at Templeton.
  • Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah. Satanstoe. Patroon of Albany.
  • Van Staats, Oloff. The Water-Witch. A sturdy and stolid Dutch youth, he is the Patroon of Kinderhook.
  • Van Tassel. Miles Wallingford. Rapacious moneylender.
  • Van Valkenburgh, Abraham. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. A major in the British colonial army, he is the father of Dirck Van Valkenburgh. He is also called Brom Follock, Colonel Follock, and Volleck.
  • Van Valkenburgh, Dirck. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Lifelong friend of Corny Littlepage, he is an undeclared suitor of Anneke Mordaunt.
  • Van Valtenberg, Abraham. Afloat and Ashore. Pilot of the Hudson River sloop Gull. He is familiarly known as Brom Follock.
  • Van Vechten, Abraham. Miles Wallingford. Prominent Albany attorney; mentioned.
  • Varse, Rev. Mr. The Oak Openings. Clergyman who edits the autobiographical notes of Benjamin Boden; mentioned.
  • Vecchio, Antonio. The Bravo. Foster brother of Senator Alessandro Gradenigo, he is a poor fisherman. For his efforts to win liberation of his grandson from galley duty he is assassinated by the state.
  • Verplanck. Wyandotté. Suitor for the hand of Maud Meredith; mentioned.
  • Vervillin, Comte de. The Two Admirals. French admiral.
  • Viefville, Mademoiselle. Homeward Bound, Home as Found. French governess of Eve Effingham.
  • Villa, Pedro de. Mercedes of Castile. A seaman, he is an historical figure.
  • Viner, John. Afloat and Ashore. New York City socialite mentioned by the Brighams.
  • Viti, Vito. The Wing-and-Wing. Magistrate at Portoferraio, Island of Elba.
  • Vivero, John de. Mercedes of Castile. Proud Castilian noble, lord of Valladolid, in whose palace young Isabella seeks seclusion.
  • Volleck. Satanstoe. See Van Valkenburgh, Abraham.
  • Voorhees. Miles Wallingford. Crewman on the Dawn, he is impressed into service on a British frigate, the Speedy.

  • Waally. The Crater. Treacherous Kannaka chief, he is the rival of Ooroony and his son.
  • Wad, Sam. The Two Admirals. A quartermaster on the British warship Plantagenet.
  • Wade, Ellen. The Prairie. Niece of Esther Bush, she marries Paul Hover.
  • Wagner, Nicklaus. The Headsman. Prosperous, avaricious Bernese peasant drowned during a storm on Lake Leman (Geneva).
  • Wah-ta-Wah. The Deerslayer. Delaware girl betrothed and later married to Chingachgook.
  • Walker. Precaution. Young attorney for Sir William Harris and others; mentioned.
  • Walker. The Crater. A Nantucket seaman, he becomes captain of the colony’s first whaler.
  • Wallace. Jack Tier. Second lieutenant on the U.S. cruiser Poughkeepsie.
  • Wallace, Mary. Satanstoe, The Chainbearer. Anneke Mordaunt’s intimate friend and Herman Mordaunt’s ward, she is courted by Guert Ten Eyck but remains unmarried. She lives in the household of Anneke Mordaunt Littlepage, where she is often called Aunt Mary.
  • Wallingford, Mrs. Afloat and Ashore. Mother of Miles and Grace, she dies early in the novel.
  • Wallingford, Grace. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Sister of the protagonist, Miles, she dies during the second of the two novels.
  • Wallingford, Grace. Miles Wallingford. Elder daughter of Miles and Lucy Hardinge Wallingford.
  • Wallingford, John (Jack). Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Bachelor cousin who bequeaths Miles Wallingford an estate valued at more than $200,000.
  • Wallingford, Lucy. Miles Wallingford. Younger daughter of Miles and Lucy Hardinge Wallingford.
  • Wallingford, Miles. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. Narrator and hero of both novels.
  • Wallingford, Miles. Afloat and Ashore. Father of the protagonist, he is killed in a mill accident.
  • Wallingford, Miles. Miles Wallingford. Son of Miles and Lucy Hardinge Wallingford.
  • Wallingford, Thomas. Wyandotté. British general who in his younger years was a military colleague of Captain Willoughby; mentioned.
  • Walther, Conrad. The Heidenmauer. Potential suitor for the hand of Meta Frey; mentioned once.
  • Walton, Mrs. “Imagination.” Married sister of Anna Miller; mentioned.
  • Walton. The Two Admirals. Lieutenant who led the unsuccessful attempt to capture the French lugger Voltigeuse; mentioned.
  • Walton. Afloat and Ashore. Second mate on the Dawn.
  • Walworth. Home as Found. New York City socialite.
  • Wandering Jew. “The Lake Gun.” Sobriquet of the white settlers for See-wise after his transformation to a log.
  • Warbler. Miles Wallingford. Colonel and editor of the New York Republican Freeman. a pro-French newspaper.
  • Ward, [Artemas]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical general, he was second in command to Washington during the siege of Boston; mentioned.
  • Ward, Sir Hotham. Miles Wallingford. Commanding officer of the British frigate Black Prince.
  • Waring, Dolly. The Oak Openings. See Waring, Dorothy.
  • Waring, Dorothy. The Oak Openings. Wife of Gershom Waring, she is usually called Dolly.
  • Waring, Gershom. The Oak Openings. An alcoholic of Yankee extraction, he is a hapless trader along the frontier.
  • Waring, Margery. The Oak Openings. Sister of Gershom Waring and the female romantic lead, she marries Benjamin Boden.
  • Warley, Thomas. The Deerslayer. British officer who takes Judith Hutter as mistress.
  • Warner. The Crater. Settler who initiates the first lawsuit in the colony.
  • Warren, Rev. Mr. The Redskins. Rector of the church at Ravensnest, this widower is the father of Mary Warren.
  • Warren, [Joseph]. Lionel Lincoln. An historical figure, he was a prominent American officer killed during the Battle of Bunker Hill; mentioned.
  • Warren, Julia. “Imagination.” Adolescent protagonist of the story, she eventually marries Charles Weston.
  • Warren, Mary. Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief [Le Mouchoir]. Friend of Julia Monson.
  • Warren, Mary. The Redskins. Daughter of the widower Rev. Mr. Warren, she is courted and won by young Hugh Roger Littlepage.
  • Warren, Peter. The Two Admirals. Schoolboy friend of the titular heroes of the novel; mentioned.
  • Warrington. The Crater. First judge to be appointed in Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Wart, Joe. Home as Found. Apprentice boy at Templeton.
  • Washington, George. The Spy. Lionel LincoIn, Wyandotté, An historical figure, he was the commander-in-chief of the Continental army during the Revolution. He is known throughout The Spy by the alias Mr. Harper. Although mentioned frequently in the two later novels, he does not appear in person among the other characters.
  • Watch, Rev. Mr. The Ways of the Hour. Minister in Biberry; mentioned.
  • Waters, Joan. The Crater. Sister of Martha Waters, she marries the seaman Jones.
  • Waters, Martha. The Crater. Quaker woman who marries Bob Betts.
  • Watson. The Sea Lions. Second mate of the Sea Lion of Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Watson, Tom. Satanstoe. Colonial colonel from Massachusetts; mentioned.
  • Watson, Tom. Satanstoe. Son of old Colonel Tom Watson; mentioned.
  • Wattles, James. The Crater. Crewman of the shipwrecked Rancocus, he is held captive by Waally until he escapes to join the colony of Mark Woolston.
  • Wattles, Jonas. The Ways of the Hour. First juror empaneled for Mary Monson’s first trial.
  • Wa-wa-nosh. The Oak Openings. Name given to Onoah by the Ojibways.
  • Weasel. The Oak Openings. Sobriquet for Ungque.
  • Webb. The Last of the Mohicans. An historical figure, he was the British general in command of Fort Edward during the French and Indian War.
  • Weeks, David. The Sea Lions. Ship carpenter on the Sea Lion of Oyster Point.
  • Wellmere. The Spy. A supercilious British colonel, he would have become a bigamist if his marriage to Sarah Wharton had not been canceled at the altar.
  • Wenham. Home as Found. A provincial resident of Templeton, he makes himself ridiculous by insisting on American superiority in taste, refinement, morals, and intelligence.
  • Western, Jasper. The Pathfinder. A freshwater seaman, he is master of the Scud, a British cutter on Lake Ontario. He is a close friend of Pathfinder.
  • Weston, Charles. “Imagination.” Male romantic lead of the story, he marries the protagonist, Julia Warren.
  • Weston, Jane. The Wing-and-Wing. Fiancée and later wife of Jack Clinch.
  • Wetmore, George. Miles Wallingford. Deceased father of Oloff Van Duzer Wetmore (alias Moses Marble); mentioned.
  • Wetmore, Katharine. Miles Wallingford. Widow of George Wetmore, she is the mother of Oloff Van Duzer Wetmore (alias Moses Marble).
  • Wetmore, Oloff Van Duzer. Afloat and Ashore, Miles Wallingford. This is the real name of Moses Marble. He is one of the protagonist’s closest friends, a stereotyped rough old seaman with a heart of gold. His identity and parentage are not known until the time of the second novel.
  • Weucha. The Prairie. A Teton warrior, he is dastardly even in the Indian context.
  • Wharton. The Spy. Father of Sarah, Frances, and Captain Henry Wharton, he is the owner of The Locusts.
  • Wharton, Frances. The Spy. Younger daughter of Mr. Wharton, she is patriot in sympathy while the rest of the family remains Loyalist. She marries Major Peyton Dunwoodie.
  • Wharton, Henry. The Spy. A captain in the British army, he is captured behind American lines and convicted of espionage. He ultimately attains the rank of general.
  • Wharton, Sarah. The Spy. Older daughter of Mr. Wharton, she becomes deranged when, at the altar, her betrothed, Colonel Wellmere, is revealed to be already married.
  • Whipple, Kate. The Red Rover. Former wife of Richard Fid.
  • Whiskey Centre. The Oak Openings. Nickname for Gershom Waring.
  • White. Precaution. Neighbor of Roderic Benfield; mentioned.
  • White, Abiram. The Prairie. Kidnapper and murderer, he is the villainous brother of Esther Bush.
  • White, Abraham. The Crater. Quaker owner of the Rancocus.
  • White, Betsy. The Sea Lions. Widow at Oyster Point who houses the dying Thomas Daggett.
  • White, Jonas. The Ways of the Hour. A country loafer; mentioned.
  • Whittle, Rev. Mr. The Sea Lions. Parson of the small church at Oyster Point.
  • Wigram, Miss. Precaution. Card-playing companion of Lady Juliana.
  • Wild Rose. The Deerslayer. Sobriquet given to Judith Hutter by both the Delawares and the Hurons.
  • Wilder, Harry. The Red Rover. Alias used by Henry de Lacey.
  • Wilhelm of Venloo. The Heidenmauer. Abbot of Limburg, a Benedictine convent, he is known in the religious community as Bonifacius.
  • William. Precaution. Servant of the Jarvises.
  • William. Precaution. Servant in the Moseiey household.
  • Williams. Afloat and Ashore. Captain of the armed merchantman Crisis.
  • Williams, Bayard. Afloat and Ashore. New York City businessman; mentioned.
  • Williams, Dick. The Ways of the Hour. See Williams, Frank.
  • Williams, Frank. The Ways of the Hour. Clever Duke’s County lawyer, he is retained by Jesse Davis in the Mary Monson trial. He is also called Dick Williams and Saucy Williams.
  • Williams, Saucy. The Ways of the Hour. See Williams, Frank.
  • Williamson. The Two Admirals. First lieutenant on the British warship Carnatic.
  • Willis. Precaution. Servant of Lady Chatterton.
  • Willis. The Chainbearer. Tenant farmer at Ravensnest.
  • Willoughby, Beulah. Wyandotté. Daughter of Hugh and Wilhelmina Willoughby, she marries Colonel Evert Beekman. She is killed by a stray bullet during an Indian attack on the Hutted Knoll.
  • Willoughby, Sir Harry. Wyandotté. A cousin from whom Captain Hugh Willoughby inherits a baronetcy; mentioned.
  • Willoughby, Hugh. Wyandotté. Retired captain of the British army, he is the owner of the patent in Central New York where most of the action of the novel occurs. He is murdered by the titular hero of the book.
  • Willoughby, Robert. Wyandotté. The male romantic lead in the novel, he marries Maud Meredith. A British major when the Revolution begins, he eventually becomes a lieutenant general; he also inherits a baronetcy.
  • Willoughby, Wilhelmina. Wyandotté. Wife of Hugh Willoughby, and mother of Beulah and Robert Willoughby.
  • Wilmeter, Lady. The Two Admirals. Noblewoman who befriended the youthful Martha Dutton (née Ray) and accepted her as a companion to her own daughters; mentioned.
  • Wilmeter, John. The Ways of the Hour. Nephew and legal apprentice of Thomas Dunscomb, he marries Anna Updyke. He is also called Jack and Jack Wilmington [sic].
  • Wilmeter, Sarah. The Ways of the Hour. Orphaned niece of Thomas Dunscomb, she marries Michael Millington. She is also called Sally and Sally Wilmington [sic].
  • Wilmington, Jack. The Ways of the Hour. See Wilmeter, John.
  • Wilmington, Sally. The Ways of the Hour. See Wilmeter, Sarah.
  • Wilmot. The Crater. A merchant who joins Mark Woolston’s colony.
  • Wilmot, Mrs. Precaution. Neighbor of young Lord and Lady Chatterton (Astley Cooper and his bride) in London; mentioned.
  • Wilson, Dr. Afloat and Ashore. Clergyman toasted at a party given by Mrs. Bradfort; mentioned.
  • Wilson, Charlotte. Precaution. Prudent childless sister of Sir Edward Moseley and widow of General Wilson, she is the social and spiritual mentor of Emily Moseley.
  • Wilton. The Ways of the Hour. A general cited as an example of one who, reputed to be wealthy, dies a debtor; mentioned.
  • Winchester. The Wing-and-Wing. First lieutenant on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Withered Hemlock That Still Stands. The Redskins. Epithet applied to Susquesus by visiting Indians.
  • Wolfe, Meek. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A vindictive clergyman, he is responsible for the punitive expedition that captures and executes Conanchet while that Indian chief is on a peacemaking mission.
  • Wolfeye. The Oak Openings. A Pottawattamie brave.
  • Wolfgang. The Heidenmauer. Aged burgher of Deurckheim.
  • Wompawisset. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. A savage from whom Conanchet saves the infant Ruth Heathcote.
  • Wood, George. The Ways of the Hour. Colleague of Thomas Dunscomb.
  • Woods, Rev. Mr. Jedediah. Wyandotté. Anglican clergyman and former military chaplain, he is a resident member of the Willoughby household at the Hutted Knoll.
  • Woolston, Dr. The Crater. Physician at Bristol, Pennsylvania, he is the father of Mark Woolston and his siblings.
  • Woolston, Abraham. The Crater. A brother of Mark Woolston, he becomes the first Secretary of the Woolston colony.
  • Woolston, Anne. The Crater. Sister of Mark Woolston and confidante of Bridget Yardley, she marries Dr. John Heaton.
  • Woolston, Charles. The Crater. A brother of Mark Woolston, he becomes the first Attorney General of the Woolston colony.
  • Woolston, Mark. The Crater. Youthful first mate of the Rancocus, he is shipwrecked on a volcanic reef in the Pacific and later founds a thriving colony there. He marries Bridget Yardley.
  • Worden, Rev. Mr. Thomas. Satanstoe. Rector of St. Jude’s, he is also Cornelius Littlepage’s preparatory-school teacher. In Albany he is often called the Loping Dominie.
  • Wren of the Woods. The Deerslayer. Chingachgook’s term of endearment for Wah-ta-Wah.
  • Wriggle, Gilded. The Monikins. Social pretender in Bivouac, Leaplow.
  • Wright. The Deerslayer. British sergeant.
  • Wright. The Ways of the Hour. Assistant to the District Attorney in the Mary Monson trial.
  • Writ. Home as Found. Lawyer who delivers the Fourth of July oration at Templeton.
  • Wurtz, Dr. Miles Wallingford. One of the physicians attending the dying Grace Wallingford.
  • Wyandotté. Wyandotté. Titular hero of the novel, he is a Tuscarora chief cast out by his own tribe. He is also called Nick and Saucy Nick.
  • Wychecombe, Agnes. The Two Admirals. Daughter of the Virginian Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, seventh baronet of Wychecombe, and Mildred Bluewater Wychecombe.
  • Wychecombe, Charles. The Two Admirals. Third oldest brother of Sir Wycherly Wychecombe (sixth baronet), he was an army officer killed in action before the time of the novel; mentioned.
  • Wychecombe, Gregory. The Two Admirals. The youngest of the four brothers of Sir Wycherly Wychecombe (sixth baronet), he was the grandfather of the male romantic lead, Lieutenant Wycherly Wychecombe (later seventh baronet); mentioned.
  • Wychecombe, Rev. Mr. James. The Two Admirals. Second oldest brother of Sir Wycherly Wychecombe (sixth baronet), he was a clergyman killed in a fox hunt before the action of the novel; mentioned.
  • Wychecombe, Sir Michael. The Two Admirals. He was the first member of the family to hold the baronetcy of Wychecombe, an honor conferred upon him in 1611 by James I; mentioned.
  • Wychecombe, Mildred. The Two Admirals. Daughter of the Virginian Sir Wycherly Wychecombe (seventh baronet) and Mildred Bluewater Wychecombe.
  • Wychecombe, Sir Reginald. The Two Admirals. Present head of the branch of the family descended from Sir Michael Wychecombe’s younger son. His estate is in Hertfordshire.
  • Wychecombe, Lord Thomas. The Two Admirals. Lawyer, judge, and baron, he is a bachelor who fathers three illegitimate children. He dies before his elder brother, Sir Wycherly Wychecombe (sixth baronet).
  • Wychecombe, Thomas. The Two Admirals. Eldest of Lord Thomas Wychecombe’s three illegitimate sons.
  • Wychecombe, Sir Wycherly. The Two Admirals. The sixth baronet of Wychecombe, he dies during the novel at the age of eighty-four.
  • Wychecombe, Wycherly. The Two Admirals. Virginia-born, he is the son of Gregory Wychecombe and the father of Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, seventh baronet.
  • Wychecombe, Wycherly. The Two Admirals. A Virginian by birth, he is the male romantic lead in the novel, marrying Mildred Bluewater. A lieutenant in the British navy, he later inherits the family title to become Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, the seventh baronet.
  • Wychecombe, Wycherly. The Two Admirals. Son of the Virginian Sir Wycherly Wychecombe, seventh baronet, and Mildred Bluewater Wychecombe.
  • Wyllys, Mrs. The Red Rover. Mother of Henry de Lacey, wife of Paul de Lacey, and sister of the Red Rover. Only at the end of the novel are her relationships with Henry de Lacey and the Red Rover recognized.

  • Xavier, Father. The Headsman. Genial Augustine monk and clavier of the Bernardine convent, he performs the marriage rites uniting Adelheid de Willading and Gaetano Grimaldi the younger (alias Sigismund Steinbach).

  • Yaap. Satanstoe. See Satanstoe, Jacob.
  • Yardley, Dr. The Crater. Rival of Dr. Woolston, he disapproves of the marriage of his daughter, Bridget, to Mark Woolston.
  • Yardley, Bridget. The Crater. Sixteen-year-old daughter of Dr. Yardley, she weds Mark Woolston secretly and without their parents’ consent.
  • Yarn, Robert. The Water-Witch. Sailor on the Coquette.
  • Yelverton. The Wing-and-Wing. Third lieutenant on the British frigate Proserpine.
  • Yetty. The Ways of the Hour. See Jette.
  • Yo. Afloat and Ashore. Variant for the name of Joe, the black cook on the Crisis.
  • Yocommo. The Deerslayer. Delaware deserter who kidnaps Wah-ta-Wah and then joins the Hurons. He is most often referred to as Briarthorn, the English translation of his name.
  • Yoke, Sam. The Two Admirals. Coxswain on the British warship Caesar.
  • Yop. The Redskins. See Satanstoe, Jacob.
  • Young Eagle. The Pioneers. Delaware nickname for Edward Oliver Effingham.
  • Ysabel, Doña. Mercedes of Castile. See Isabella.
  • Yvard, Raoul. The Wing-and-Wing. Commander of the French privateer Feu-Follet, he is cited throughout the novel as “our hero.” He is killed in a battle with British sailors near Sorrento.

  • Zantzinger, Friedrich. The Heidenmauer. Potential suitor for the hand of Meta Frey; mentioned once.
  • Zephyr. The Water-Witch. Ten-year-old cabin boy of the Water-Witch.