Author Index

This index lists authors of articles and papers on James Fenimore Cooper and/or Susan Fenimore Cooper. Institutional affiliations refer to the time of the articles’ original appearance. As a matter of general policy, we do not indicate academic titles.







  • Faherty, Duncan (City University of New York Graduate Center), “A Game of Architectural Consequence” : Susan Fenimore Cooper’s Dissolving View. How SFC’s detailed knowledge of natural history affected her writing; notably her optimistic 1852 essay “A Dissolving View.”
  • Fanuzzi, Robert (St. Johns University), Empire of Tears. Cooper (and Catharine Maria Sedgwick) used a feminized historical novel to transform the Indian captivity tale into the sentimental novel.
  • Fiedler, Leslie A. (SUNY Buffalo), James Fenimore Cooper: The Problem of the Good Bad Writer. Cooper’s “schlock” reveals American culture’s racist, sexist, imperialist, and genocidal underside.
  • Finlayson, Alan James (Independent Scholar), Re-Evaluating “The Canadian Cooper”. Argues for proper understanding of Canadian novelist Major John Richardson in light of portrayals by Cooper scholars that seem incomplete or unfavorable.
  • Foulon, Jacqueline (Université de Paris), Landscape as Referential Paradox in The Last of the Mohicans. The use of landscape to create a fictional past.
  • Foulon, Jacqueline (Université de Paris), A Letter to His Countrymen. An analysis of Cooper’s message.
  • Foulon, Jacqueline (Université de Paris), Breaks and Continuities in Cooper’s Representation of the Indian. Four different approaches to Indians, as represented in The Pioneers (realism); The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish (idealistic imagination); Wyandotté (disillusion); and The Oak Openings (“a new Eden”).
  • Francis, Dr. John W. (Cooper’s friend and physician), Reminiscences of Cooper. In Memorial of James Fenimore Cooper (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1852), pp. 94-103. An account of Cooper’s death, and memories of the Bread and Cheese Club, and Cooper’s interest in theatre and music.
  • Franklin, Wayne (Northeastern University), Cooper and New York’s Dutch Heritage. Cooper’s exceptional understanding of New York Dutch rural building practices.
  • Franklin, Wayne (Northeastern University), The Last of the Coopers. Significance of James Cooper’s 1826 legal change of his name to James Fenimore Cooper.
  • Franklin, Wayne (Northeastern University), Introduction: Becoming James Fenimore Cooper.The American Neptune, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Fall 1997), pp. 299-314. Overview of the biographic study of Cooper; biographic, psychological and literary aspects of Cooper’s 1826 assumption of “Fenimore” as a middle name.
  • Franklin, Wayne (Northeastern University), Cooper as Passenger.The American Neptune, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Fall 1997), pp. 351-357. How Cooper’s favored status as a Captain’s protegé on the Stirling in 1806-07 affected his attitudes towards the sea both in his life and in novels such as Homeward Bound. (1838).
  • Franklin, Wayne (University of Connecticut), “Everything was Subordinated to Him”: Cooper’s Resistance to Lafayette. Keynote Address. Cooper and Lafayette.
  • Franklin, Wayne (University of Connecticut). Cooper in the Netherlands. Cooper’s Visits to the Netherlands and Belgium (1828, 1830, 1832) and his writings about New Netherland, especially The Water-Witch (1830).
  • Franklin, Wayne (University of Connecticut),  The Prairie, Space, and Aesthetic Pleasure